Nelson Sr. after talking to Curry here.

Directly called a timeout.

Then he looked at Curry.

"Go ahead, Su Lang needs you, the team needs you! Let them see what you really are!"

said Nelson Sr.

Curry's eyes glowed again when he heard this.

Yes, he is Ku Ritian!

He is going to beat up this guy Su Lang in the future.

How can you fall in this place!Curry disappeared in

an instant.

Nelson Sr. does have some tricks, and he has long found out that the rookie wall Curry encounters here is different from other rookies.

In fact, according to Curry's performance, the rookie wall should have been broken a long time ago.

But the reason why Curry has been unable to break through for so long.

It's because Curry has a problem in his heart.

Su Lang's guy even took Curry to a nightclub, which was actually of no use at all.

The pause is over.

Curry is finally back on the court.

After the Nuggets saw Curry back on the court, they instantly adjusted their defensive strategy.

The defensive stance is starting to lean toward Curry.

Previous teams have proven that focusing on Curry can cut off the Warriors' offense.

In this way, even if Su Lang is allowed to score, the result on the Warriors' side will not change anything.

When Curry saw the Nuggets' defense, there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

I'm not going to be afraid of anyone!!

On the Warriors' sideline ball strategy, Nelson Sr. deliberately arranged a Curry catch-and-shoot tactic.

He needs Curry to rise to the occasion.

If he stays under Su Lang's wing, Curry will never become a real superstar.

Curry needs to take his share of responsibility.

Sure enough, Curry's

side began to struggle to catch the ball.

Billups was frantically pestering Curry.

Curry's age advantage though. Still defeated Billups, and now Billups,

his steps are no longer flexible.

Curry shook off Billups for a moment.

Anthony instantly came over and besieged Curry again.

However, Curry made a reverse run and directly shook off Anthony.

Got a sideline ball from Jackson.

After Curry received the ball, Billups stood one step away from the three-point line.

Anthony was watching from the sidelines.

Billups is very particular about his defensive position.

Since the start of the new season. Seventy percent of Curry's scoring came from shooting from beyond the three-point line.

So that's a key position to defend Curry.

Curry moved slightly, and Billups immediately changed his defensive position

and kept intercepting Curry one step away from the three-point line.

Once Curry is close to the three-point line, it's a step away.

Anthony's side will complete a joint defense with Billups, directly putting pressure on Curry's defense.

That's the kind of defense Curry has encountered in the previous three games.

But this time, Curry didn't have the slightest hesitation or fear.

When facing two people, Curry rushed over with one acceleration. ,

Billups and Anthony formed the line in an instant.

When he came to Billups, Curry made a feigned change of direction.

Then the ball was divided, and it was squeezed directly through the gap between the two people.

The moment Curry passed Billups, Billups knew something was going to be bad.

But by this time, Curry had already come to the basket.

The inner inside of the basket is like a beast that envelops the whole basket.

Curry and Nene after a confrontation in the air, with the body out of balance.

A high board, the basketball goes into the net.

Curry also fell directly to the floor.

Curry just sat on the floor. Roared angrily.


He can do it

! He doesn't just have three-pointers!

Su Lang couldn't help but secretly sigh when he looked at Curry's crazy offense this time.

Nelson Sr. didn't know what to say to Curry.

It makes Curry feel like he's on hormones.

However, it seems that Curry's momentum is different now. Whether the rookie wall can be broken depends on this game!

Billups possessed the ball across half court.

Curry rushed straight up.

The last time the two sides met, Billups used his experience to restrain Curry.

This time, though, Curry isn't going to make it easy for Billups.

Curry has no scruples about physical exertion.

Directly facing Billups is a set of cute god eighteen styles!

The arms are constantly waving and blocking, and the footsteps are changing back and forth.

Let Billups make some small moves.

But Curry will also use his own methods to make up for mistakes.

Ma Dan! Isn't this fucking death entangled!

Su Lang looked at it not far away,

stunned for a while.

Although there are some differences from his own use, Su Lang still sees some shadows of death entanglement from Curry's defense.

This is clearly what Curry stole from him.

When did this happen!

Su Lang didn't know when Curry stole it.

One of the key points of Death Coil is the extra-long reach.

Although Curry's side does not have this condition, Curry makes up for it with flexible footwork.

Curry's Death Coils are more in line with his own physical condition.

Billups, for his part, was in an instant predicament.


next second,

Curry directly reached out and stealed the basketball.

Billups didn't even have time to call his teammates for help.

After the steal, Curry rushed straight to the Nuggets' basket.

At this time, Curry only had the basket in his eyes, and he didn't care if there was anyone behind him to chase him.

When he came to the basket, Curry jumped hard and flew into the air.

Curry even felt a little lighter.


Curry dunked the basketball into the basket.

Although Curry is not good at dunking, there is nothing more exciting than a dunk at this time.

Behind Curry, the Nuggets' Neo slowed down with some regret.

If Curry had a hint of hesitation just now, or if he looked back.

He had a chance to block Curry.

But Curry was determined to finish the offense.

In the end, Nene still didn't chase down Curry.

After this offense, Curry seemed to feel that his eyes suddenly became clearer.

Something that has been suppressed in my heart is quietly disappearing. 、

That feeling of being hot is slowly coming back。

That's right

! The rookie wall has been broken by him

! Curry is officially back!

Curry grinned happily.

Then he looked in the direction of Su Lang.

The eyes of the two men intertwined in the air.

Su Lang instantly felt Curry's change.

Good guys! This breaks the rookie wall

! That's too fast

! Old Nelson isn't a thing

! Why didn't he shoot sooner!


he wouldn't have to take Curry to a nightclub. 、

If you don't go to a nightclub,

you won't be caught by Scarlett.。

If you don't get caught, you won't sleep on the sofa every day

! Grandma's old Tang! Are you forcing me to take a small video for you!

Su Lang licked his lips and looked at the smiling old Nelson on the sidelines.


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