Soon the referee made a decision.

Martial Saint Jackson committed a second-degree malicious foul and was directly ejected from the game.

In fact, it stands to reason that Jackson can operate like this, whether it is a first-degree or second-degree malicious foul.

But the referee wanted to give everyone a warning.

They need to be honest.

So he was directly punished with a second-degree malicious foul and ejected Jackson.

Jackson couldn't escape the league's fines after the game.

However, compared to what Jackson gained, the price paid was insignificant.

As for Rondo and Curry, they were let go by the referee because of Jackson.

But it seems that there is no way for Rondo's side to continue the game.

The Moe God's counterattack just now was no joke.

Although Curry is reluctant to use these methods, when he is really bullied to the head.

Curry doesn't mind teaching the other side a lesson.

Rondo's ribs were directly broken by Moejin.

That's Curry's answer, and it would be naïve to think that he was a rookie and could be bullied casually.

"Well done!"

Su Lang patted Curry on the shoulder.

Curry gave Su Lang a blank look.

This kind of insidious trick can be studied by this guy Su Lang.

No wonder few people in Su Lang's rookie season dared to provoke him.

In the end, Rondo did not escape the fate of leaving.

After Rondo left the game, Doug Rivers began to scratch his head.

Don't look at Rondo as a point guard who can't shoot, but Rondo is the lubricant for the Celtics Big Three.

If you lose Rondo, the impact on the Celtic side is really big.

In the end, Eddie House replaced Rondo as the point guard on the court.

Seeing the eyes of the Big Three about to eat him, Eddie House was about to cry.

Don't! I can't afford to be a point guard like this!


At the end of the first quarter, the score was 26:25

The Warriors lead by one point.

Back-to-back still affected the form of the Warriors' players.

It was arguably their lowest first-quarter scoring game in recent times

Although Su Lang and Curry played well.

But the score still didn't pull away.

However, Su Lang knew that there was a hidden danger on the Celtics' side.

By now, all it takes is Su Lang to add a fire, and this hidden danger will explode.


The second quarter continued.

Players from both sides returned to the pitch.

Su Lang looked at Garnett under the basket, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

I'll take you under the knife!

The Warriors attacked the ball in the first round.

Curry had the ball through the half.

Eddie House had no advantage over Curry.

Besides, Eddie House is now like stepping on a tightrope on the pitch, terrified.

Curry's self-confidence is growing.

In the face of Eddie House's defense, he calmly observed the situation on the field.

Suddenly, Curry found that Su Lang had slipped into the corner.

As soon as he saw Su Lang's action, Curry knew that Su Lang definitely didn't hold back his fart.

But Curry likes Su Lang like this very much.

As long as Su Lang doesn't mess with him.

Su Lang, who slipped to the bottom corner, stretched out his finger at Curry and pointed upward.

Curry instantly understood Su Lang's thoughts.

The basketball in his hand was thrown directly.

At this time, Su Lang also came to the basket.

"Be careful!"

Lei Allen, who was opposite Su Lang, yelled directly at Garnett under the basket.

Garnett was also quick to respond, when Ray Allen's words fell.

Garnett knew what Su Lang wanted to do.

This goods wants to buckle him!

Garnett had a murderous look on his face.

You brought it on yourself!

Garnett made up his mind to drag Su Lang down.

As for the cover or something, Garnett didn't even think about it, Su Lang wanted to on his head.

Garnett doesn't have any reason to be a gentleman.

Su Lang had already flown into the air and grabbed the basketball.

At this time, Garnett also jumped up with a gloomy face, ready to hug Su Lang down.

Garnett didn't wait for Sue's powerful dunk.

Su Lang in the air gently touched the basketball.

The basketball shifted its position in the air.

Brat! I've got you covered! See if you can get hold of it!

Su Lang, who fell from the sky, thought silently in his heart.

At this time, a figure rose directly from under the basket like a monkey.

grabbed the basketball and smashed it into the basket.

This man was none other than Gibson, who had been bullied by Garnett for an entire quarter of the game.

Gibson didn't score a point in the first quarter.

He was already holding back his anger in his heart, and Garnett was constantly provoking him when he was on the throne.

Gibson has long wanted a chance to get a wave of Garnett.

I didn't expect this opportunity to come so quickly.

Gibson even did a pull-up in the air, not knowing if it was intentional or not.

Gibson rode directly on Garnett's shoulder.

Now Garnett won't do it!

was not blocked by Su Lang, but by a rookie, and it was in such a shameful posture.

I knew that this was better than letting Su Lang forget about it.

Garnett angrily pulled Gibson's leg away.

"Rookie! You're playing with fire! Don't leave after the game is over! I won't let you go!

Garnett said with a gloomy face.

This is Garnett's usual means of bullying rookies.

Basically all rookies will be terrified after hearing Garnett's words.

By the way, the next performance is also a thousand miles.

But this time Garnett miscalculated.

Gibson is a rookie from the Warriors, how can a rookie from the Warriors be extrapolated by common sense.

As we all know, the Warriors' rookies are quite fierce!

Gibson, on his side, faced Garnett's threat, was scared at first.

But remembering the previous performances of Curry and Jackson, Gibson didn't know where a force came out of his heart.

Directly glared back without giving in.

"That's it! The time and place you decide! Single-handedly or in a group, if you are afraid, it is Bichi"

Gibson replied directly.

This time it's Garnetmon's turn, are all the rookies hanging like this now!

Eventually, Garnett glanced meaningfully in Gibson's direction.

Su Lang gave Gibson a thumbs up directly.

Hard enough!

Gibson scratched his head shyly. As if it wasn't him who had just faced Garnett.

Celtic's offensive round.

Eddie House possessed the ball through the half.

Under the basket, Garnett directly turned around to break free from Gibson's defense, and at the same time stuck Gibson behind him.

I have to say that Garnett's business ability is still relatively strong.

Garnett asked for the ball directly behind him to Eddie House on the outside.

Eddie House thought for a moment and passed the basketball to Garnett on the inside.

Garnett made an unsolvable iron-blooded jumper and threw the basketball into the basket against Gibson's defense.

The last round was dunked, and this round immediately got back on the field.

There is no overnight revenge on the court, and if there is a revenge, it will be avenged on the spot.


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