The incident between Da Yao and Team Rocket finally ended with Morey's guy being imprisoned.

After settling this matter, Su Lang said goodbye to Da Yao and flew back to San Francisco directly.

Da Yao's side also began to entrust agents to contact some teams, and strive to complete this matter before the end of the trading period.

This side of San Francisco.

The Warriors' general manager's office.

"Don, I have a good idea right now,"

Chris Mullin looked at Don Nelson.

"What do you want to do!" said

Old Nelson as he looked at Chris Mullin, a little speechless.

"I want to get Da Yao to the Warriors, but I have a question right now, and that is whether Da Yao fits your system"

Chris Mullin looked at Nelson Sr.

"Everyone else calls me a mad scientist, I think you're really crazy,"

Old Nelson glanced at Chris Mullin speechlessly.

"And the Rockets may trade with any team that has been going on, but it is absolutely impossible to trade with our Warriors, don't forget that now our two families have become mortal enemies!"

Nelson Sr. sighed slightly.

"Hahaha! You don't have to worry about this matter, you just need to make some judgments about whether Da Yao can fit your system, and I'll take care of the rest,"

Chris Mullin said.

Old Nelson

looked at Chris Mullin, and thought to himself.

Where is this where there is a decadent face and facing to be fired by the Warriors.

Since when did this all change.

It seems that after Su Lang came to the Warriors, they were all transferred.

Su Lang seems to have brought all his good luck here.

Because of Su Lang, old Nelson can finally play his own style of tactics.

So it's not just Chris Mullin, but Nelson himself has also gotten a lot of benefits.

Judging from Su Lang's personal flight to Houston to solve this matter, Da Yao has a very important position in Su Lang's heart.

It doesn't seem like it's a bad thing to get Da Yao into the team.

The main thing is that the old guy in front of him has gone crazy now.

Of all the players associated with Su Lang, Chris Mullin must have a detailed report on his desk.

Chris Mullin thinks that as long as you follow the players around Su Lang, there will definitely be no mistakes.

As it turns out, if there is no sudden emergence this year, the position of General Manager of the Year will definitely fall on his head.

With Curry selected alone, no one can question Chris Mullin.

Not to mention the likes of Brewer, Gibson, and Danny Green.

And it is said that Chris Mullin's drawer and home have photos of Su Lang.

Chris Mullin bows every morning.

I hope Su Lang can bring him good luck.

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I watched Chris Mullin's crazy look.

Don Nelson thinks Chris Mullin would definitely do something like this.

After getting an affirmative answer from Don Nelson, Chris Mullin is once again in a new round of madness.

Da Yao is bound to win!!

And Su Lang didn't know that the Warriors were crazy behind everything.

Over time, the Warriors' record has come to a seven-game winning streak.

The Clippers, Grizzlies, Timberwolves, Kings, and 76ers were cut down by the Warriors one after another.

Su Lang and Curry formed two backcourt double guns.

It has become a hot spot in the alliance.

Many people didn't expect that Curry, who was full of doubts before, would be at the peak of his debut.

It has become a firepower point for the Warriors team that is not inferior to Su Lang at all.

A lot of people secretly slander the Warriors for what kind of shit luck they have taken.

Last year's Su Lang, this year's Curry. Any team that gets one of them can build a team around them.

The Warriors were good on their side, and they won two in one go.

Looking at his team at home, the crooked melons and cracked dates selected in the draft, I couldn't help but start to feel depressed.

It's November 13th.

The Warriors welcomed the strongest team at the start of the season.

Last year's Eastern Conference Finals champion, the Orlando Magic.

The existence of the Finals that can wrestle with the Lakers.

Before the game, many people thought it was a massacre.

Orlando Magic's slaughter of the Warriors.

The Warriors' run-and-gun will soon become a joke.

Barkley, TNT's sports commentator, even went so far as to make a big splash in the media.

If the Warriors can beat the Magic, then he'll run naked.

At night, Su Lang met the crazy media.

"Mr. Su Lang, do you have any thoughts on Mr. Barkley's bet?" Su

Lang stopped walking towards the court.

Barkley's previous post in the media, Su Lang also knew about it.

Unexpectedly, the original donkey ass time did not make him remember it for a long time.

Thinking of this, Su Lang's face showed a smile, and Da Yao asked Barkley to kiss the donkey's buttocks,

or let Barkley really run naked once.

It's kind of interesting to think about.

"I've heard about the bet that Barkley said, you can tell Barkley, I took the bet, if he loses, I hope he doesn't break his promise"

After speaking, Su Lang walked to the locker room without looking back.

After Su Lang left, the media directly fried the pot.

Su Lang openly faced off against Barkley, which was definitely a breaking point.

Soon Barkley, who was preparing for the live broadcast, received the news.

It just so happened that he was commentating on the game between the Warriors and the Magic today.

He came to see how Su Lang made him run naked.

What Barkley didn't know was that it was the most regrettable decision he'd ever made in his life.

At seven o'clock in the evening.

Players from both sides entered one after another.

The Magic, on their side, still have Howard as the core of the team.

This season, the Magic team has directly come to a big change.

The previous Turkoglu left Orlando.

Streetball king Alston also left the Magic.

But compared to these, the addition of Vince Carter is enough to make up for the trauma of the two leaving.

At the start of the season, the Magic's goal was the Finals.

Their squad is even stronger than last year.

They can indeed fantasize about it all.

That's why Barkley was so sure the Magic would slaughter.

Everyone on the Warriors' side has a bitter face.

Oracle fans thought the Warriors were afraid of defeat.

But they were wrong.

Su Lang on the court walked to Curry, who was warming up with a shot.

"Hey, Stephen, don't forget what I said in the locker room, if I lose, you'll have to run naked with me"

Su Lang smiled and patted Curry on the shoulder.

Curry, who was shooting, couldn't help but shudder.

He knew that Su Lang could indeed do such a thing.

Crazy! Completely crazy

! You like to run naked by yourself! You have to pull me!

Curry's eyes showed a look of resentment.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +1000]

Curry looked speechlessly at the top of the court.

This game must be exploding

! He doesn't want to accompany Su Lang, a madman, to run naked!

Curry has the same idea, and there are other Warriors players


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