Because this time it's not an American heads-up rule, Curry doesn't have to pass the ball on his side.

However, Curry is still intimate and serves as a referee for two people.


Curry blew the whistle.

Su Lang directly hit the ground and washed the ball and passed it to Harden.

After Harden received the ball, he stared at a pair of big eyes.

The expression is so silly!

Su Lang almost couldn't help laughing.

This time there is no limit to the time and number of dribbles.

Harden is clearly much more relaxed.

After two threatening feints in a row, Harden began to move with the ball.

After consecutive crotch dribbles, Harden broke through directly to the side. Got into it from Su Lang's side.

Su Lang followed behind Harden.

After coming to the basket, Harden threw it, and the basketball fell directly into the Nets.

"Hey! Harden! Well done!

Su Lang gave a thumbs up directly to Harden.

Harden had a smug look on his face.

Really! If it's not an American rule, you can still do it yourself!

Curry watched Su Lang praise Harden and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Su Lang, this guy is really hypocritical!

Curry seemed to remember the time when Su Lang deceived him before.

In the previous heads-up, Curry lost himself step by step in the praise of Su Lang.

Later, Curry realized that Su Lang was too insidious.

Su Lang chose to do this in order to ravage himself for a while longer.

Just like just now, Su Lang followed behind Harden and could obviously block Harden's layup.

But Su Lang gave up.

Then he praised Harden with a hypocritical face.

That's enough!

Curry couldn't help but feel pity for Harden.

Sure enough, in the next time!





Every time, Su Lang will give Harden some chances, but Harden just can't win the game.

Harden felt that he could do it every time, but in the next second, Su Lang directly took away the game in a wave.

After ten rounds of heads-up, Harden's physical strength was exhausted, and his

breath began to become chaotic.

Su Lang also noticed Harden's status.

"Alright! That's it for today! Come back tomorrow" "

Come on! I feel like you've improved a lot! Maybe you'll be able to win me tomorrow,"

Su Lang smiled and patted Harden on the shoulder.

Harden looked at Su Lang with a skeptical expression on his face.

Why did he feel like he was being masochized in one way just now?

Ignore Harden's doubts.

Su Lang turned to look at Curry directly.

"Hey! Stephen! Do you want to have a few heads-up games with me, my stamina is depleted a lot now! Maybe you have a chance to win me,"

Su Lang set his sights on Curry.

Curry glanced at Su Lang angrily.

"Let's eat the fart!"

Curry threw Su Lang directly.

Now Curry understands that Su Lang's words are absolutely not credible.

What consumes a lot of physical strength!

Curry can guarantee that as long as he goes up and fights alone, Su Lang will definitely come back to life with full blood, and then beat him out of.

He won't be fooled!

Anyway, who loves to go heads-up! Who goes!

Curry was determined not to pay attention to Su Lang.

Su Lang looked at Curry's resolute refusal, and then showed a regretful expression on his face.

Depend on! Curry is getting harder and harder to fool!

How did he know that he still had a lot of energy?

Now that Curry found out, Su Lang didn't pretend anymore.

The originally rapid breathing became calmer, and the pretended tired look on his face returned to normal.

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +3000]

After seeing this scene, Curry directly raised a middle finger at Su Lang in his heart.

Your uncle's Su Lang! Be a person!

Shouldn't I give you a little golden man!

What a fucking acting!

Facing Curry's eyes, Su Lang smiled indifferently, and then walked to the sidelines and began to rest.

Just now, he went head-to-head with Harden, and Su Lang got a total of 50,000 negative sentiment points.

Although the heads-up rules were later changed, Su Lang was even releasing water throughout the whole process, and the base of the negative sentiment value provided by Harden was reduced a lot.

But in the long run, Harden will always feel like he has a chance.

Su Lang can also always pick wool from Harden's body.

It's better than using the American heads-up rules and beating Harden to death with a stick.

These experiences were all summed up by Su Lang from Curry.

It can be seen what Curry experienced in Su Lang's hands before.

Wool! I'm a professional!

A satisfied smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

But then Su Lang's eyes were on Curry.

After the current Curry brain is upgraded to version 2.0, it is simply smart to death.

Su Lang's previous methods, now Curry is not fooled.

How could Su Lang endure a stable source of negative emotions and run away.

Thinking of this, Su Lang started a new plan in his heart, a plan tailored for Curry.

Curry, who was practicing Xi on the side, didn't know that Su Lang had begun to dig a pit for him in his heart.

If he knew, Curry would have taken a taxi overnight.


In the next few days, Curry found that Su Lang seemed to have changed sex.

I don't want to be the same as before, staring at him.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Curry's heart directly raised his vigilance.

After facing Su Lang for a long time, Curry feels that he has the potential to be an agent.

"Hey! Danny, Gibson! Come here!

After Su Lang finished today's military training for Harden, he turned directly to the direction of Danny Green and Gibson.

Harden, who looked skeptical, stayed where he was.

Curry was also very puzzled, what Su Lang wanted to do.

Could it be that he was not fooled, and this guy Su Lang shifted the target to other people?

"Danny, Gibson! If nothing else, after the new season starts, you will join

the team" "So, I think it is necessary for you to Xi, some cooperation in our Warriors, and then you can quickly integrate into the team's system"

Su Lang said to Danny Green and Gibson.

Danny Green and Gibson had excited looks on their faces.

Su Lang is right, if Su Lang helps, they can get familiar with the Warriors' system as soon as possible.

When they go to team training, they will definitely integrate into the team very quickly.

It will also make a good impression on the head coach of the team.

It also means they can get a chance to play.

They really didn't expect that Su Lang would waste his training time to help them.

Curry also heard Su Lang's words here, and walked over directly.

Obviously, Su Lang is giving a small stove to the future Warriors players.

Curry naturally can't let go of this opportunity, and Curry will also play at the beginning of the new season.

So Curry also wants to learn some of the team's system early.

"Hey! Stephen! What are you here for? Aren't you going to train? Hurry up and go to shooting practice, we won't bother you!

Su Lang looked at Curry who came over and said with a serious face.

Curry's footsteps came to a halt.

Looking at Su Lang's beaten expression, Curry's whole person became bad.

Su Lang! Your uncle's! You're ruthless!

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +5000]


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