The first quarter of the game is over.

The score was fixed at 31:31.

The two sides were tied in the first quarter.

But there's good news for the Warriors.

The former Kuritian is back.

Off the field, Su Lang sat next to Curry.

"Hey, Stephen, you don't seem to be the same

!" "Yes, I'm back!"


said with a smile and a nod.

"It's good to come back!But can you tell me, did Old Tang say something to you?"

Su Lang looked at Curry curiously.

"It's nothing! Don just used you to motivate me! and then I figured it out!"

Curry explained.

Su Lang directly rolled his eyes.

I didn't expect that in the end, it still had something to do with me, how much hatred and hatred there was, and if I motivate Curry with myself, he would be able to break through the rookie wall.

If you really have this ability, you may be able to open such a scaring business in the future.

If any rookie in the league touches the rookie wall, let Su Lang go and scare a few waves.

However, Su Lang obviously misunderstood what Curry meant.

Curry is not like this because Su Lang often scolds him.

Now that Curry is back, they should be able to wrestle with the Nuggets in this game.

It is not certain who will win or lose!

George Carr, the head coach of the Nuggets,

has a tactical board in his hand and is frantically arranging his tactics. , Curry's

play at the end of the first quarter.

It gave George Carr a sense of crisis.

It's like a rookie who has hit a rookie wall.


At the end of the first quarter, players from both sides returned to the court.

The Warriors offense in the first round.

Billups continued his previous defensive strategy.

One step away from the three-point line, he was guarded and stuck Curry's lifeline.

But now Curry is back.

In the face of defenders eyeing him, Curry is not hesitating or afraid.

Curry smiled when

he was still a step away from Billups

, and looked at Billups.

"I'm back!"

As the words fell, Curry lightly stretched his arm and made a three-point shot in Billups' stunned eyes.

Now that Curry is close to three steps from the three-point line.

In the last few bad games, Curry has never taken a shot like this.

Because there was a problem in Curry's heart before, but now that Curry is back, everything has changed.

The basketball rolls in the air.

With Curry's firm belief, he crossed the court directly in the air and landed firmly in the basket.

After the three-point shot was hit, Curry raised his arm high and Su Lang, who rushed over to celebrate, collided his fist directly in the air.

Now that Su Lang is clear, Curry is finally back.

"Your uncle's Stephen is finally back! If you don't come back, I'll want to inspire you with your little video!" Su

Lang looked at Curry playfully.

"Damn, can't you let me pretend for a little longer!" Curry's

whole momentum instantly leaked, and he glanced at Su Lang.

Then the two men looked at each other and smiled.

The backcourt pair from the Golden State Warriors showed their swords again.

Curry has scored 7 points in a row,

and his state exploded after coming on the court, directly disrupting the Nuggets' tactical deployment.

That's when Anthony stepped up.

Billups after half-time.

Anthony gave up his position in the low post inside and went straight to the three-point line to catch the ball.

Such a choice is that Anthony gives up the low post offense, and also gives up a powerful offensive means of his own.

But Anthony had other weapons in his arsenal.

Curry, for his part, continued to use his Moe God Eighteen style to entangle Billups.

Block, block, block, block, Billups

has already begun to curse his mother in his heart.

The rookie who could be bullied with experience last time is now so difficult.

Eventually, Billups struggled to get the ball out.

Anthony also took a big step across to receive this pass that was a little off course.

After receiving the ball, Anthony went straight to Jackson.

Tentative step, shot, low center of gravity,

three threats in a row.

Jackson moved frantically, but was defeated by Anthony's triple threat.

Anthony made an easy shot feint to fly Jackson, and then accelerated straight to the basket.

At this time, Su Lang appeared directly on the route that Anthony broke through.

This way is not passable!

Su Lang stared at Anthony deadly.

After seeing Su Lang, Anthony did not feel the slightest nervousness.

Directly after a big stride, the left foot is the axis and then a right turn.

From Su Lang's side, he moved to the position under the basket.

By this time, the basket was already close at hand.

Anthony is ready to shoot for a basket.

The moment the basketball is about to be shot.

Anthony felt uneasy.

Anthony then forcibly changed his offensive options and threw the basketball directly in the direction of the rebound.

Anthony's abrupt change of choice saved him.

After making a move, Anthony saw Su Lang behind him enveloping him.

If he had forcibly made a move just now, he would definitely have been blocked by Su Lang as before.

After landing on the ground, Anthony forced Turyaf and Gibson under the basket.

The fierce confrontation also affected Anthony's balance.

However, Anthony still took advantage of the position under the basket.

Anthony jerked his basketball.

The fallen basketball flew into the air again.

After landing, Anthony once again squeezed past Turyaf and Gibson, who were besieging him.

Jumped up again and grabbed the basketball that fell in the air.

This time Gibson and Turyaf were noticeably slower defensively.

Successive fierce confrontations are sure to cause some physical stiffness.

However, for a talented player like Anthony, the stiffness affected by it is simply negligible.

This was another of Anthony's excellent scoring tools in the early years, scoring second offense after a series of steals under the basket.

Anthony jumped up and grabbed the basketball with both hands and dunked it to the basket.

But Anthony ignores the existence of a person.

When he was scrambling for a rebound just now, Su Lang didn't make a move.

So Anthony subconsciously relaxed his vigilance against Su Lang.

Now it's Anthony's turn to suffer.

The basketball in Anthony's hand was directly slapped on top of the rebound.

The basketball was directly out of Anthony's control and was controlled by a giant hand.

This person is none other than Su Lang.

After Su Lang's pegboard hat confiscated Anthony's dunk.

With a long pass from the quarter, the basketball crossed the half court and found Curry like a shooting star.

Curry's dunk adds one more time.

I don't know why, Curry is unusually fond of dunks in this game.

But it doesn't matter anymore

!The momentum of the Warriors has changed!

Su Lang looked at Anthony beside him with a smile.

"Do you still have the confidence to win against us now!"

"Hey! You are really ruthless!I thought we were already friends!"

Anthony glanced at Su Lang speechlessly.

"Of course we're friends, but we're enemies on the court, aren't we?"

said Su Lang with a smile.

"That's right, but you have to be careful! I'm going to be serious!" Anthony's

whole body suddenly became sharp.

"What about being serious, forgetting that you were KO by me in the first place?" Su

Lang said in a low voice to himself.

[Negative sentiment value from Carmelo Anthony +5000]

Ma Dan! Can you not mention this matter

! After the game, I wanted to teach others a lesson, and then I was directly knocked out by others!

This is one of his few black histories, and Su Lang remembers it clearly.

Anthony, who was originally sharp, was instantly deflated. Speechless, Su Lang was the same.


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