Halfway through the third quarter.

Kobe Bryant's physical strength is obviously a little unable to keep up.

In the offensive round of the Warriors, Su Lang didn't even break out much.

just shook off Kobe's defense.

Damn it!

Kobe Bryant watched Su Lang catch the basketball not far from him.

But now his steps have become very heavy.

If it weren't for the belief in his heart that was supporting him, Kobe Bryant wouldn't even be able to stand.


Su Lang hit a three-pointer again.

There was a hint of chagrin in Bryant's eyes.

If his pace was a little faster, Su Lang would not have made such an easy move.

it! Good luck!

Su Lang looked at the basketball that fell into the net, and sighed secretly in his heart.

He was nowhere near as easy as Kobe Bryant seemed.

Now Su Lang's whole body has a sore feeling.

When I shot just now, my arm stiffened for a moment.

But luckily, the basketball fell to the Nets.

However, one thing Su Lang can be sure of is that Kobe Bryant can't hold on.

Lakers' offensive round.

After taking over the basketball from Fisher for the first time, Bryant gave up on attacking himself.

Bryant threw the basketball to Gasol on the inside.

Then Bryant put his hands on his knees, seizing a little time to adjust his condition.

"Hey! Don't stick to it! What if you lose to me!

Su Lang came to Kobe's side and said.

"Boy! You won't understand! You're going to end up before me!

Kobe said proudly.

Su Lang couldn't help but smile.

It's all this time, and Kobe Bryant is still arrogant.

Sure enough, a madman who is paranoid about victory.

However, Kobe Bryant in the realm of gods is indeed powerful, even Su Lang, who has SSS-level skills.

At this time, he was also surpassed by Kobe Bryant in terms of data.

However, Su Lang is not in a hurry, anyway, persistence is the last word.

If he has the ability, Kobe Bryant will hold on to the fourth quarter.

But it's clear that Kobe Bryant can't hold on.

At the end of the third quarter, Bryant couldn't hold on any longer.

In the process of defending Su Lang once, Su Lang was just a simple change of direction.

Bryant slipped and fell on his own feet.


Next round.

Zen master Phil Jackson called a timeout and replaced Kobe Bryant.

Because he knows that Kobe Bryant has burned out now.

Kobe Bryant's eyes showed a look of unwillingness.

In the end, he fell first.

The realm of the gods is also defeated, and Kobe Bryant knows very well that Su Lang is not in a state of outbreak.

But that's it, Kobe Bryant only won Su Lang by one head.

However, his stats for this game can only be frozen here.

And Su Lang's data will definitely skyrocket.

Kobe Bryant, though, his whole body was exhausted.

But his eyes were still sharp.

Kobe Bryant stared at Su Lang's continuous attack on the court.

The towel on his body has been completely deformed by Kobe's grasping. Halfway

through the fourth quarter, Bryant put a towel over his cheek.


Kobe knew in his heart that Su Lang's data must have surpassed him by now.



The whistle blew at the end of the game, and the score was fixed at 125:128

The Warriors won the game with a three-point advantage.

Su Lang scored 51 points, 15 rebounds, 7 assists and 4 steals.

Bryant finished with 48 points, 9 rebounds, 9 assists and 4 steals

If there is a defensive Kobe Bryant in this game, Kobe Bryant may even score 70 points in this game.

But Kobe Bryant is opposite Su Lang.

Su Lang, who is full of firepower.

Bryant's physical exertion was much more than he expected.

The Realm of the Gods lasted less than two quarters.

In addition to Su Lang and Kobe, Curry's performance in this game was also very good.

He scored 25 points, 15 assists and 2 steals.

Took the big two pairs.

This is still the data obtained when he and Su Lang were on the field at the same time, and the ball was occupied by Su Lang.

When the whistle blew at the end of the game. Su Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally won the bet with Kobe.

Suddenly, Su Lang's feet softened, and the whole person fell in the direction of the floor.

Madan! This time it's really a big deal!

The game is now complete, and Su Lang's physical consumption is also huge.

And in the first three quarters of the game and Kobe Bryant's entanglement, Su Lang had to constantly go back and forth to grab rebounds and attack outside.

In fact, after Kobe Bryant left the game, Su Lang's physical strength also reached the warning line.

However, Su Lang stubbornly insisted on nearly a quarter of the game.

This duel between him and Kobe Bryant was a lose-loser.

Su Lang wanted to go to Kobe's side and ask Kobe to execute his bet.

But Su Lang's current footsteps did not listen to the direct call at all.

Kobe Bryant is the same.

In the end, the two people who were flying on the field had to leave the court with the help of their teammates.

Su Lang's state was not good, so Su Lang did not go to the press conference after the game.

After resting in the locker room for about half an hour, Su Lang was finally able to stand up on his own.

Su Lang slowly walked in the player's tunnel.

The target is the Lakers' locker room.

In fact, it stands to reason that the league pays a lot of attention to the connection between the locker rooms of the two teams.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to get to the dressing room of someone else's team unless there is an insider.

This is also because the league is afraid of conflict after the game.

But this is not difficult for Su Lang.

After being blocked in the tunnel by Anthony and J.R. Smith last year.

Su Lang is smart, so Su Lang knows his home structure very well, in this way, maybe whoever provokes him in the future can also block the door after the game.

After walking back and forth through several unguarded passages, Su Lang easily came to the door of the Lakers' locker room.

Knock knock!

Su Lang knocked on the door of the locker room.

Then he pulled the doorknob open.

"Hey! Bryant! Let's talk!

Su Lang pushed open the door and shouted into the locker room. After

a while,

Kobe Bryant walked out with a surprised face.

It is obvious that now Kobe's recovery is not as good as Su Lang.

Otherwise, Kobe Bryant wouldn't have held on to the wall.

"You lost the bet!"

Su Lang looked at Kobe Bryant with a smile.

"Boy! I admit I lost! But don't be complacent! In the future, next time I will definitely make you look good!

Kobe Bryant said lightly.

"I'll talk about it later, but you're going to agree to my terms now!"

Su Lang said with a smile.

The corners of Bryant's mouth twitched slightly.

Madan! I thought it was on the field, and the atmosphere was there.

I just said something like that, but I didn't expect this guy to take it seriously.

fuck! Lao Tzu can afford to lose!

"Say it! What conditions!

Kobe Bryant said coldly.

Kobe Bryant was ready to be slaughtered by Su Lang.

"Don't fly in a helicopter for the rest of your life! My conditions are so simple,"

Su Lang said lightly,

and then turned around and left directly.

Only Kobe Bryant with a horse-wheat face left.

Looking at Su Lang's footsteps, he knew that Su Lang definitely hadn't recovered yet.

But that's it, this cargo actually came so far just to tell himself not to fly for the rest of his life.

The world has become a little incomprehensible!

Kobe Bryant sighed helplessly.


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