Inside the room, old Nelson was waiting for Curry to return.

Suddenly, I heard someone howling outside the room.

Old Nelson instantly sensed something was wrong.

Su Lang's voice can't even be forgotten when he is killed!

In the next second, a group of girls who were wearing flowers and branches and showing off their flowers and branches rushed in.

Without saying a word, he threw himself at old Nelson.

Before poor old Nelson could react, he was overwhelmed by a wave of waves.

"Don't, let me go!"

"! don't pick my pants!".

"Where do you touch it, let it go!"


Old Nelson's miserable roar was heard from the crowd.

Su Lang picked up his mobile phone with relish and took a picture.

Curry was nervous at first.

Later, I was really amused by the embarrassment of old Nelson.

Curry, too, began to take out his phone and take pictures.

Su Lang turned his head and glanced at Curry.

Yo he! I don't know how to teach myself!

"Hahaha! Boss, who is this person in it!It's quite similar to

Old Tang's voice!" "

What do you mean it's quite similar! It's Old Tang!" Curry

looked at Jackson with an innocent expression.

Hehe! Farewell

! Your uncle! You didn't tell the calculating head coach

! You are the meat of Old Tang's heart

! But I'm not! If Old Tang knew that I found these girls!

I would have to peel off my skin if I didn't


Jackson didn't say a word, turned around and ran out.

Curry looked at Su Lang suspiciously.

"Didn't you tell him yet?"

"It's not too late yet!"

Su Lang said lightly.

"Whoa!" Curry



About two or three minutes later.

Su Lang's plan has been more than half successful.

Su Lang put away his mobile phone and turned around and ran out of the door.

"Girls, retreat!" Hearing

Su Lang's order, all the girls who were wrapped around Old Nelson scattered in a hurry and rushed out directly.

Curry was left alone with his phone and froze in place.

There's no such thing in the plan?

What's going on

! The next second!

Old Nelson's angry voice came.


Old Nelson's clothes were so messy at this time that his shirt had already been torn off.

There are also several exaggerated lipstick marks on the face.

Nelson Sr. immediately noticed the phone Curry was holding in his hand.

Curry was woken up by a roar from Nelson Sr.

Ma Dan!Was calculated by this guy

Su Lang!Su Lang, your uncle!You are really not a thing

!Aren't we a trench

!You fucking sell me!

【Negative sentiment from Stephen Curry +10000】

Negative Sentiment from Stephen Curry +10000] [Negative Sentiment from Stephen Curry +10000]


On the other side, Su Lang secretly smiled, took out a wad of cash from his body and handed it to the girls.

The girl was found by Jackson! The room was opened by Curry

! Old Nelson was also fooled by Curry

! What does it have to do with

him! Anyway, when he took pictures, Old Nelson didn't notice him

! Hahaha! This is his complete plan!


Today's things are well done! You can go!" Su

Lang threw out the wad of cash in his hand.

Then he left without looking back.


Curry didn't return to the secret base that night, and

after Su Lang got a wave of old Nelson,

his heart was a lot more comfortable.

I feel a little sweeter when I sleep.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Su Lang sneaked into the stadium.

"Well, I thought you weren't coming!"

came old Nelson's mournful voice.

When Su Lang heard this, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Hahaha! Good morning, Old Tang, you had a good rest last night!" Su

Lang said with a smile.

Damn! Don't you know what happened last night

! I'm still resting well

! I'm doing good acting

! Curry in the distance has a pair of panda eyes, and I'm running back and forth frantically, and

after seeing Su Lang,

Curry hates it so much! It's all because of this thing!

How can you trust this guy

!"Boy! You're ruthless! I won't let you go!" Old

Nelson looked at Su Lang with a smile.

"What do you mean, Old Tang?" Su

Lang looked at Old Nelson suspiciously.

Pretend!Then pretend

!Your uncle

!【Negative sentiment from Old Nelson +5000】

"Su Lang!Turn around and run a hundred times!


Old Nelson yelled directly at Su Lang.

Old Nelson didn't force Lai Lai with Su Lang anymore, and went straight to the point.

Su Lang looked at Old Nelson who seemed to be about to explode, and shook his head helplessly.


After saying that,

Su Lang joined the queue to run back and forth with Curry.

"Hey, man, why didn't you run last night! I waited for you at home all night, and I didn't sleep well, you see my crow's feet are out,"

Su Lang said to Curry beside him.

[Negative sentiment value from Stephen Curry +5000]

Curry glanced at Su Lang and did not speak.

Moved some distance directly to the side, not wanting to be with Su Lang.

Su Lang followed closely behind Curry.

I don't want to deal with you!

Curry had a look on his face.

It's okay to put it on someone else's body, Su Lang, this guy has already figured out Curry's temper.

"Okay! I was wrong! Of course, I can't blame all of this! I shouted to retreat, if you don't run, you can't blame me!"

Su Lang continued.

"Your uncle! If you dare to swear that you didn't calculate me, I'll believe you!" Curry

said coldly.

"Okay! I swear! If I cheat you, let Jackson have a baby without asshole!"

Su Lang said without hesitation.

Damn! It's really cheap

! Jackson became your little brother, and he has reached the mold of eighteen lifetimes!

Curry looked at Su Lang speechlessly.

Jackson, who was carrying a barbell in a corner, didn't know that his future child's little chrysanthemum was used by Su Lang to swear.


Recently, the Warriors players have been privately rumoring whether the old Nelson is coming to the big aunt.

Their temper has really not been good these days!

Their training intensity has been raised to a higher level.

And when practicing Xi tactics in the team, if you make a slight mistake, you will be sprayed bloody by old Nelson.

Only Su Lang, Curry and Jackson were the only three people present who knew what the reason was.

Jackson can be regarded as seeing how bold Su Lang is.

Grandma's! That's

the head coach! The head coach dares to calculate, Su Lang may be the first person in the history of the league!

Unfortunately, Jackson is unlucky.

Nelson Sr. learned from Curry that the girls were found by Jackson.

So Jackson's side can't escape punishment.

Jackson's training volume has directly doubled.

Jackson has been complaining hard every day these days.

He really wanted to talk to old Nelson, he just made a phone call from the beginning to the end of this matter!

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