There was an air of despair in the Rockets' bench.

The fans of the entire Oracle Stadium have gone crazy.

There's nothing more refreshing than the first game being a feast of slaughter after not watching a game in months.

"Hey, it's forty minutes! Do you want to take a break! Even if you don't play in the fourth quarter, you won't be able to make any waves on the other side,"

Don Nelson came to Su Lang's side.

I don't know if it's his delusion, he feels that Su Lang's desire to attack and defend today is particularly strong.

Don Nelson just thought that Su Lang hadn't played for several months, so he was so excited.

But what he didn't know was that Su Lang wanted to beat Team Rocket out of.

"No need!I haven't played enough!I want to see how much the maximum score difference can get,"

Su Lang said with a faint smile.

I'll wipe it! Don't you think the other side is not miserable enough! The other side is doubtful that you have beaten him! Don

Nelson glanced at Su Lang angrily.

"Don't do that! In that case, we and Team Rocket will be mortal enemies!" Don

Nelson couldn't help but feel a pain in his head.

He didn't really care about that, but if he did.

In the future, the Rockets and Warriors will be in a situation that will not stop.

This is naked humiliation.

"Hahaha! Are there still few of our mortal enemies? Anyway, there are not many of them! Let me be willful once in this game!" Su

Lang looked at Don Nelson with a smile.

"I'm convinced of you! I don't care! But you have to take it easy, and be careful of the other side of the trouble! I don't want you to get hurt at the beginning of the season"

Don Nelson looked at Su Lang angrily.

"Hahaha! don't worry!" Su

Lang smiled and raised the towel in his hand.

In fact, Don Nelson is very tolerant of Su Lang, and it can even be said that he is doting.

If you are the manager of another team, if you dare to ask for it.

If the head coach doesn't spray you with blood, then he will live in vain. ,

Curry is also the first time to see Su Lang have such a high voice in the team.

Even the manager was willing to accommodate him.

As soon as I think of this, Curry feels that my future life is hopeless

! Don't call it the Golden State Warriors in the future, just call

it Su Lang's team! This fucking team is Su Lang's people from top to bottom, and the head coach listens to Su Lang, and this is a fart!

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +1000].



the end of the break,

players from both sides returned to the court.

Team Rocket's side erupted instantly. Adelman

threw the tactical board in his hand directly to the floor.

Because he saw that the Warriors still maintained the main lineup

, what does this mean!

The point difference has reached forty points, even if the Warriors can't score a point in the fourth quarter,

the Rockets have few chances to win the game.

What's more, Su Lang and Curry have two super firepower points on the court.

The margin could only be bigger

! This is a naked humiliation of them!

Adelman gritted his teeth and looked at the Rockets players.

"! them to death!" the

members of Team Rocket also showed anger in their eyes.

They can accept losing the game.

But now it's humiliating

them! You can't kill them!

It's like tearing their faces off and throwing them on the ground and stepping on them a few more times.

"Hey, there's really nothing wrong with us doing this!" Curry

looked at the menacing appearance on the other side, and his heart was a little drumming.

"Hahaha! It's just a toothless tiger, don't be afraid!

If you lie down and be abused, I may be a little lighter, now it seems that you really want to die!

Su Lang's eyes looked at the players of the Rocket team.


When the whistle blew at the end of the game, the entire Oracle Stadium crowd erupted.

They witnessed the birth of history.

Don Nelson off the field looked at Su Lang, who was cheered by the fans, speechless.

Looking at the Rocket players on the other side who were eager to eat Su Lang, he sighed helplessly.

The score on the court was fixed at 138:77

The Warriors defeated the Rockets by 61 points at home.

Although in the fourth quarter of the game, the players of the Rockets were desperate.

But they still couldn't stop the three-point bombardment of Su Lang and Curry.

Su Lang scored 45 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 blocks and 3 steals.

He made 10 of 18 three-pointers.

Curry, for his side, also recorded 33 points, 2 rebounds and 9 assists.

He made 8 of 17 three-pointers.

Su Lang and Curry combined for 78 points.

Davidson College's twin guns showed their fangs for the first time in the NBA.

Su Lang also fulfilled his pre-game promise and let Curry blow up in Game 1.

And the promise to beat the Rockets out of the.

It can be seen from the angry eyes of the Rockets players when they leave the court that Su Lang has left a deep impression on them this time.

Su Lang quietly pulled Andris when everyone was cheering.

"Hey, go to the locker room and prepare a few buckets of ice water, you know what to use it for!" Su

Lang looked at Andris with an expression that he knew.

Andris instantly understood what Su Lang meant, and nodded with a wicked smile.

This is what the old bird likes to do most for rookies.

I saw that Curry and Su Lang were very close before, so the Warriors players didn't dare to do too much, even though Curry was a first-year rookie.

But now that Su Lang has spoken, they can have something to play.

Andris pulled Brandon White directly and the two disappeared into the players' tunnel.

Curry is still being interviewed on-site.

I didn't know that Su Lang had sold him at all.

"Hey, I'll go first!" Su

Lang pretended to say hello to Curry easily, and walked directly to the player's tunnel.

As Curry was being interviewed, doubts ran into his mind.

This is very unsatisfactory! It

stands to reason that Su Lang shouldn't have come to make trouble at this time?

Curry is even ready to make a fool of himself in front of the camera.

But Su Lang, this guy actually left without doing anything?

The more he thought about it,

the more Curry felt that something was wrong.

After the interview, Curry went to the door of the locker room.

When I opened the door, I saw that everyone was carefully organizing their things.

Curry shook his head speechlessly, apparently thinking too much about it.

Suddenly, a hint of vigilance rose in Curry's heart.

Damn! Why isn't that guy Su Lang here

! The calf is finished!

Curry only had this one thought left in his heart.

In the next second, a stream of cold ice water fell from the sky, directly pouring a cold heart on Curry, and his heart was flying.

"Hahaha!rookie!Welcome to the NBA

!" Curry, who has become a soup chicken, swears that he will never forget this voice in his life




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