Harden looked at Su Lang as if he was going to eat him in one bite, and he was a little restrained.

He just wants to see how much worse his quality is compared to NBA professional players.

That's why he stood up and challenged Su Lang.

But now Su Lang's eyes did make Harden a little scared.

Su Lang's eyes now are like the feeling that Harden wants to fight with the other party when he meets a beautiful woman.

So in the face of Su Lang's cannibalistic eyes, Harden couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Instantly retreated.

"Brother Su! If not, I'd better do strength Xi! Harden

wanted to run away.

But the next second, Harden stopped where he was.

Because his arm was grabbed by Su Lang.

"Brother Su! I was wrong! I don't do it!

Harden looked at Su Lang without tears.

Su Lang was instantly stunned!

Engage in base?

Harden, your uncle!

He didn't expect Harden to think he wanted to get a base.

The green tendons on Su Lang's head kept beating, and he finally suppressed the explosive emotions in his heart.

Curry on the side couldn't help it at all at this time, holding his stomach, and the corners of his mouth kept shaking.

Su Lang! You also have today!

Curry watched Su Lang eat deflated, and became more and more happy.

After Su Lang heard Curry's laughter, he glared back at Curry.

Curry pouted triumphantly.

"Come on! Singled out! Eleven points! American heads-up rules!

Su Lang directly grabbed a ball and threw it to Harden.

Su Lang didn't dare to imagine that if he continued like this, Harden, a fool, would say anything more amazing.

The reason for choosing the American heads-up rule is very simple, now Su Lang is very unhappy, if the American heads-up rule is used, Harden will be even more miserable.

Harden took the basketball with a puzzled look on his face, and watched Su Lang's head burst out.

I still don't understand that I made a big oolong just now.

At this time, Curry, who was in the distance, gave a thumbs up directly to Harden.

You are truly brave!

Harden's heart instantly became excited.

He thinks Curry is cheering him on.

But Curry meant to admire Harden's courage.

actually took the initiative to challenge Su Lang.

If you can not be beaten out of, you must be the number one person in the future.

"So be it! Since it's an American heads-up rule, I'll be the passer! Curry

stepped forward at this point.

Harden handed the basketball to Curry.

Then Su Lang and Harden stood at a 45-degree angle outside the three-point line.


Curry, this guy doesn't know, where did he find a whistle.

A serious blow was blown.

The whistle fell, and Curry threw the basketball directly to Harden.

Harden leans sideways to receive Curry's pass.

He had already thought about it, and the moment he received the ball, he directly threw Su Lang away with an explosion.

Su Lang was caught off guard.

But Harden knew right away that he was wrong! What a naïve mistake!

Syllable! Harden just picked up the basketball.

Su Lang directly accelerated with a stride and stuck in front of Harden.

Now there is no room to shoot, not even to accelerate and break through.

Harden made Su Lang angry, so Su Lang didn't show mercy as soon as he came up.

It's directly a death entanglement.

Su Lang's death entanglement, even if it is the top attacker in the league, will have a headache.

Not to mention Harden, who didn't evolve to a beard.

Curry on the sidelines has already started the timer.

5! 4! 3! ......

Hearing Curry shouting less and less time, Harden's heart panicked.

Directly opened Su Lang in front of him with his head, dribbled and took a step across and chose to make a strong throw.

But it was clear that he didn't get rid of Su Lang. Su Lang directly gave Harden a big hat that covered the sky.

The basketball was directly fanned out by Su Lang.

Harden froze in place with a confused expression.

Su Lang smiled, came directly to the three-point line, and swapped positions with Harden.

At this time, Curry also picked up the basketball.

Curry flicked his wrist and threw the basketball to Su Lang.


Su Lang received the ball, and Harden wanted to replicate Su Lang's previous defensive strategy.

But he overlooked one point, his defense was not as strong as Su Lang's.

At the moment when Harden rushed up, Su Lang made a feint to the right, and then turned around directly, and before Harden

could react,

Su Lang had already broken through from the left side.

A dribble! Dribble twice! Three dribbles!

After three dribbles, Su Lang got up and flew directly to the basket.

Boom! With a loud bang, Su Lang directly completed a dunk.

Only Harden was left waiting with a pair of big eyes like light bulbs, looking at Su Lang with a shocked expression.

Is this shocking! Your nightmare has just begun.

You'll soon experience what despair is.

After Curry saw Harden's expression, he shook his head helplessly.


The next heads-up was exactly what Curry had imagined.

In the American heads-up rule, Harden faced Su Lang's defense within five seconds, and he couldn't do a complete attack at all.

Harden's face began to grow unlovable.

originally wanted to feel the strength of NBA professional players, but Harden didn't expect it to be so miserable.

That's right! When facing Su Lang, under the American heads-up rules, Harden couldn't even make a move.

In fact, Harden is not so unbearable, mainly because Su Lang is too inexplicable under the rules of American heads-up.

Su Lang's tall body and ultra-long arm span occupy a huge advantage in the American heads-up.

It is conceivable that in a five-second moment, it will take a lot of time to break free from Su Lang's defensive sense, and it will not be too difficult to complete the attack in the remaining time.

[Negative Sentiment from Harden +1000] [Negative Sentiment from Harden +1000] [Negative

Sentiment from Harden +3000]


The result was unexpected, Su Lang directly 11:0 and shaved Harden's bald head.

Harden sat under the basket with a suspicious expression on his face, and the bearded Harden was stunned and was beaten into a second by Su Lang.

He really couldn't figure out why the gap with Su Lang was so big.

A smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

After the process of going head-to-head with Harden just now, Su Lang gained a total of more than 8,000 negative emotions before and after.

That's a lot of money.

"Hey! Harden! Do you want to do it again!

Su Lang looked at Harden with a smile.

Harden, who was doubting his life, turned his head to look at Su Lang after hearing Su Lang's words.

For a moment, it was as if I had returned to the desperate scene just now.

Harden just wanted to say no.

Su Lang spoke again,

"This time you don't need the American heads-up rules!" We can feel free to do so! Eleven points!

Su Lang said with a smile.

Harden, who originally wanted to refuse, instantly had a light in his eyes.

If you don't use the American heads-up rules, you might still have a chance!

Harden instantly felt like he could do it again.


Harden agreed to Su Lang's invitation.

After Curry saw this scene, he was instantly speechless and directly reached out and patted his head.

This product is too naïve! That's fooling!

He wouldn't really think that he could win against Su Lang!

Poor child! Hope this won't be your nightmare!


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