Su Lang fell from the sky, as long as Pachulia dared to stretch his feet.

Su Lang will let him follow in Bowen's footsteps.

Until Su Lang landed, Pachulia didn't have any superfluous movements.

That left the rest of the Warriors and Nelson Sr. off the court confused.

Could it be that they are overly nervous?

Only Su Lang knew that Pachuria's goods must have other plans.

Actually, Pachulia did this on purpose.

First, it can relax Su Lang's vigilance, and second, it can also create an illusion that he is weak.

In the end, even if he hurt Su Lang, he would spread his hands when the time came.

Who can blame him for being a weakling?

It was just an accident after a serious effort to defend.

Pachuria's heart sneered.

Spurs fans at the scene couldn't help it at this time.

After Pachulia came on the court, the inside line was simply unguarded.

Whether it's Curry or Su Lang, they can easily come to the basket and score.

Spurs fans have never seen such a wasted center.

Able to give away your own basket to others.

Duncan didn't break out during this time, and the revenge that fans were expecting didn't happen.

On the contrary, the Spurs gradually seem to have fallen into the disadvantage.

The accumulated resentment directly made the fans explode.

“fuck! This center forward is simply a soft egg! "

Substitution! This waste is not eligible to stay on the field! "

My grandmother's defense is better than his!"


Fans began to blame Pachuria.

Facing the pressure of the home fans, Popovich was also a little anxious.

What are you waiting for!

Popovich looked at Pachuria.

The accusations of the fans did not affect Pachuria.

It just made his heart even colder.

Wait! When I actually make a move, they'll shut up!

In the Spurs' offensive round, Duncan was targeted by Gibson.

Parker directly launched his own attack, and with the help of cover, Parker turned and killed the basket with a gyro.

The score was completed, and Parker himself fell out of bounds.

Turyaf quickly got the basketball, and before Parker could get up, he sent the baseline ball directly and quickly.

Curry quickly launched a counterattack after receiving the basketball.

directly found Su Lang who was about to go down with a long pass, and Su Lang completed the one-handed split.

In the next few rounds, the situation on the court turned back and forth.

The Spurs, on their side, relied on Duncan and Parker's desperate offense to stabilize the point difference.

And Pachuria, who is on the inside, is still vulnerable.

The rest of the Warriors relaxed.

Only Su Lang stared at Pachuria.

Dogs can really endure it!

This round of the Warriors' offensive round.

Su Lang receives Curry's pass from outside the three-point line.

Gibson stepped forward directly to block Su Lang.

Duncan had no choice but to elevate his defense to near the three-point line.

Although in this game, most of Su Lang's offense rushed to the basket.

But Su Lang's three-point shot cannot be ignored.

Su Lang directly passed Mason with the help of cover.

Then he took a big stride away from Duncan and went straight to the basket.

At this time, the Spurs only had one Pachulia left on the inside.

Seeing Su Lang rushing in, Pachuria's heart sneered.

It's finally here!

Pachulia is not ready to continue in disguise this round, and this opportunity is very good.

Su Lang approached the position three steps away from the basket, and directly stepped into the air with a step.

The corners of Pachuria's mouth sneered, and Su Lang came to the air, which meant that Su Lang had no way to avoid him.

Pachulia had no idea of jumping at all, raised his arms high, as long as Su Lang approached him, Pachulia would directly exert his strength to fly Su Lang.

If you fall from such a high place, you should be injured!

But it doesn't matter, when the time comes, I will pretend that my feet are unstable and fall over.

I smashed my weight of more than 300 pounds on the other party's knees or ankles, so that it was more secure.

This was Pachuria's plan.

Looking at Su Lang, who was getting closer and closer, Pachuria's heart actually had a trace of excitement.

Come on! Die for my fame project!

Su Lang was getting closer and closer in Pachuria's line of sight.

But soon Pachulia realized that something was wrong.

Su Lang was still in the air.

He had obviously made a mistake in the position where he was preparing to fly Su Lang with both hands.

It was too late for Pachulia to change the position of his hands.


Pachulia only felt a cold wind blowing overhead.

The next second, a loud sound rang in Pachuria's ears.

Pachulia was also knocked back several steps by Su Lang's huge impact.

Old Nelson stood up suddenly.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

The next second, the Spurs' home exploded.

"Oh my God! Tell me it's not true! "

Even buy the Karma! It's horrible! "

It's amazing!"

“fuck! Why am I cheering for him! He is our enemy! "


The Spurs fans throughout the stadium became agitated.

Su Lang just contributed a dunk that can definitely go down in history.

Su Lang actually flew directly over Pachuria's head.

It's just incredible!

The last time I saw such a dunk was contributed by Carter, a demigod and demigod at the time.

But Su Lang was even more shocked this time.

Now Spurs fans are feeling a little aggrieved.

They hated the man who made the Spurs a disgrace to the league.

But for Su Lang's unparalleled dunk, I like it from the bottom of my heart. ,

subconsciously their mouths cheered.

Their mouths betray their hearts, and that's not what they want to say.

Spurs fans felt as bad as.

There is nothing more striking than cheering for the enemy.

At the moment when Su Lang dunked, they actually betrayed the faith in their hearts.

This is unforgivable!

It's all because of that zero on the field.

The picture returned to the field, and Su Lang fell from the sky.

Pachulia looked at Su Lang with a shocked expression.

Was he leaped by Su Lang just now!

Why can he do it!

Why the hell is this happening!

That's not my plan!

The cheers of the fans in the stadium pierced Pachuria's heart even more.

At this moment, there was even a trace of Su Lang's fear in Pachuria's heart.

I don't know why after seeing Su Lang's eyes, he was actually afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Pachulia took a few steps back.

Only then did I realize how humiliating my behavior was just now.

[Median Negative Sentiment from Pachulia +10000] [Median Negative Sentiment from Pachulia +10000] [Median Negative Sentiment from Pachulia +10000]


This dunk directly caused Pachulia to explode 30,000 negative sentiment points.

But more often than not, it planted the psychological shadow of fear in Pachuria's heart.

Su Lang glanced at Pachulia disdainfully.

Just now he could see what Pachuria's goods were trying to do.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is shit.

How does the clasp of death taste!

I guess Pachulia is about to pee his pants now!

I have to say that Carter's famous dunk scene is too easy to use.

Su Lang smiled and turned to Curry to celebrate.


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