After the press conference, Su Lang received a call from Da Yao.

"Ah Lang, you don't need to wade into this troubled water!" came

Da Yao's somewhat tired voice on the other end of the phone.

It seems that Da Yao's mood is not very good during this time.

"It's okay, Brother Yao! I know it in my own heart! You can rest assured that you can do it with them! I'm not afraid that things will get bigger! I don't believe that Stern, the old fox, will keep watching,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"Alas~ I don't want to go that far until I have to"

Da Yao said a little speechlessly.

"What are you afraid of! They have been cattle and horses for so many years, and they still want to bully us, if we don't talk about it, let's talk about the fans of the Dragon Kingdom, I want to see if the fans of the Dragon Kingdom say yes"

Su Lang said disdainfully.

"Don't do this! If you really want to mobilize the fans of the Dragon Kingdom, then the matter will be big,"

Da Yao reminded with some concern.

"Hmph, I'm afraid that the matter is not big, and they will be afraid when the matter is big!" Su

Lang looked like a bachelor.

"Alas~ I know your intentions, but I have my own way, so don't go to this troubled water"

Da Yao said earnestly.

"Okay! then in a month's time, if Brother Yao, your plan doesn't succeed, I'm going to enter!" Su

Lang's face showed a fierce look.

Defeating the Rockets is just the beginning.

If Team Rocket is not interested, Su Lang has a way to let them ask for their own hardships.


After hanging up Da Yao's phone, Su Lang's face became gloomy.

Although it was said to be a month, it was just Su Lang comforting Da Yao.

Su Lang is not as soft-hearted as Da Yao.

Soon, Su Lang's phone call called the dog-legged Bills over.

After seeing the news provided by Su Lang, Bills's face was a little worried.

"Boss! I really want to do this! This is going to break the sky,"

Bills was a little scared.

"Hmph, all I want is to stab the sky, or they really think we're bullying!

Don't worry! The sky is falling, and I am on top of it! What

are you afraid of!" Su Lang glanced at Biles.

After seeing Su Lang's determined expression, Bills gritted his teeth.

Now his net worth and life are tied to Su Lang.

If it weren't for Su Lang, he wouldn't be where he is today.

So he was ready to advance and retreat with Su Lang.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it!" Bills

said and walked out without looking back.

After Bills left, the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Now Stern, the old fox, will not be able to sit still

! Don't blame me! I'm

here to add fuel to your fire!

The time came to October 30 in the United States.

The Warriors ushered in the second game of their new season.

Suns from Phoenix.

At 7 p.m. national time, players from both sides entered one after another.

Curry is under a lot of pressure in this game.

Because the starting point guard of the Suns on the opposite side is none other than Steve Nash.

The No. 1 position in the league.

Last season, Su Lang played against each other when he was in the No. 1 position.

Steve Nash is a difficult character.

The game experience is very rich, and if Curry doesn't play well in this game, he will most likely be taught.

So when in the locker room, Curry didn't say a word.

The whole person numbly packed up his things.

In fact, Curry's heart is far from being as calm as his face, and Curry is panicking now.

After all, the last game just cut 30+, if this game was educated by Nash.

Curry can imagine how the outside media will spray him.

Su Lang also noticed that Curry was very nervous.

There was a speechless expression on his face.

Immediately, a wicked smile appeared on Su Lang's face.

He had a solution to the tension at the bottom of the box.

Su Lang was only used once last season, and Andris was his subordinate.

Thinking of this, Su Lang quietly approached Curry.

At this time, Curry's heart was in a mess, where could he still notice Su Lang.

Su Lang slowly approached Curry's back.

Slowly put your hands together, then bend your three fingers, leaving only the two abrupt index and middle fingers.

Su Lang

did not hesitate to make a direct move.

"Hey! It's in!" Curry

was instantly stabbed by Su Lang's thousand-year-old killing.


Seeing Curry's performance, a burst of laughter broke out in the locker room.

Curry hurriedly covered the chrysanthemum and turned his head to look behind him.

Sure enough, Su Lang behind him looked at him with a wicked smile.

"Su Lang, your uncle, you go to die!" [

Negative selling sentiment value from Stephen Curry +5000]

If it weren't for the pain that came out of the chrysanthemum now, Curry swore that he would definitely step forward and put down Su Lang, the damn guy.

"Okay! Why are you so excited! Didn't I see that you were nervous! Help you relieve it"

Su Lang smiled and stepped forward and hugged Curry.

"How about not being nervous now!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

"Damn! I'm not nervous anymore!My chrysanthemum is about to explode!You're too ruthless!"

Curry directly hit Su Lang's chest with his elbow, which can be regarded as revenge.

"Hahaha! Don't be ruthless, how can you be like this

! Relax! Isn't it just a Nash! Just blow him up!

When I played against him last season, I didn't feel anything, don't worry! As long as you don't get nervous, there will be no problems"

Su Lang continued to say with a smile.

At this time, Andris also stepped forward.

"Don't be angry, Stephen! Last year, I was stabbed in the heart by the boss's thousand-year-old killing. But it worked really well, and then I wasn't nervous,"

Andris looked at Curry with the same expression.

Curry was a little speechless.

Damn! Who are these people! It's okay to play for a thousand years every day! It's okay to be idle!

Although I'm not nervous now, the hot feeling coming from the chrysanthemum is really painful!

Curry looked at Su Lang with resentment again.

Sooner or later, Lao Tzu will poke him back!

At half past seven, the players of both sides began to officially enter the stadium.

The Warriors are playing away from home.

As soon as I entered, the Meixi Arena rang out with a crazy roar.

Curry's original mood of not being nervous has risen again.

"Hey, Stephen, take it easy, it's just a small scene!"

Su Lang approached Curry again.

Curry subtly covered his.

"Okay! I'm not nervous! you don't have to remind me!" Curry

then stretched out his right hand and swung it quickly, but his left hand still held his ground.

Seeing Su Lang turn around and leave with some regret.

Curry cursed secretly in his heart

! Your uncle's thing! It's not over! Looking at what he meant, he seems to want to do it again

! I have to be careful in this game!

Curry felt extremely tired for a moment.

Not only do you have to worry about Nash giving him a lesson, but you also have to worry about Su Lang's thousand-year-old killing!

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