At the end of the first quarter, the score was fixed at 32:33

The Warriors led by one point.

It was also the first time since the start of the new season that the Warriors didn't establish an advantage in the first quarter.

The defending champion, well deserved!

Su Lang sat down with a smile on his face and took the towel handed over by the staff.

The reason why Su Lang was happy was simple, because he scored 13 points in the first quarter.

Bryant scored 11 points.

And Su Lang has one less shot than Kobe.

If this continues, Kobe Bryant will definitely lose the bet between the two people.

On the Lakers' side, Kobe Bryant sat on the court with a black face.

I'm about to write the four words I'm upset on my face.

The players on the Lakers' side know Kobe's temper, so no one dares to touch the mold at this time.

Kobe Bryant reached directly to the assistant coach to come over, and the statistics of the first quarter of the game.

Soon, Kobe's pupils shrank sharply, and the momentum of the whole person exploded instantly.

At first, Kobe Bryant only roughly knew that his score in the first quarter of the game was not as good as Su Lang's.

But after really looking at the data, Kobe Bryant was very surprised.

Because it's not just about scoring.

Su Lang not only scored 13 points in the first quarter, but also got 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal.

Rebounds, assists, steals, all surpassed him.

It's really an all-round transcendence.

Kobe Bryant pulled the datapad in his hand, took a deep breath, and spit it out heavily.

Then he looked in the direction of Su Lang.

It's powerful!

Bryant suddenly felt his heart get excited.

A sense of excitement that has not been seen in a long time!

It's the excitement of meeting a strong opponent.

Kobe Bryant has always had a regret, that is, when he met Jordan, his skills were not fully mature.

Although he was young and frivolous and singled out Jordan.

But Kobe Bryant already knew the ending, and he was certainly not Jordan's opponent.

Later, Kobe worked hard to hone his skills, and by the time Kobe became strong, Jordan was already old.

I didn't meet Jordan at my peak when I was at my peak.

That's Kobe's regret.

After Jordan retired, Kobe Bryant never met anyone who could make him burn.

Even Carter, Iverson, and Maddy, who are tied with him for the top four quarterbacks.

Although Kobe admitted that these guys are strong.

But in Kobe's mind, he thinks he's stronger than them. That's Kobe Bryant's pride.

But now after meeting Su Lang, Kobe Bryant actually has a sense of oppression.

It's that sense of oppression from the top down.

This feeling was only felt when I was alone with Jordan.

Suddenly, a smile bloomed on Bryant's face.

Happy from the heart.

The Lakers players saw this and thought they were wrong.

Kobe, who has a face of ice cubes for 10,000 years, would smile so happily.


End of intersessional break.

Bryant scrambled to his feet in his chair and walked to the sidelines.

Step into the pitch with your right foot.

The moment his right foot hit the ground, Bryant's mind heard the sound of the door opening.

That's right! It's the realm of the gods!

This time the opening was very smooth, and there was no jerky feeling at all.

Kobe Bryant looked at Su Lang.

You can't win against me this time!

The Warriors' offensive round.

Curry received the ball past half court.

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant suspiciously, just after he was on the opposite side with Kobe.

Su Lang felt that Kobe Bryant was a little different.

But I didn't feel anything different.

Kobe Bryant directly let go of Su Lang's distance by one step.

Let Su Lang easily receive the basketball from Curry's hands.

The moment Su Lang received the basketball, Kobe Bryant broke out instantly.

It's like a tiger descending from a mountain.


Su Lang actually felt a sense of suffocation.

Madan! Why does Kobe Bryant have to explode every time he faces himself.

That's fucking unlucky, isn't it?

Su Lang was completely clear at this time.

Except for the damn God's Realm! Is there anything else that can make Kobe Bryant suddenly become, so violent?

Moreover, this time there was no sign of the opening of the realm of the gods.

Su Lang was completely unprepared.


Kobe Bryant slapped the basketball in Su Lang's hand.

Rushed to the Warriors' basket.

Su Lang turned around quickly and chased after Kobe.

Looking at the 24th in his sight, Su Lang's heart roared.

Grandma's! Lao Tzu is also going to explode!

If he wins this bet, Corvo will owe himself a lot of money.

That's right!

Su Lang actually wanted to save Kobe Bryant, after helping Da Yao before.

It seems that nothing bad has happened to change the course of history.

So Su Lang's mind became active.

If he wins this bet, Su Lang has already thought about not letting Kobe Bryant touch the helicopter for the rest of his life.

In this way, Kobe Bryant in the future should not be killed.

But who would have thought that the plan would have been perfect. Kobe Bryant's product turned out to be a big hit.

This greatly strengthened Su Lang's difficulty!

Facing the explosive Kobe, Su Lang was not sure if he could still win.

When Kobe Bryant came to the three-point line, he made an emergency stop.

Although the Warriors didn't have anyone under the basket, Kobe Bryant still chose the three-point shot.

The basketball tumbled in the air and fell directly into the net.

"Hey! Rookie! That's my three-point shot!

Kobe Bryant looked at Su Lang proudly.

Looking at the triumphant Kobe, Su Lang wanted to beat him for a moment.

"Hey! Kobe, your uncle! I really owe it to you!

Su Lang viciously threw out this sentence.

Kobe Bryant looked at Su Lang in confusion.

Can't afford to play, right? Why did you start swearing!

Su Lang's thoughts, how can Kobe Bryant know, Kobe just doesn't want to lose.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Kobe Bryant still let go of Su Lang by more than one step.

Curry glanced at Su Lang with some hesitation. Not sure if to pass the basketball to Su Lang.

Because Curry also saw that Kobe Bryant is now in an abnormal state of explosion.

However, in the end, Curry still chose to believe Su Lang.

That's Su Yiyi!

There's no one in the league who can make him suffer yet!

The thought popped into Curry's mind.

Then a wry smile appeared on his face.

It turned out that he had already admitted Su Lang's strength in his heart.

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +1000]

Su Lang was confused.

I don't understand why Curry provides negative emotions to himself when he is in possession of the ball.

The next second, Curry made a hidden pocket pass.

The basketball flew directly to Su Lang.

Su Lang took it and didn't have time to think about it.

Because Kobe Bryant has flown over again.

Su Lang stared at Kobe Bryant.

Grandma's! What about the explosion!

Last year was able to win you! This year too!

was frightened by Kobe's outburst in the last round, but in a blink of an eye, Su Lang adjusted his state.

He wanted to see how strong Kobe Bryant, who had really entered the realm of gods!


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