The most interesting thing is that Su Lang originally said that taking off Durant's clothes was also to scare the other party.

But Jackson took it seriously.

When Su Lang was holding back his laughter, Jackson actually ripped off Durant's clothes.

Poor Durant was directly frightened and kept yelling.

Originally, Durant felt that he couldn't escape, so he kept building himself in his heart, ready to exchange chrysanthemums for his life.

But after really being stripped by Jackson, Durant regretted it.

The chrysanthemum is gone, it's better to let him die!

“fuck! Kill me! Don't touch Lao Tzu's chrysanthemum!

Durant yelled.

This scared Jackson on the sidelines.

Grandma's! Who wants your chrysanthemum!

When Su Lang saw this, he also felt that he had taught Du Xiaoshuai enough lessons.

If it really continues, it is estimated that Du Xiaoshuai will collapse.

So Su Lang glanced at Jackson.

Jackson instantly understood what Su Lang meant, and the two quietly exited the room.

Then he closed the door.

After closing the door, the two looked at each other.

"Hahaha! It's so funny!

Su Lang wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers, and the tears that came out of laughter just now.

"Hahaha! Boss, you must call me if there is such a thing in the future! It's so interesting! Jackson

said with a grin.

"That's right, Boss! What about that guy inside?

Jackson suddenly pointed to the door behind him.

Su Lang gave Jackson a blank look.

"It's our turn to be messengers of justice! Know no! I forgot all about what happened just now,"

Su Lang said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Jackson hadn't understood what Su Lang wanted to do.

"It's good to use your brain! Later, we will go in and stage a rescue drama, you say Durant, will you thank me desperately!

The corners of Su Lang's mouth were slightly raised, and he said with a smile.

, Jackson's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide,

and he looked at Su Lang.

After a moment, Jackson raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up to Su Lang.

"Boss! You're just so bad! "

! Am I bad? I don't know who picked off someone's clothes just now,"

Su Lang glanced at Jackson.

Jackson was momentarily speechless.

Didn't you make me strip his clothes!

Now I'm a bad person!

After thinking about Su Lang's methods, Jackson felt that it was better to carry this black pot by himself.

, or maybe one day,

he will be the one who will be put into the sack.

Five minutes later, Su Lang looked at the time on his phone, and then said.

"Almost! It's time to act! Don't mess me up later!

Su Lang put his right hand on the doorknob, then turned to Jackson and said.

"Don't worry, boss! My acting skills are no worse than yours! Jackson

said with a smile.

Su Lang gently turned the doorknob, and then directly kicked on the door with a big foot.

Bang Dang!

The door was directly kicked by Su Lang with a loud bang.

Jackson, who was beside him, was also taken aback.

Durant in the room was even more unbearable, and he was already scared enough.

Now Su Lang has made such a play again.

Durant fell straight out of his chair.

"Don't be afraid of Kevin! I'm here to save you!

Su Lang shouted loudly directly.

Jackson on the side looked at Su Lang with a righteous face and couldn't help grinning.

How did the boss do such shamelessness!

After shouting, Su Lang walked directly to Durant's side, and then untied the rope on the sack.

Liberated Durant.

Durant, who saw the light of day again, saw Su Lang at first sight.

The grievances just now exploded instantly.

"Sue! You're finally here! Oh, my God! You don't know what I just went through! It's horrible!

Durant hugged Su Lang and almost cried.

Nonsense! It was Lao Tzu who did it just now, how I don't know what you went through.

Su Lang patted Durant's shoulder and thought in his heart.

"It's all right! It's all gone!

Su Lang said comfortingly.

"By the way, how did you find me?"

After Durant calmed down a little, he looked at Su Lang and asked.

"Just now I saw two big men with a sack covering a person, and I could tell at a glance that it was you!

But I'm not sure if I'm their opponent, so I'll have to move the rescuers, you won't blame me, will you?

Su Lang looked at Durant and said.

"How could it be! I thank you that it's too late! I really don't know what would have happened if it weren't for you!

There was a look of fear on Durant's face.

Jackson on the side looked straight at it, finish

the calf thing! was rectified by others, and in the end, I thanked others, and there was no one else!

But the boss's ability to tell nonsense seriously is really powerful.

Where did the two big men come from, aren't they just him and Su Lang.

Poor Durant really believed it.

Eventually, accompanied by Su Lang and Jackson, Durant returned to the outside of the locker room.

When he got to the door, Durant stopped.

Then he looked at Su Lang with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Sue! Can you keep this matter a secret for me? If I let anyone else know, I'm doomed!

Durant looked at Su Lang pleadingly.

"Don't worry! Kevin! I'm going to rot in my stomach!

Su Lang patted his chest and said.

Durant then looked at Jackson.

"Don't worry! I'll keep it a secret, too! Jackson

said with a toothache on his face.

Only then did Durant put his mind at ease.

"Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would encounter today, and if you need help in the future, don't be polite, you must come to me!

"Don't say more! I was still spewing trash talk at you on the court before, and now I sincerely apologize to you,"

Durant looked at Su Lang and Jackson and bowed directly.

"It's just a small thing, don't take it to heart"

Su Lang nodded and said, and Durant turned around and walked to the locker room with confidence.

After Durant left, Su Lang patted Jackson beside him.

"Let's go!"

Jackson followed Su Lang and left.

What happened today completely made Jackson see the horror of Su Lang.

After finishing others, you can also make others thank him.

It's just incredible!

At the same time, Jackson secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he was Su Lang's little brother.

Otherwise, if he would encounter an opponent like Su Lang at any time, Jackson felt that he would collapse.

Long after returning to the locker room, Su Lang received a call from Scarlett.

"Hey~ I'll wait for you outside, let's have dinner together in the evening, I think we should have a good chat"

Scarlett's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright! You wait for me a little bit outside! I'll go out when I'm done,"

Su Lang said into the other end of the phone.

"Well, I'll wait for you!"

Scarlett said.

Su Lang then hung up the phone.

Behind him, Curry sneaked close to Su Lang's side.

"Hey! What the hell were you and Jackson doing? I asked him, and he didn't say anything"

Curry looked at Su Lang curiously, with what he knew about Su Lang, Su Lang and Jackson disappeared outside the locker room just now, they must have done something.

"Adults don't inquire about children's affairs!"

Su Lang said lightly.

[Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +3000]

"Su Lang! Your uncle's! Curry's

angry roar was heard in the locker room.


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