By the middle of the second quarter, the situation on the court had quietly changed.

After Su Lang received Curry's pass in the bottom corner, he made a three-point shot directly.

In fact, Su Lang has a skill that has been ignored for a long time, and that is the bottom corner fort.

Su Lang, who has this skill in hand, has a better hit rate in the bottom corner than even in other positions.

The basketball goes straight across the arc and into the net.

Su Lang looked at Garnett defiantly.

How could Garnett's side endure it.

Turning his head, Garnett turned straight to Eddie House for the ball.

Look at Pierce and Ray Allen's eyes as they want to kill.

Eddie House was on the verge of crying.

Madan! Who told me what to do?

Who should I pass the ball to?

It stands to reason that Garnett is in a better position.

But there is one point, that is, Garnett, who was blocked by Gibson, unknowingly mastered more of the ball.

At first, Pierce and Ray Allen were fine.

Garnett was stabbed, and they understood Garnett's desire to fight back. \So

the two of them let Garnett do it.

But that doesn't mean Garnett can control the ball without limits.

It's not his team alone.

Originally, when Rondo was present, he could have adjusted these situations.

But now Eddie House is a novice, sandwiched between the three bigwigs.

Eddie House felt like he wouldn't be able to play anymore.

Who should the basketball be passed to?

"Hey! Rookie, I'm going to blow you up! This game will be a nightmare for your future career!

Garnett said viciously as he stuck Gibson's position.

At this time, Pierce directly used Perkins' cover to accelerate and rush outside the three-point line.

Reach out and ask Eddie House for the ball.

Eddie House subconsciously passed the basketball to Pierce.

"Hey! You can't even get a basketball, how can you beat me! Gibson

behind him directly let himself go, and in the face of Garnett's provocation, he fought back mercilessly,

damn it!

Garnett glared at Eddie House viciously.

As soon as he boasted about beating the other party in Haikou, Eddie House demolished him on his side.

This made Garnett's face somewhat unbearable.

After Pierce faced Brewer, he directly changed his direction continuously, and the feints were done in one go.

Playing with Brewer in the palm of his hand.

In the end, Pierce hit a difficult three-pointer from beyond the three-point line.

After scoring, Pierce looked at Eddie House.

Now you know who the basketball should be passed to!

Eddie House had no choice but to turn to Doug Rivers off the court.

Doughreaves was also irritated.

It's been three years! It's been three years and it's still like this!

Is the ball problem so difficult to solve?

Rivers still doesn't know the principles of the three bigwigs.

Before coming to Celtic, every single one of them was a star player.

Possession is not only about scoring with them, but most importantly about their face.

Each of them has its own pride in their hearts.

This can never be changed.

It's like you can't have a star player on a team to be your foil.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry passed the basketball to Su Lang.

Su Lang's side directly faced Lei Allen's defense.

Su Lang changed direction with two consecutive crotch dribbles, directly passed Lei Allen in one step, and rushed to the inside.

Pierce stepped forward directly to prepare to wrap Su Lang with Ray Allen.

That's what they did last season!

But this time Su Lang has Curry.

Su Lang waved his arm, and the basketball flew directly outside the three-point line.

Curry made a feint to shoot a basketball, shook off Eddie House, and rushed to the basket with an acceleration.

Pierce and Ray Allen were drawn to the other side by Su Lang, so after passing Eddie House, Curry's front was flat.

Only Garnett and Perkins were left in the basket.

When Curry came to the three-second zone.

He glanced at Gibson under the basket.

This scene happened to be seen by Garnett.

I still want to come to this set! Sound and attack, childish means!

Garnett thinks he's seen through Curry's tactics and ignores Curry completely.

Directly dead card owner Gibson.

Curry came to the basket without a hitch.

Then I put the basketball into the hoop as easily as I walked.

Garnett's whole body is numb!

Your uncle's! Can you act like this!

The Celtics' interior defense was easily rolled over by Curry like an early morning road.

Garnett has lost the adult again!

Pierce really wanted to ask Garnett if he had in his head.

It was so easy for Curry to walk in front of him and score.

The atmosphere in the Celts became even more eerie.

Coach Nelson Sr. on the Warriors' side is completely speechless.

I wanted to pass the defeat of this game to sober up the players.

What he didn't expect was that the Celtics were so weak.

Now on the court, it is clear that his own players are pressing the Celtics to the ground and beating.

The training plan was not successful, and the old Nelson simply did not bother.

Old Nelson just picked up the tactical board and started to conceive.

Now that the Celtics haven't reached the heights expected by the old Nelson.

Old Nelson won't be soft-hearted.

The game on the field became more and more abnormal, and at this time, the fans of the North Shore Garden Arena also calmed down.

Most of the fans who came to watch the game were veteran fans.

There are a lot of things that they can see as well.

Including the rhythm that the Celtics have messed up with.

Although Garnett can still beat Gibson on the inside, Pierce can easily bully Brewer.

But it's clear that now Celtic are on their own.

This is not good news for the game of basketball.


The second quarter ended.

The score was fixed at 58:50

The Warriors fought back-to-back conditions and actually led the Celtics at halftime.

This is something that fans at the North Shore Garden Arena did not expect at all.

Inside the Warriors' locker room.

Old Nelson pushed the door open and walked in.

Bang Bang Bang!

Nelson Sr. clapped his palms, grabbing the players' attention.

"I've laid out some tactics for the second half, so let's come and find out,"

Nelson Sr. looked at the crowd.

Su Lang came to Old Nelson's side and looked at the dense tactical board.

I couldn't help but grin.

"Old Don! You finally woke up, I thought you played with that girl last night"

Su Lang looked at old Nelson jokingly, and a burst of joyful laughter broke out in the locker room.

“fuck! It's not too big or too small, I'm your head coach, be careful that I press you to the bench"

Old Nelson looked like he was careful that I put on your little shoes.

Then seeing Su Lang's smile, Old Nelson couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Alas~ the prestige of his own head coach is getting lower and lower.

Solve online, what to do!


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