Moments later, inside the Warriors' locker room.

Curry sat beside Su Lang like a chicken in soup.

looked at Su Lang with a look of resentment.

"Hey, Stephen, this is the NBA's rookie welcome ceremony, you don't have to look at me like that,"

Su Lang looked at Curry speechlessly.

"Hmph! I want to know now, what the welcome ceremony was like when you were a rookie last year,"

Curry asked as he looked at Su Lang.

"Hahaha! I don't seem to have any welcome ceremony, the main thing is that I'm too handsome, and they're embarrassed to do it"

Su Lang narcissistically pulled his hair.

"Your uncle's Su Lang! I can see through you"

Curry glanced at Su Lang speechlessly, and got up and walked directly to the bathing place.

Now Curry needs to clean up quickly, or else there will be a risk of catching a cold.

"That's right, Stephen, this is a good opportunity, I'll have a treat to a nightclub later,"

Su Lang poked Curry and said in a low voice.

"Damn, you're playing with me, and you're going to let me have a treat?" said

Curry, as if he had discovered something new.

"You don't understand this, although I have you covered, but you also have to quickly integrate into the team

" "The best way here is to spend money in the nightclub"

Su Lang said in a low voice.

"Alright!" Curry

said a little speechlessly.

These guys bullied him, and it's better to have him have a treat, grandma's! Rookies really don't have human rights!

After Curry took care of it, Don Nelson was already in the locker room when he returned to the locker room.

There is no way, Curry's performance today was too good, as a first-year rookie, he cut 30+ data in his first game.

If you don't take Curry to the press conference, I guess the reporters will go crazy.

"Let's go, let's go to the press conference together"

Su Lang said to Curry after seeing Curry come back.

Curry nodded, then tidied up and walked out with Su Lang and Don Nelson.

More than ten minutes later, the three appeared together at the press conference.

"Hello Mr. Stephen, do you feel about the 30+ cut in the first game"

"Hmm~ First of all, I would like to thank my team for giving me so much possession.

I would also like to thank my teammates, on and off the pitch, for helping me.

Finally, I would like to thank my father for making me where I am today,"

Curry said lightly after a moment's thought.

After hearing Curry's

answer, the media people in the audience lost interest.

The last thing they like about the paparazzi is the official answer.

Then he continued to ask Curry a few questions, and Curry answered them well.

Don Nelson on the side nodded in satisfaction.

Don Nelson was very satisfied with Curry's answer at the press conference.

When I thought of accompanying Su Lang to the press conference last year, every time I was like riding a roller coaster, I was terrified.

This year, there is no need for this, Curry looks much more stable than Su Lang.

Just as Don Nelson sighed in his heart, a media person in the audience stood up and looked at Su Lang, who was playing with a water bottle with nothing to do.

"Hello Mr. Su, do you have anything to say after you slaughtered the Rocket team by a big score in this game?"

Su Lang, who was originally bored, instantly became interested.

There was also a light in his eyes.

You've been waiting for you to ask me for a long time, and you've all gone to besiege Curry.

I finally remembered Lao Tzu.

Su Lang coughed lightly a few times, and then picked up the microphone in front of him.

"Hmm~ What I want to say is that I didn't expect that the Rocket team without Da Yao and Maddie would be so vulnerable.

You know, we didn't actually use all our strength.

I didn't expect that the score difference would be so big before the start of the game,"

Su Lang said with a smile on his face.

Curry pouted.

Hypocrisy! You didn't know that the score difference would be so big?

Before the start of the game,

you came to me and said that you were going to break down the other side.

It was meant to be intentional! I have to say that I was unintentional.

Hearing Su Lang's answer, the media people in the audience instantly raised their spirits.

Curry's unnutritious official answer before was about to put them to sleep.

Su Lang's discovery instantly made them smell the explosion point.

Is the friend of the reporter coming back again

?" "Mr. Su, recently the news of the breakup with the Rockets by Da Yao, a player from the Dragon Country, I don't know what you think?

As far as we know, you have a very good relationship with Da Yao in private?"

Don Nelson, who was on the sidelines, wanted to interrupt the question.

This is no small problem.

If Su Lang is really allowed to continue answering, the result will be difficult to say.

The main thing is that everyone knows now that this matter is a quagmire.

Don Nelson didn't want Su Lang to get caught up in it.

But Don Nelson was still a step late

, "I know what is going on, so this time I'm on Da Yao's side, I hope the Rockets can seriously think about it"

Su Lang said lightly.

As soon as Su Langlang's words fell, a noisy discussion sounded in the audience.

Obviously, from Su Lang's words, it can be known that Su Lang must know some insiders, and

when Da Yao held a press conference before,

he didn't throw out many valuable things.

But as a professional media person, I also smell something behind it.

It makes their hearts tickle.

Now I finally see an opportunity.

How could they let it go.

"Mr. Su..."

the reporters wanted to continue to ask questions.

"Alright, that's the end of the problem!" Don

Nelson stepped forward and stopped the matter from proceeding further.

"If there are no other questions, let's stop today's press conference,"

Don Nelson said,

and got up straight to leave.

Su Lang looked at Don Nelson speechlessly.

Old Tang! It's too much! I just want to pretend, and you can dismantle my platform!

After Don Nelson saw Su Lang's

eyes, his old face turned dark.

[Negative sentiment value from Don Nelson +1000]

Seeing that Don Nelson was about to leave, Su Lang had no choice but to leave with Don Nelson.

Only a group of red-eyed media people were left on the field.

It's just a little bit, they're just going to be able to dig into it.

But now it's all ruined by Don Nelson!

For a while, all the media people were full of resentment, looking at the back of Don Nelson leaving.

"Stinky boy! Some things are not as simple as you think! You give me a stop, don't get involved!" As

soon as he left the venue, Don Nelson said to Su Lang with a dark face.

"Okay, okay, I know it!" Su

Lang waved his hand helplessly and said.

In fact, he also knew that Don Nelson was for his good.

But this matter Su Lang must do.

I can only be sorry for Don!

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