The Warriors' offensive round. ,

Su Lang directly had a fierce confrontation with Kobe, relying on the moment of Kobe's stiffness.

Su Lang found an opportunity and received a pass from Curry.

Let me see my rollover jumper!

After Su Lang went down two crotches in a row, he directly killed the inner line.

Kobe Bryant's arm kept stopping Su Lang's chest.

If Su Lang made a shooting move, he would definitely not be able to dodge Kobe's arm.

However, Kobe Bryant still underestimated Su Lang.

Su Lang braked suddenly, and then made a familiar move.

It's simply a remake of Kobe's last round.

Roll over and step back to jumper!

The basketball flew to the hoop.

As soon as the basketball was shot, Su Lang rushed to the inside.

Madan! Still affected!

Su Lang's side is not Kobe's realm of God, and Su Lang has no way to solve the side effects of the skill of turning over and backing up to jump.

And Kobe Bryant's defensive pressure is really strong enough.

This caused Su Lang's shot to miss the basket, but Su Lang had other ways.


After a loud bang, Su Lang sat directly on Gasol's shoulder and completed a supplementary dunk.

Madan! Don't play anymore! Destroy!

Gasol looked at Su Lang without tears.

Lao Tzu is a bully, isn't it! Why do you suck me every time!

Forget about the buckle, you are sitting on my body now, this is a few meanings!

You two big guys are fighting, why is it me who is hurt!

[Negative sentiment from Pau Gasol +5000]

"I'm sorry! It doesn't feel good, but it's not a big problem!

Su Lang shrugged at Kobe Bryant and said.

Kobe Bryant stared at Su Lang, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This is a declaration of war!

Bryant felt every pore of his body tremble.

I couldn't stop the excitement.

Lakers' offensive round.

This time, Bryant actually took over the basketball from Fisher from the backcourt.

It may be that in the last round, Kobe Bryant's side struggled to get rid of Su Lang during this time, and Fisher's side made Kobe a little uneasy.

So Kobe Bryant took over the ball himself.

As for Fisher, it was once again in the familiar corner.

Curry began to curse his mother in his heart.

Grandma's! The game was almost halfway over, and Hikari and the bald man in front of him were ambushed in the bottom corner.

After Kobe Bryant held the ball on his side, Su Lang began to entangle him frantically from the backcourt.

However, Kobe Bryant in the realm of gods was not so simple and was defeated.

After Bryant came to the three-point line, he shook a series of feints and then threw a shot.

This time, Su Lang finally interfered with Kobe.

The basketball pops out of the frame.

Bynum under the basket frantically squeezed away Turyaf next to him, and grabbed the rebound before Su Lang had time to impact.

After Bynum grabbed the rebound, he quickly jumped under the basket again and sent the basketball into the basket.

Su Lang glanced at the inside line with some regret.

If Turyaf had held on for two more seconds just now, Su Lang would have been able to hit the basket and grab the rebound.

However, Kobe's shooting mistake made Su Lang relax a lot.

Kobe Bryant in the realm of gods is not a god either, he will still shoot and shoot.

The next entire second quarter of the game fell into the confrontation between Su Lang and Kobe.

Kobe Su Lang of the God Realm couldn't suppress it.

However, Kobe Bryant also found it difficult to suppress Su Lang's performance.

It's a pity that Gasol under the basket suffered, as long as Su Lang missed the shot in this game.

Gasol is at risk of being dunked under the basket.

Gasol forgot to be outplayed by Su Lang a few times.


The whistle blew at the end of the second quarter, and the score was fixed at 65:65

The two sides ended in a draw.

After the game, Kobe Bryant took over the statistics in the hands of the assistant coach, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

He won in the second quarter.

In the second quarter, Su Lang scored 14 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists.

But Kobe Bryant scored 18 points, 2 rebounds and 2 steals.

Now add the data from the first section.

Su Lang is still a little behind.

What Bryant didn't notice, though, was that his breathing had become a little erratic.

The reason why the realm of gods is powerful is because of the huge consumption.

If nothing else, Bryant's current physical strength can only hold on to the end of the third quarter.

Or it ended earlier.

Soon the intermission was over.

Players from both sides are back on the pitch.

Su Lang looked in the direction of Kobe, this product is really fierce!

You must know that Su Lang's body is basically all SSS-level skills now.

But after facing Kobe, Su Lang was only able to do it without falling behind.

This made Su Lang even more envious of this group of open-minded guys.

At every turn, it is an explosive form.

This also lets others play how to play.

However, Su Lang automatically ignored one point, that is, he himself is also a plug-in dog.

Otherwise, how could it have become so powerful in more than a year?

In the first round of the game, Curry's side took the lead and directly exploded in three parts.

Two steps from beyond the three-point line, Fischer Ray was scorched on the outside.

What Fisher hates most is this kind of player who shoots super long.

He prefers confrontation, but when others don't fight against him.

Fisher's height and reach don't have a big advantage when it comes to defensive shots.

Turning his head to the Lakers' offensive round, Kobe Bryant pulled up a three-pointer directly outside the three-point line through Gasol's cover.

But he neglected the exertion of physical strength.

In this second quarter of the game, the consumption of the realm of the gods, a half-time break is not enough to make up for it.


The basketball bounced straight out.

Kobe instantly narrowed his eyes and rushed in the direction of the rebound.

But Su Lang has Rodman's rebounding skills.

How could such a rebound be conceded to Kobe.

Su Lang slashed directly sideways over Kobe's head.

The extra-long arm span is beyond Kobe's reach.


Su Lang firmly controlled the rebound in his hands.

"Hey! Kobe, are you already tired!

Su Lang smiled and looked at Kobe.

"Boy! You're still losing!

Kobe said proudly.

"Not soon!"

Su Lang smiled.

The Warriors' offensive round.

Kobe Bryant was crazy and entangled Su Lang.

Completely unaware of the fact that this would exacerbate his physical exertion.

Although Su Lang's current physical energy consumption is not as great as Kobe's, Su Lang's physical energy consumption is far beyond the normal level.

At this time, it depends on who can grit their teeth and persevere.

Su Lang directly accelerated violently, shook off Kobe's entanglement, and took the basketball from Curry.

Curry took advantage of the situation to help Su Lang make a pick-and-roll.

Although Curry doesn't do that very often, and the quality of the pick-and-roll isn't great.

But that's enough.

Su Lang's direct elegant three-point shot and

basketball entered the net!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

Babble! Lie down and get ready to accept my plan!

There is no future for revolting against anything!


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