It's around the end of January. All the votes were counted.

The starting line-up for the All-Star Weekend is official.


: Center: Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic

) Forward: Kevin Garnett (Boston Celtics

) Forward: LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers)


Dwayne Wade (Miami Heat).

Guard: Allen Iverson (Philadelphia 76ers

) West: Center: Amar Stoudemire (Phoenix Suns

) Forward: Tim Duncan (San Antonio Spurs

) Forward: Carmelo Anthony (Denver Nuggets)


Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers).

Guard: Su Lang (Warriors)

The head coach of the All-Star side in the East is Van Gundy of the Magic.

On the Western side, Nelson Sr. was successfully elected head coach of the West by virtue of his excellent record in coaching the Warriors.

In fact, there is another meaning in this, that is, this year's best coach candidate will be produced between the two of them.

Old Nelson is determined to win the best coach of this year.

So this time, Nelson Sr. made up his mind to take it seriously.

The other side came after the end of January.

The Warriors' record is 33-12.

By this time, the Warriors had fallen from the first place in the West.

The Lakers topped the Western Conference with a 37-11 record.

But the paranoid No. 24 in Los Angeles is not very happy.

After all, the Warriors led by Su Lang have been suppressed until now.

And the Warriors are obviously releasing water on their side now, and Su Lang and Curry are now playing less time.

So it's normal to lose a few games.

Only then did the Lakers find an opportunity to overtake them.

It's as if the Warriors didn't look down on the No. 1 spot in the West and gave it to him.

Kobe Bryant wouldn't like such an ending.

Kobe Bryant will take what he wants, not give it to him.

So after the Lakers temporarily won the first place in the West, the rest of the team also celebrated.

After being known by Kobe, he directly scolded a bloody dog.

And this also made Kobe Bryant want to fight Su Lang even more. vent the dissatisfaction with Su Lang in your heart.

The Warriors, on the other hand, didn't have any ideas, and they were still determined to implement the old Nelson's strategy.

It's good to just get a ticket to the playoffs, so everyone is keeping things consciously or unconsciously.

And there is also good news for the Warriors, that is, the All-Star weekend is getting closer and closer, and Da Yao's side is also in very good shape.

was forced to be held on the field by old Nelson for more than a month, and Da Yao watched Su Lang and them on the field every day, and they were about to explode.

Now Da Yao has a feeling that if he is allowed to play, don't say anything about O'Neal Howard.

Give him a dozen first! Let's talk about it after the fight

! Just thinking about it, Da Yao's side is starting to surge in blood!


The time came on February 12, US time.

All-Star Weekend is officially underway.

Su Lang also had a rare break here.

In fact, Nelson Sr. needs Su Lang and Curry's strategy of retaining physical strength.

However, the elder Nelson still underestimated Su Lang's vitality.

If Su Lang didn't have fun on the field, he could only vent on the field.

And then the pitiful thing can only be Scarlett, the little girl.

The man who was killed by Su Lang every day threw off his armor and knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

Originally, on the 12th, there was nothing going on on Su Lang's all-star side.

So Su Lang is ready to go out shopping with Scarlett.

But the call from the cheeky gang disrupted Su Lang's plan.

Wade came to Dallas, the host of this year's All-Star Games, early.

So Wade invited Su Lang to be a guest in the telephone building.

For the sake of safety, Su Lang did not take Scarlett with him.

Who knows if this is the Hongmen Banquet! In the afternoon,

Su Lang came to the location given by Wade.

Wade rented a villa directly in Dallas for the party.

For this gathering.

When Su Lang arrived, Wade was the only one in the villa.

Compared to the last time James was invited at home, this time Wade held a better party.

At least Wade had prepared a lot of food.

After Wade opened the door, the moment he saw Su Lang, his eyes shrank suddenly.

"Is this what we drank last time?" Wade asked,

pointing to the box in Su Lang's hand.

Su Lang smiled and nodded.

Of course, if he came to be a guest, how could Su Lang not bring his weapon, the Dragon Kingdom Drink!

Now it seems that Wade has not forgotten the appearance of the last time he drank.

This left a big psychological shadow on Wade.

"Well done! I almost forgot this good thing! Come in quickly!"

was different from what Su Lang imagined.

Wade's side was instinctively vigilant at first, and then became excited in the next second.

This made Su Lang a little confused.

However, Su Lang still followed Wade in.

"Man, I've been thinking about what you told me last time, and I still think what you said makes sense

! But don't worry!

I've got Anthony, LeBron, and Paul here today.

I'll definitely get my video back from LeBron today!"

Wade said through gritted teeth.

Originally, after communicating with Su Lang last time, Wade felt that James was very suspicious.

And then here came the all-star voting thing.

Originally, Wade's side was still the first place in the East in the first round.

Then after two rounds, James actually gave him a chrysanthemum directly.

This made Wade very unhappy.

New grudges add old grudges, and Wade plans to treat James well this time.

Su Lang couldn't help grinning after listening to Wade's words.

Now Su Lang feels that his sin is too great

! The cheek gang has been fooled and lame, and now he wants to James!

And it is obvious that he is not dying.

What should I do! Solve it online!

Wade and Su Lang excitedly finalized the plan, preparing how to James at night.

Su Lang looked at the big cheeks with high interest here,

and he could only come down and Ma Dan! If James came over at night, wouldn't the matter be directly exposed

! At that time, he must not be torn apart by the four heroes

of the wind and dust! Grandma's! This is too dangerous!

The more Su Lang thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't continue like this.

Just don't do it! Just let James carry this black pot to the end.

Now I can only grieve James.

"Hey, Dwyan, I think there's something wrong with your plan! What if LeBron doesn't admit it when the time comes, we can't do anything about it!"

Su Lang said to Wade.

"If he doesn't give me the video, he won't want to see the sun tomorrow!"

Wade said viciously.

Su Lang pretended to be helpless and shook his head.

"That's it, I have a plan here, do you want to listen to it, it should be better than yours,"

Su Lang continued.

Wade heard that Su Lang had a plan, and immediately came to his senses.

"Tell me about it!"

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