This time, Su Lang was on guard.

So in the face of Kobe Bryant, who came up to defend himself, Su Lang didn't give him a chance.

directly turned around and changed direction, dodging Kobe's steal.

Kobe Bryant was unrelentingly entangled with Su Lang's side, and Su Lang directly resisted Kobe's defense and

jumped up outside the three-point line.

Chose to shoot the shot.

Basketball tumbling in the air.


Still affected! Basketball didn't fall into the Nets as imagined.

For two consecutive rounds, Su Lang suffered a loss on Kobe.

But in the next second, Su Lang's figure appeared under the basket.

Su Lang jumped directly high and flew up from behind Gasol.

Then he grabbed the basketball with both hands and smashed it into the basket


A loud bang came, and Su Lang completed the dunk directly under the basket.

Make up for his own shooting mistakes.

Gasol was directly hit by Su Lang's dunk and turned his horse over.

rolled and climbed out of the bottom line.

【Negative sentiment from Gasol +3000】

Madan! It's Lao Tzu again!

There's no end to it!

Gasol looked at Su Lang without love.

If it were placed in normal times, Su Lang might taunt Gasol a few words, and then scavenge some negative emotions from Gasol.

But now Su Lang is not in the mood, and now Su Lang's goal is Kobe.

Su Lang under the basket and Kobe Bryant outside the three-point line looked at each other in the air.

An invisible flame of war burned between the two men.

Kobe Bryant was really surprised, he originally thought that his defense in this round was very successful, and he had already made Su Lang miss the shot. ,

but he didn't expect Su Lang to shoot and go directly to the basket and complete the dunk.

It's getting more and more exciting!

Direct gaze from Mamba!

Kobe Bryant stared at Su Lang deadly.

Lakers' offensive round.

Fisher wanted to hand the basketball to Kobe Bryant after halftime.

But Fisher suddenly discovered that Kobe Bryant was entangled.

That's right!

Su Lang also began to get serious, and the death entanglement played out with all his might.

Su Lang's two arms kept wrapping around Kobe.

Don't give Kobe Bryant a chance.

Kobe Bryant frantically began to confront Su Lang, trying to get Su Lang stuck behind him.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

The muscles of Kobe and Su Lang kept colliding, making a dull sound.

The players around me grinned.

It's the regular season! It's not the Grand Final!

Such a fierce confrontation, is this what a normal person would do!

They really can't imagine what such a confrontation will be like on them.

Kobe Bryant's sharp stride blocked Su Lang's behind.

Not to be outdone, Su Lang directly stretched his arm forward, and then turned around, suppressing Kobe Bryant behind him again.

Exactly five seconds!

Su Lang and Kobe Bryant have maintained such a high-intensity confrontation for five seconds.

The two of them tried their best, and Kobe Bryant couldn't break free from Su Lang's defense.

However, Su Lang also has a hard time, and the Kobe in the state of the God Realm is so strong.


Last time, Su Lang saw Kobe Bryant on the verge of entering the realm of God, but he didn't expect that after he really entered, Kobe's strength would increase so much.

Now the most uncomfortable person on the field is Fisher.

I can't help it!

His job was to pass the basketball to Kobe.

But now Kobe Bryant clearly doesn't have a chance, but if it is passed on to someone else.

Give Fisher three dares, and he didn't dare to do it.

Obviously, now Kobe and Su Lang are on the bar, if he chooses to hand over the basketball to someone else at this time,

Kobe will probably kill him!

It's also the first time Curry has faced Fisher at the top of the arc for so long.

Coming to the top of the arc, Curry is familiar with the battlefield.

Fisher couldn't pass the basketball, and Curry didn't show mercy.

Went straight forward to block and gave Fisher strong defensive pressure.

For the first time, Fisher looked at Curry as a rookie.

He is worthy of being a player who can make a sensation in the league in his rookie season.

While Curry's confrontation is nothing for him, Curry's defensive judgment and selection are absolutely top-notch.

On several occasions, Curry's arm came close to stealing the basketball.

Fisher was scared into a cold sweat.

Fisher, on the other hand, relied on his physical advantage to forcibly walk on the verge of fouling.

That's what stopped Curry's steal.

“fuck! Will you only use these dirty means!

Curry said to Fisher with some unhappiness.

Fisher has a lot of suffering on his side, and Curry's defense keeps him from being distracted in the slightest.

So Fisher could only bear it silently in the face of Curry's ridicule.


Suddenly, Fisher heard a familiar voice.

Without thinking much about it, Fisher raised his arm and threw the basketball out.

That's right!

Kobe Bryant finally broke free from Su Lang's defense.

Su Lang also scolded in his heart.

Kobe Bryant, who is in the state of the God Realm, is simply too focused. ,

Su Lang's defense just now only made a slight mistake, and Kobe Bryant seized the opportunity to break free from his siege.

Kobe Bryant, who has basketball in hand, is definitely the biggest threat.

Su Lang did not hesitate to stick to Kobe's body.

It's a risky choice.

But Su Lang is confident that if Kobe breaks through, he will definitely keep up with Kobe.

After Kobe Bryant received the ball, he directly changed direction with a simple double direction, and then crushed Su Lang to a step away from the three-point line.

After reaching this position, Kobe's threat has been infinitely magnified.

Bryant turned around directly, rolled over and threw a back-to-back jumper.

Su Lang's whole body was almost smashed into Kobe's body.

But Bryant's eyes didn't change in the slightest.

All he has in his eyes is the basket!


The basketball falls directly into the hoop.

"Boy! Here's how the rollover jumper looks!

Kobe Bryant looked at Su Lang proudly.

Because Kobe Bryant knew that Su Lang would also roll over and shoot backwards and jump shots.

At the beginning, the media also compared the two of them.

However, Kobe Bryant never thought that Su Lang's rollover and back-to-back jumper would be stronger than him.

It's a pity that Kobe didn't know that Su Lang's rollover and back-to-back jumper was his skill.

Syllable! Syllable!

Su Lang patted his arm fiercely.

Then he looked at Kobe.

has been in the league for so long, and Su Lang has always been flying in the competition.

Never really serious once.

In fact, exactly, except for a few games last season.

Su Lang did not really burst out of his full strength.

This time, Su Lang really got serious.

Negative emotions, gambling or something, Su Lang doesn't want to think about it anymore.

He just wants to fight Kobe Bryant.

Although Kobe Bryant broke out in the realm of gods, it was not so easy to win him.

After thinking about this, Su Lang felt that his body had become a little lighter.

Everyone on the Warriors team watched Su Lang suddenly self-harm on the court.

A few slaps in the face of yourself mean a few things.

Curry came to Su Lang's side.

"Hey! You won't have a broken brain, will you!

Su Lang, who was brewing emotions, glanced at Curry speechlessly.

"Hey! Stephen, you'll see my true strength in this game! I originally wanted to be teammates with you as an ordinary person, but now I can't hide it, I hope you don't despair in the future"

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +2000]

I'll fucking ask you!

This X lets you load! There really is no one left!

Curry rolled his eyes.


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