After Curry separated from Su Lang, he came directly to a hotel.

Opened a room at the reception downstairs.

But after opening the room, Curry didn't go upstairs.

Instead, I dialed Nelson Sr. directly.

Before the call was connected, Curry tried to keep his emotions as heavy as possible.

That way, old Nelson wouldn't doubt it either.

Seconds later, the phone picked up Nelson Sr.

"Hey~ Hello Coach! I'm Stephen! Can I talk to you! I'm in a very good mood right now, not good!" Curry

said in a low tone.

"What's the matter, Stephen! Did you encounter any difficulties?" Old

Nelson was a little surprised, Curry had just broken through the rookie wall with his own help, it shouldn't be so low

! Something must have happened!

Su Lang's plan was really insidious.

Old Nelson had no doubts at all.

"I can't say a word or two! Otherwise, you can come to me! I feel like I don't have the courage to live now!"

In order to complete the task, Curry is also desperately adding.

Old Nelson on the other side listened.

Curry is his heart, and if Curry doesn't want to live, then it's a big problem

! "Okay! Where are you!

I'll go find you right away!"

said Old Nelson hurriedly.

"I'm in room xxxx of the XXXX Hotel!" Curry

said slowly.

When the old Nelson on the other side heard that it was a hotel room, a trace of vigilance flashed in his heart.

Suddenly, something felt wrong.

"Why in the hotel? Why else let's go to the café outside,"

said old Nelson slowly.

"Oh, don't mention it, my girlfriend Ayesha kicked me out of the house

, forget it, coach, don't come,

let me calm down alone!"

Curry said in a tragic tone.

When he said this, Curry was personally substituted for the scene of being educated by Ayesha before.

In this way, the emotions appear unusually real.

He's not lying to old Nelson, that's true!

Curry silently hypnotized himself in his heart.

After hearing Curry's words, the only trace of doubt left in Nelson Sr.'s heart disappeared.

Before Curry and Su Lang were caught in a nightclub, old Nelson still heard about it.

Nelson Sr. now thinks it must be Curry who is having emotional problems.

Alas! Su Lang really doesn't do anything

! What a good kid Curry is! He took him to a nightclub

! It's okay now! I have to do it myself

! This head coach is really a tactical genius on the field and a master of emotions off the court

! "Okay! Wait for me!

I'll be there soon!".

Old Nelson quickly got up from the bed and quickly put on his clothes.

He was afraid that if he went late, Curry's mood would change for a different time.

"Where are you going at such a late hour?" said

Nelson Sr.'

s wife, rising to look at Nelson Sr.

"It's okay! It's just that a player has a problem, I'll solve it, you can sleep first!" said

Old Nelson looking up.

Soon the old Nelson finished putting on his clothes, and when he was about to go out, the old Nelson turned his head and said.

"By the way, don't leave me the door! I don't think I'll be here tonight!"

said old Nelson and walked out.


After Curry successfully fooled old Nelson and lame, he hurriedly called Su Lang.

"I've already taken the bait here!The address is room xxx of the xxx hotel!You hurry up!"

Curry said to Su Lang on the other end of the phone.

"Well done!" Su

Lang patted his thigh excitedly.

The cute god is really powerful

! Sure enough, the cute god Curry doesn't look so innocent

! An old fox like Old Nelson can be fooled and lame

! He really has a bit of a black belly talent

! "Isn't it a little bad for us to do this!


At this time, Curry suddenly retreated a little

!"Damn! You forgot who hurt you, you kneel on the keyboard! Who caused me to sleep on the sofa!

You can't be soft-hearted at this time!" Su

Lang said bitterly on the other end of the phone.


" "There's nothing but! Now there's no way back

!" "


In the end, Curry still chose to go with Su Lang.

After hanging up with Curry.

Su Lang dialed Jackson's phone directly.

"Bring all your girls here! The address has been sent to your mobile phone,"

Su Lang said.

"Boss, how much do you bring?" asked


"Then you don't need to ask!It must be the more!"

Su Lang said angrily.

"Don't worry, boss, I'm sure I'll get the job done!" Jackson

said with a pat on his chest.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up!" Su

Lang said urgically.

Hehe~ I didn't expect the boss to be quite anxious!

Jackson's face showed a wicked smile.


More than half an hour later, the elder Nelson came to the door of the room that Curry was talking about.

After knocking on the door, Nelson Sr. met Curry with a sad face.

"Alas~ you kid, it's really not worry-free!" said

Old Nelson earnestly.

Curry nodded silently, and then didn't say anything more.

Because Curry is afraid that talking too much will show Nelson Sr. something.

The two of them sat quietly on the sofa.

After Nelson Sr. put down his coat, he began to enlighten Curry.

"You don't have to be so frustrated! I believe that what happened before was definitely not your intention

! I can also help you convince your girlfriend

! But you can't continue to be so depressed for me!"

"You too! You have to go to a nightclub with Su Lang or something!

I haven't let you go, you're still disobedient, you have to go secretly!"


After Nelson Sr. had been educating Curry for about seven or eight minutes, suddenly there was a knock on Curry's door.

When old Nelson heard this, he was instantly on guard.

"Hello!Room service!Your supper has arrived!"

"You ordered?" said

Nelson Sr., looking at Curry.

Curry nodded. I secretly said sorry to old Nelson in my heart.

What kind of bullshit room service is coming from outside

! It's Su Lang, that guy is here!

Curry got up and walked in the direction of the door.

Old Nelson had no suspicions at all.

At this time, outside the door, Jackson looked at Su Lang in surprise.

"Boss, what are you doing here?" Jackson

looked at Su Lang suspiciously.

Shouldn't this be Su Lang's room?

Why do you still play the role

of room service!What the hell is this

!"You don't care! Just listen to me!"


After opening the door later, you will rush at the old man in the room!

". If this matter is done, Mi Jin will definitely be indispensable to you!" Su

Lang turned to the girls behind him and said.

At this time, Curry also opened the door.

Jackson looked at Curry across from him in surprise.

Haven't had time to ask yet.

Su Lang waved his hand and shouted directly.

"Girls, rush me!"


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