After Su Lang finished cleaning up, when he walked out of the arena, Scarlett was already waiting quietly outside.

Su Lang looked at Scarlett, the little girl, from a distance, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Never mind! Let's talk about it!

It's a big deal, it's good to get together and disperse!

Maybe I misunderstood her!

More than half an hour later, Su Lang and Scarlett appeared in a nearby restaurant.

"What you said before, in fact, I also thought about it seriously,"

after the two of them sat down,

Scarlett spoke first.

Su Lang looked at Scarlett, waiting for her answer.

"Now that I'm on the rise of my career, I'm definitely not going to think about

this at this time" "Actresses like us don't have much peak in the first place, if I give up at this time, I think I'll regret it"

Scarlett secretly glanced at Su Lang's reaction after finishing speaking.

Su Lang picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip gently.

In fact, after Su Lang calmed down, he also took this issue into consideration.

"I definitely wouldn't have thought about it in the last few years, but in a few years, I will definitely think about it seriously,"

Scarlett continued.

After Su Lang listened, he smiled.

It's finally clear what Scarlett thinks.

That's a good thing, too.

I'm also a little anxious on my side.

"That's it! I know, I didn't take into account the situation on your side before, so this matter will be turned over, and I will talk about it when I have a chance in the future!

Su Lang said with a smile.

After Scarlett made it clear, Su Lang also knew.

It seems that Scarlett has also seriously considered this issue.

In this way, it is naturally not in this relationship, just having a playful mentality.

There is no need for Su Lang to continue to be unhappy.

It's just that Ho Kobe's daughter's plan is estimated to be postponed!

The paranoid man in Los Angeles didn't know that he had somehow escaped.


After the matter with Scarlett came to an end, Su Lang returned to the game.

And Scarlett also senses that this relationship has encountered some problems.

So there is no rush to go out to work again.

Instead, he shifted his focus to Su Lang's side.

This is also one of the changes made by Scarlett.

After there were no worries, Su Lang's performance on the field became more and more explosive, of course, every night's homework, Su Lang became more and more powerful, and Scarlett, who could kill every time, was defeated.

The Warriors, led by Su Lang, defeated the rematch Magic in a row.

Of course, the happy beast still didn't get happy.

and the Nets, Bulls, Pistons, 76ers.

The Warriors are on a six-game winning streak after losing one game in early December.

Da Yao's state has also recovered very well.

Obviously, seeing the explosive performance of Su Lang and Curry, Da Yao couldn't sit still.

I want to get back on the pitch right away.

However, Nelson Sr. still insisted on letting Da Yao rest until around the All-Star.

This can suffocate Da Yao.

Su Lang could feel the energy in Da Yao's body as if it was about to explode.

The time came on December 16, United States time.

The Warriors host the Washington Wizards challenge.

So far this season, the Wizards' record has been a bit dismal.

In comparison, the Warriors have been in a big game.

The Wizards are really, as long as you dare to shoot, I dare to lose to you.

The Wizards' current record is 7-16.

Basically lost most of the games against them.

So there was no pressure on the Warriors' side, it was just a normal game.

At 9 p.m., inside the Wizards' locker room.

Arenas, the star of the Wizards, is packing his things in high spirits.

The reason for such joy is because Arenas has just won a lot of money.

On the way to San Francisco, several of them made a small gamble on the plane.

The winner was obvious, naturally Arenas.

Several others were won quite a bit by Arenas.

Here, Haywood of the Wizards looked at Arenas's indulgent expression, a little unhappy

, even if this product won them so much money,

it was still in front of them.

The more he looked at it, the more angry he felt.

Heywood felt the need to get back on the field, and if he made a bet with Arenas now, according to the other party's temperament, he would definitely agree.

However, you need to think of a bet that you have a better chance of winning.

Suddenly, Heywood remembered a brilliant note.

Heywood then walked towards Arenas.

"Hey! Gilbert, you're in a good mood! Interested in taking another gamble?

Heywood smiled at Arenas.

Arenas, who was packing up his sneakers, looked up at Heywood.

"Hahaha! Heywood, you're here to give me money again, I'm embarrassed if you let me win again!

Arenas said with a wanton laugh.

"Not now, we'll play an all-night after the game!"

Arenas continued, ready to continue packing his shoes.

Heywood saw that Arenas had misunderstood.

Hurriedly explained.

"No more playing cards this time! Have a fun bet! How dare you come? Heywood

went straight to the agitation.

How could Arenas' character endure it.

“fuck! Will Lao Tzu be afraid! What do you say bet on! But you don't seem to have any money now!

Arenas said, looking at Heywood.

"Today's game against the Warriors, you should know!"

Heywood looked at Arenas.

"That's nature! I'm not crazy yet!

Arenas looked at Haywood with an idiotic expression.

Heywood didn't mind, Arenas took the bait anyway.

"There's an arrogant sophomore rookie on the Warriors' side, you should know that!"

Heywood continued.

“fuck! Let's just say what you bet on! What are you doing grinding and chirping!

Arenas looked at Haywood with displeasure.

Hum! Let you be proud for a while! When you lose, there will be you crying!

Heywood cursed silently in his heart.

"That's right, if you can dunk Su Lang on the court today, then I will lose! If the shackle doesn't succeed, then you lose!

Heywood said.

"Cut! I thought I was going to bet on something! It's just such a simple bet! All right! I promised to come down! What's the stake, though,"

Arenas asked,

looking at Haywood.

"Didn't you want my sports car for a long time! If I lose this bet, the car will be yours! If you lose, you'll pay me 400,000 meters! You don't lose money, my sports car is definitely worth the price,"

Heywood said lightly.

Arenas was shocked.

Grandma's! It's such a big game!

Usually, if they play cards, they won't win or lose more than 30,000 meters of gold.

But now Heywood has directly raised the price to 400,000.

However, Arenas only hesitated for a moment before deciding to agree to the bet.

After all, the odds of him winning this bet are not small.

As soon as Arenas agreed, Caron Butler and Jamison also rushed over when they heard the news.

"Hey! Haywood! How about this bet plus the two of us!

Jamison said with a smile.

Heywood looked at the two men with a speechless expression.

These two goods are coming to the ground.

If he really loses, he probably won't be able to afford to sell his pants.

"Don't worry! The two of us are not so big, if the two of us win, you only need to pay us 20,000 meters each!

Kaloon Butler saw Heywood's concerns and said.

Heywood listened to it and was relieved.

Even if you lose, 40,000 meters of gold is not much.

If you win, it will be even better.

Thinking of this, Heywood nodded and said.

"Then it's a deal!"


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