Wade, the big-cheeked gangster, hurried to the Cavaliers' arena and finally arrived.

In fact, James called Wade at halftime before.

Wade happens to be in Cleveland again. Originally, Wade's reason for coming over was very simple, that is, James said before that this time he would definitely be able to get back their black information from Su Lang.

So Wade's purpose in coming to Cleveland was to get the small video back.

However, James gave him a phone call.

said on the phone that Su Lang's thief is not dead, and the small video will not come back.

James is ready to die with Su Lang.

James also messaged him ten minutes ago.

Su Lang has been controlled by him.

As soon as Wade remembered that he had danced cha cha dance with James' dog before, he felt inexplicably irritable in his heart.

The pace of his feet has also become a lot faster.

Soon Wade was in the room that James had told him before.

Turning the key, Wade pushed the door open.

Then the whole person froze in place.

That's what you said to keep Su Lang under control

! Grandma's! I'm coming all the way! You're here to show me!

Wade looked at James on the floor, who was tied up like a caterpillar, and one foot was bare.

The socks on his feet were thoughtfully stuffed into James's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Wade directly burst into foul language.


[Negative Sentiment from James +5000] [Negative Sentiment from James +5000] [Negative Sentiment from James +5000

] [Negative Sentiment from Dwyane Wade +2000]

[Negative Sentiment from Dwyane Wade +2000].


Su Lang sat on the team's bus.

With a phone in his hand, he kept tapping.

It is estimated that Lao Zhan should have been discovered at this time.

This time, if Lao Zhan hadn't been deceived by his acting skills.

Maybe the unlucky one is Su Lang.

I remembered James who was tied up like a caterpillar in the room.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth involuntarily rose.

Click on the screen on the phone! Send!

This time I got Lao Zhan a wave, let's send him his little video.

Otherwise, after Lao Zhan was saved, it was really possible to run to San Francisco to find him desperately.

But send it back! Backup still has to be done

! Otherwise, how can he be worthy of the title of the little prince of backup!

Su Lang smiled and put the phone back in his pocket.

James on the other side looked at Wade, who was smiling and leaving with the video.

All thoughts are discouraged in his heart

! Grandma's! The big cheeks are not kind

! Why is it himself who is unlucky!

He took back the small video without doing anything.

This is not fair

! And that guy Su Lang! Don't let him see it!

Otherwise, you have to let him taste the fist of the little emperor.

No, there

will be one more item in the training in the future,

Su Lang's strength value is very strong.

One-on-one, it's a bit dangerous!

You still need to learn some self-defense skills Xi.

A depressed look appeared on James' face.


Where the Warriors are based.

As soon as the elder Nelson returned with the team, he received a notice from Chris Mullin.

said that there was something he needed to discuss.

Old Nelson came to the place on the second floor.

Found Chris Mullin's office and walked in.

"Hey, what the hell, you called me over in such a hurry!" Old

Nelson expertly opened Chris Mullin's wine cabinet and took out a bottle of whiskey from inside.

Poured myself a glass.

Recently, Nelson Sr. has been in a good mood, and by the way, the amount of alcohol has also started to rise a lot.

"Team Rocket's relent!" Chris

Mullin dropped a bomb directly.

"Hey, what the hell am I doing in broad daylight!, how is that possible?" said

Nelson Sr., looking at Chris Mullin in surprise.

Then old Nelson's expression became unsightly.

Something seems to have come to mind.

"What are the conditions you offered!You can't put Curry or Su Lang in the trading chips!"

Old Nelson's tone became bad.

Now Su Lang and Curry are the hearts and minds of old Nelson.

If anyone wants to touch them, it's up to old Nelson to do it or not.

And the old Nelson's suspicions are not unreasonable, except for these, he really can't think of what conditions Chris Mullin offers to make the Rockets agree regardless of their previous suspicions.

"Calm down, old man, I'm not crazy yet!" Chris

Mullin said quickly when he saw that Old Nelson's tone was not very good.

"Sit down!"

said Chris.

"If you dare to trade Curry or Su Lang, don't blame me for turning my face with you,"

Old Nelson sat down after speaking.

"Actually, the conditions I made are quite crazy, so that's why you're negotiating,"

Chris Mullin said.

"Don't sell it! I'm afraid I'll throw the glass in my hand,"

said old Nelson angrily.

Chris Mullin smiled awkwardly, he knew the temper of old Nelson, maybe he could really do such a thing.

Chris Mullin is not going to sell off.

I hope that after hearing this, Nelson Sr. will not be angry.

"My offer is that apart from Su Lang and Curry, the rest of the team is up to them,"

Chris Mullin said.

"There should still be!" Nelson

Sr. didn't believe that this condition would make the Rockets back down.

"And the 2013 and 2015 picks,"

Chris Mullin said next.

"You are indeed a madman!" old

Nelson gave Chris Mullin an angry look.

He didn't expect Chris Mullin to throw out the draft picks for the next two years in advance.

Although this draft pick is relatively old, no one can say what the future pick will look like.

Draft picks five years later, I don't know what Chris Mullin thinks.

It is estimated that the Rockets are also betting! The

draft picks for the next two years are indeed very attractive!

Chris Mullin is also betting that Da Yao is worth these two draft picks.

"Draft picks aren't really a big deal!" I weighed it and decided the situation was worth my madness,"

Chris Mullin said.

"But the important thing is that I put all but Su Lang and Curry on the shelf, and I don't know who the Rockets will pick if the deal goes through.

But I think it's likely to affect the balance of your run-and-gun tactics right now,"

Chris Mullin voiced his concerns.

Nelson Sr. also became silent.

Chris Mullin's concern is normal.

In addition to Curry and Su Lang, who are the core of the run, the others are also carefully selected by the old Nelson and are suitable for the existence of the run.

Once these people are lost, will the Warriors still be able to maintain their balance at the moment?

That's a problem

! So it's a gamble!

Chris Mullin's idea is simple, and that's to let Nelson Sr. weigh the stakes of it.

After all, the elder Nelson is the one who knows the team's tactical lineup best.

If old Nelson thinks that for the sake of Da Yao, he can take a risk.

Then Chris Mullin can completely let go of his hands and feet.

"I need to think about it!" Nelson

Sr. didn't give an immediate answer, he really needed to weigh it up.

"Okay, but don't waste too much time, I know that many teams are interested in Da Yao, and time waits for no one,"

Chris Mullin said slowly.


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