Spurs' offensive round.

Parker still handed the basketball to Duncan.

This time, Duncan's momentum was unconsciously reduced a lot.

The fans didn't find out, Popovich didn't.

But Su Lang saw it.

The consequence of Popovich's actions is that it affects the current Duncan.

Su Lang shook his head helplessly.

It's really sympathetic to have such a teacher on the stall.

Fans didn't wait for Duncan's raging basket.

Because Duncan didn't squeeze Gibson out of two back-to-back duels in a row.

When Duncan's momentum dropped, his body was no longer strong enough to support his outburst.

Gibson himself didn't know why he suddenly didn't fall behind in the confrontation with Duncan.

However, it is clear that Duncan's ability to fight in this round is a little weaker than before.

Duncan turned around and hit the board at forty-five degrees.

The basketball still fell into the hoop.

Although the attack was successful, something was lost.

It's the Warriors' turn to attack the round.

Curry controlled the basketball through half court.

Su Lang is still constantly interspersed with running positions.

The moment after shaking off Mason, Su Lang looked at Curry outside the three-point line.

Empty connection!

Curry understood the meaning in Su Lang's eyes.

But after seeing Zazapachulia on the inside, Curry hesitated.

Do you want to pass the ball!

Obviously, that guy was coming for Su Lang.

Do you really want Su Lang to take risks at this time!

Rely on your uncle's Su Lang! The Warriors aren't your one-man team!

The team's victory is also related to Lao Tzu!

The team doesn't need you to take risks!

Curry, who was outside the three-point line, gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the interior with an acceleration change of direction.

This time, Curry ignored Su Lang's wishes.

Although Curry could see that Su Lang wanted the idea of an empty connection.

But Curry didn't choose to pass the ball to Su Lang.

Su Lang, who had already run to the basket, sighed slightly in his heart after seeing this scene.

Immediately, Su Lang quickly pulled away from the defense and created opportunities for Curry.

Mason and Duncan's defenses were all pulled apart by Su Lang.

At this time, Curry also slapped the horse to the basket.

Pachulia under the basket reached directly to interfere with Curry's layup.

Of course, compared to the defense of starting center McDyce, Pachuria's defense is full of holes.

Curry made a direct shot from the high board, and the basketball fell into the basket safely.

"Hey! I know what you want to do, and if you do, I'll kill you!" Mark my words!

Curry said to Pachulia under the basket.

Then he won't run to the backcourt to defend.

A sneer appeared on Pachuria's face.

If he was afraid of threats, he wouldn't have done these things!

Obviously, Curry's words did not affect Pachuria's determination.

"Hey! Stephen, what do you want to do, do you want to seize power! Dare to pretend that you can't see me,"

Su Lang came to Curry's side and said when he returned to defense.

"Whatever you think, I really think you're the emperor of the Warriors, don't forget that the team still has me!"

Curry said lightly.

"Damn! If Lao Tzu is too emperor, what are you? Emperor? Aren't you fucking my son! Take advantage of me!

Su Lang looked at Curry playfully.

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +1000]

"Your uncle's Su Lang! Can you have a positive shape, there is a person over there who wants to abolish you!

Curry glanced at Su Lang speechlessly, Su

Lang smiled and did not continue to speak.

He did it on purpose, and everyone was nervous when Pachulia came up.

They are afraid of being persecuted.

Su Lang can't tell them that he is an injured insulator.

Curry was nervous, though.

In order not to let Su Lang be harmed, he actually chose to provoke Pachulia by himself.

After Su Lang finished teasing Curry, although Curry cursed Su Lang on his lips.

But the tight string in my heart still loosened a little.

For the rest of the first quarter, Pachulia looked like a good baby.

There is absolutely no idea of hurting others.

That's the difference between Pachulia and Bowen. Bowen will aim as soon as he is on the court.

Pachulia is even more adept at disguising herself.

As a hunter, you need to endure loneliness.

Several times Curry rushed straight in and provoked him.

But Pachulia didn't make a move, because his target was Su Lang from beginning to end.


The score at the end of the first quarter was fixed at 34:28

The Warriors led by six points.

Su Lang walked off the court with a not very good face and took the towel handed over by the staff.

Sit in your place.

Endure the calm for a while, take a step back, and the more you think about it, the more angry you become!

Rely on you, your uncle! This group of dogs dares to stand up to Lao Tzu!

That's right! After Pachulia came on the court, everyone began to protect Su Lang intentionally or unintentionally, starting with Curry.

Su Lang couldn't even touch the basketball.


Su Lang stood up and threw the towel directly on the chair.

"Enough of you one by one! It's not a small amount of courage! Dare to stand up for Lao Tzu!

Su Lang looked at everyone.

"Do I need your protection? If you dare to stand up to Lao Tzu in the second half, Lao Tzu will hammer you to death!

Su Lang looked at the silent crowd and said threateningly.

At the same time, I sighed slightly, grandma's! If you don't pass the ball to me, how can I Pachuria!

"Hey! Calm down!

Old Nelson patted Su Lang on the shoulder.

"Don't be too nervous, we can play however we want, we don't have to change deliberately"

Old Nelson turned to look at the crowd.

Su Lang raised an eyebrow at Curry.

See? Old Tang has spoken!

Curry rolled his eyes.



At the end of the break, players from both sides returned to the court.

The Spurs' first-round offense popped straight out of the box.

Turyaf grabbed the backcourt rebound and lost it directly to Curry.

Curry pushed forward quickly, and then saw Su Lang reaching out to him for the ball.

After thinking about it, Curry threw the basketball to Su Lang.

Pachulia didn't come back, Su Lang shouldn't be in danger now!

But after Su Lang received the basketball, he stabilized his rhythm directly outside the three-point line.

That's right! He was just waiting for Pachulia to come to the door.

Not surprisingly, Pachulia stopped directly in front of Su Lang.

Su Lang quickly changed direction under his crotch and rushed out directly from Pachuria's side.

Pachulia made a perfunctory interception.

Su Lang easily passed Pachuria.

Straight to the Spurs' basket.

Duncan, who had lost his explosive state, could only watch Su Lang complete a powerful slam dunk.


The entire basket was shaken back and forth by Su Lang's violent buckle.

At this time, Pachulia arrived at the basket belatedly.

The corners of Su Lang's mouth sneered.

Are you going to tiptoe dog stuff!


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