Originally, the Rockets thought that after launching the Morey top bag, it would calm the anger of fans.

But he underestimated the fans of the Dragon Kingdom too much.

"Boss! The endorsement brand over there in Longguo wants to withdraw its investment!" "

Boss! The company in Longguo wants us to take down the stadium advertising!"

One notification after another, it gave the boss of Team Rocket a headache.

He didn't expect that Morey, an idiot, would cause the current situation.

If the advertising on the court is withdrawn, the contract has not expired, and the Rockets cannot accept new advertising endorsements, so what will be the view of the bare stadium at that time.

On the side of the Dragon Kingdom, they would rather lose money than disgust him.

The owner of Team Rocket picked up the phone on the table and wanted to notify the management of the meeting.

But the next second, there was a burst of blind tones on the phone.

"Boss! Our office system has been hacked!"

"!" the

boss of Team Rocket almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

He didn't expect these fans to be so crazy.


Early the next morning, Team Rocket issued another statement.

Because of some inappropriate behavior during Morey's tenure, the Rockets will be exposed to his employment relationship.

In addition, Da Yao's side also ushered in representatives of the Rocket Team.

"Mr. Yao, we are very sorry for what happened before, our boss is willing to make amends,"

the representative of the Rocket team lowered his posture very low.

"I don't need any compensation, I only have one request now, and that is the team to let me go! I don't want to stay in this place anymore,"

Da Yao said with a nonchalant face.

The successive events made Da Yao completely lose confidence in the city of Houston.

The representative of the Rocket team looked at Da Yao in embarrassment, and this time the bottom line given by the boss of the Rocket team was that he could not let Da Yao go.

Unexpectedly, Da Yao touched the bottom line as soon as he came up.

"I can't decide this matter! Mr. Yao can continue to think about it, the city of Houston actually has a very deep affection for

you" "

Needless to say! You can go! Since you can't make a decision, let someone who can make a decision come!"

Su Lang directly interrupted the other party's conversation.

Isn't it a little too late to play the emotional card at this time?

The representative of Team Rocket looked at Da Yao with an embarrassed expression.

"Ah Lang's opinion is my opinion!, you go!" This

time, Da Yao was unusually resolute.

The Rockets representative returned to Houston with a disgraced nose.

Shortly afterward, the owner of the Rockets called personally.

In the end, both sides made their own concessions.

Team Rocket's side can let Da Yao go.

But Da Yao needs to step up and help the Rockets eliminate the negative influence.

Da Yao's side also made a request, that is, Morey must die.

Many things before have Morey's shadow behind them.

Such a person Su Lang will not let go, and Da Yao will not let him go.

Driven by capitalism, the boss of Team Rocket was quick to make a judgment.

Morey must die! If Morey doesn't die, he will lose a lot!


time has already caused the owner of the Rockets to lose at least 700 million, and the stock of the New York Stock Exchange has fallen below the upper limit.

If he continues like this, he will go bankrupt.

To be honest, the owner of the Rockets did not expect that one team under his name would affect his other industries.

He also saw the power of the Dragon Kingdom for the first time.

To be honest, his heart was scared.

After getting the other party's promise, Da Yao appeared in the media spotlight for the first time.

Appearing with Da Yao was the temporary acting general manager of the Rockets.

The two sides staged a wave of plots under the spotlight, and some of the previous things were just misunderstandings.

Stern also took action, and began to suppress some of the previous news.

In just two days, the incident was over.

Come quickly, go quickly!

When Da Yao returned to his residence, he looked at Su Lang with a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much, Ah Lang, how can you let me thank you,"

Da Yao smiled for the first time in this time.

He didn't expect that what he had done for many months had no ending, and Su Lang only took two days to get it done.

"Hahaha! Brother Yao doesn't need to be polite, you don't need to be paid, someone has already paid"

Su Lang said with a grin.

In fact, Su Lang didn't expect that the harvest would be so big this time.

Stern and the owner of the Rockets, as well as Morey, probably knew that there was Su Lang's shadow behind this incident.

In the past two days, I hated Su Lang very quickly.

Su Lang's system has never been idle.

These three people alone provide more than 200,000 negative sentiment points.

The one who offers the most of them is actually the boss of Team Rocket.

It is estimated that when the other party was sleeping, he cursed Su Lang in his dreams.

"By the way, Brother Yao, this is a gift from the boss of Team Rocket"

Su Lang diverted from the previous topic and handed over an envelope.

Seeing that Su Lang didn't want to continue discussing the previous topic, Da Yao took the envelope.

After looking at it a few times, he handed it to Su Lang.

After Su Lang took it, a somewhat sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

In later generations, this annoying Morey finally ended up as he deserved.

The owner of the Rockets still has some skills, in order to show his determination.

directly launched his own relationship and gave Morey a bunch of charges.

Now Morey is not only frozen in his own assets, but also in prison.

It's dark enough.

Su Lang originally thought that the other party would pick it up high and put it down gently.

I didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless. Sure enough, capitalist people are all wolves, wolves who eat people and don't spit out bones.

In the last second, he still looked like he was going to keep Morey.

In the next second, he personally shot and sent Morey into the abyss.

At this time, Morey was sitting on the sofa in his house with a broken face.

And opposite him was a person from the police in the United States.

"Mr. Morey, someone has reported that you are illegally possessing weapons of mass destruction, privately involved in money laundering and other crimes, please come with us to investigate,"

said the police officer opposite, and at this time,

a police officer found a bazooka directly in the warehouse of Morey's house.

"That's not mine!" Morey

exclaimed excitedly.

"Get down, put your head in your hands!" all

the officers looked nervously at Morey.

After all, the fact that weapons of mass destruction have been found proves that their lives are in danger.

Morey smiled wryly, and then honestly lay on the floor.

In the next second, the police officers rushed up and directly handcuffed Morey.

Killing Morey didn't expect him to end up like this.

I'm just bullying a yellow-skinned monkey.

This kind of thing doesn't seem to him to be a big deal at all.

But reality hit him hard.

Morey, who calmed down, instantly figured out what was going on.

He knew he was now completely abandoned by Team Rocket.

And if he becomes like this, maybe there is a shadow of Team Rocket behind him.


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