The whistle blew at the end of the game.

The score was fixed at 125:102

The Warriors won by a big margin again.

Will their season has come to ten wins in a row.

And in this wave of ten consecutive wins, except for the first few teams that are fish belly teams, the other teams are very strong teams.

Especially the magic and knights in the triplet.

Therefore, the gold content of this wave of ten consecutive wins is still very high.

Su Lang scored 33 points, 11 rebounds and 5 assists in the whole game.

Curry scored 27 points, 8 assists and 2 steals.

James on the Cavaliers' side chipped in 32 points, 8 rebounds and 10 assists.

It's very interesting that this is just the score cut in the third quarter.

To be precise, most of the points were scored in the first two quarters.

Because from the beginning of the third quarter of the game, James was surrounded and suppressed.

The Warriors are still the familiar three-quarter clock-out.

Although James has performed very well, he has struggled to do it alone.

After the game, the players from both sides slowly left the court.

Don Nelson looked at the players in the locker room and finally decided to take Curry to the press conference.

In Don Nelson's impression, Curry is still relatively safe.

Now that the Warriors are on the right track, Don Nelson doesn't want to attract another wave of hatred because of Su Lang.

After all, Don Nelson has long understood the power of Su Lang's press conference.

"Alas~ Old Tang has a new love, but he forgets his old love!

Now I won't be taken with me at the press conference!" Su

Lang looked at Don Nelson with a playful expression.

Don Nelson gave Su Lang a blank look.

Nonsense! Why didn't I take you there, you don't know?

I'm afraid that another wave of bombs will be released directly at the press conference.

When the time comes, it will really become the public enemy of the alliance, but we will be the ones who will be uncomfortable!

[Negative sentiment value from Don Nelson +1000]

After Don Nelson left with Curry.

The phone rang suddenly.

Su Lang casually picked up the mobile phone in the wardrobe and glanced at it.

It turned out to be the news that this guy James gave him.

It said that there was something to talk to Su Lang about.

Then he gave Su Lang an address.

Su Lang didn't think much about it, and got up and walked out of the locker room directly.

Thinking about taking a shower when I got back.

Anyway, Su Lang also guessed what James wanted to do, and it was probably a matter of small video black data.

Soon Su Lang found the room according to James's prompts.

Pushed the door open and walked in.

There was no one in it.

Just then there was a clicking sound behind me.


Su Lang hurriedly turned his head and looked over.

By this time, the door to the room had been tightly closed.

There is a way to walk by the river, how can there be no wet shoes.

This time, Su Lang was calculated by James.

"Hey, James, I know it's you!" Su

Lang shouted out the door.

"Hmph, you don't have to pretend not to speak! If you don't speak, I know it's you! Hurry up and let me out!" Su

Lang shouted outside the door.

"Hey! You've found out! Don't pretend! It's me!" James

' voice came from outside the door.

"If you want to come out, you can give us back that little video from last time!" James

' angry voice came.

"What little video? I don't know!" Su

Lang still pretended to be stupid.

"Then you just wait, anyway, this guy Dwyane will be here later, if he tears you up, I can't help it"

James's voice came from outside the door.

Su Lang's teeth itched in the door.

I didn't expect Lao Zhan to look such an honest person.

actually calculated him by a wave.

Sure enough, you can't bully honest people!

I knew that I would have picked up my mobile phone before I came, so I could ask for help.

Who would have thought that James would give him a wave of salary draws.

Su Lang originally thought that James wanted a small video, but for the sake of insurance, Su Lang deliberately left his mobile phone in the locker room.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

"Hey, James, I don't have my phone with me, or will you let me go back and get it?"

Su Lang discussed with James outside the door.

"Don't even think about it!, or you will let us shoot a small video, so that we all have each other's handles in our hands, which is very fair to us"

James was obviously not fooled, and directly rejected Su Lang.

Let's eat fart! and shoot my little video!

I didn't expect you to be such an old Zhan.

Su Lang's brain was running rapidly, trying to find a way to break the game.

But Lao Zhan is determined to wait for Wade, the big cheek gangster, to arrive, and clean up a wave of Su Lang together.

Su Lang had a deep suspicion that the purpose of Lao Zhan's trip was not a small video.

It's to avenge the revenge that made him on the court before the wave and was blocked by Curry.

Grandma's! In the end, you still have to use your hole cards! Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills


Su Lang shouted directly,

and then kicked the ground with his foot.

There was a dull sound.

Then Su Lang tiptoed to hide next to the door.

"Don't pretend! I won't open the door anyway!"

came James' shout from outside the door.

Five minutes passed, and there was no sound in the room.

James wondered if there had really been an accident.

After all, claustrophobia is a common disease here in the United States.

Could it be that Su Lang really had an accident?

James approached the door with a little suspicion and put his ear to the door.

Not at all

!!Don't try to fool me

!"Hey!man!Don't pretend!I know you're okay!


James shouted into the room.

But James didn't wait for a response.

There was still silence in the room.

Damn! Nothing really really happened!

Ten minutes later, James couldn't sit still anymore.

He just wanted to get angry, but he didn't really want to hurt Su Lang.

If something really happens to Su Lang, then his conscience won't be able to get over it.

Damn, why hasn't that guy come yet!

James cursed angrily in his heart.

In the end, James still felt that his conscience could not pass.

The arm slowly rested on the doorknob of the room, and if James was given another chance, he would not have done so.

I'm just going to take a look, and there shouldn't be any problems!"

James comforted himself.

The next second, the door slowly opened, and James poked his head in.

As everyone knows, Su Lang, who was hiding on the side, already had a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

You're still too tender!

After the probe didn't see it, James pushed the door open again, and most of his body poked in.


next second,

James felt a huge force coming from his neck.

James woke up instantly.

James was also quick to react and wanted to leave the room directly.

But it was too late, and I finally waited for the opportunity.

How could Su Lang let it go

! Bang

! The door was closed! There was a loud sound in the room!

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