Su Lang quickly told Wade about his plan.

Actually, the plan is very simple.

It's a remake of the last time it was at James' house.

First, he used the Dragon Kingdom liquor brought by Su Lang to stun James.

Then take the opportunity to shoot some small videos of James.

After James fainted, a small video of them could be found on his body.

If James didn't have it with them, they could threaten him with a small video.

After listening to Su Lang's plan, Wade jumped up directly excitedly.

"Very good! Just follow your plan!" Su

Lang smiled.

Suddenly, the bell rang for the door.

Ding Dong!

Su Lang looked at Wade suspiciously.

"Hahaha! Anthony must be here!" Wade

excitedly stood up from the couch.

"Great, we can discuss with Anthony, with Anthony, our plan can be better implemented,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

As everyone knows, Su Lang's heart is panicking now

! Ma Dan!

Last time, Anthony was a witness, if Anthony leaked the bottom directly.

It is estimated that Wade will fight with him for the rest of his life

! The beginning of a lie is the continuation of countless lies!

The ancients did not deceive me!

Ma Dan is so tired!

Su Lang looked at Wade helplessly.

Wade had already gotten up to greet Anthony.

After Anthony came in, he saw Su Lang on the sofa.

Smiled and said hello.

Su Lang also responded with a smile.

"By the way, Dwyan, where is your fruit here, you can help me find it!" Su

Lang said to Wade.

Wade didn't suspect it, and got up and went directly to the direction of the kitchen.

Wait until Wade leaves.

Su Lang directly opened the phone, clicked a few times, and then threw it to Anthony who didn't know

why, "There's no time,

long story short! Help me once! This is the reward!"

Su Lang said to Anthony.

Anthony was confused at first, until he saw what was in the video.

Anthony's eyes instantly shrank like pinholes.

If Su Lang hadn't taken it out, he wouldn't have known it for the rest of his life! It's

very simple!

Su Lang showed Anthony a video playing on his phone.

The main character of the video content is Anthony himself.

And, of course,

J.R. Smith Anthony instantly recalls what had happened.

It turned out that Su Lang was even videotaped at that time.

Grandma's! This is too insidious!

Sure enough, I made the right decision not to provoke him after that.

Otherwise, if Su Lang released this video, his Anthony's reputation would be over.

Find something to do after the fight, and then get knocked out!

If it's really exposed, Anthony shouldn't mess around.

Anthony raised his head and glanced at Su Lang,

and then silently received his mobile phone into his clothes pocket.

At this time, Wade also walked out with fruit.

"Man, how's it going? Tell Anthony our plan!" Wade

looked at Su Lang.

"Hahaha! It's not too late, let's discuss it together when you come,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

"LeBron is so disgusting!

Anthony looked at Su Lang suspiciously.

Su Lang nodded at Anthony.

There was a hint of helplessness in Anthony's eyes.

He nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes, it's disgusting!"

said Anthony.

"He actually made a little video of us!" Wade


After Anthony heard this, he directly squirted out a mouthful of soda.

Damn! Wasn't Su Lang the one who made the small video

! How did he become LeBron!

Anthony looked at Su Lang in surprise.

Su Lang nodded again.

Anthony understood instantly.

Su Lang is crippled by the big cheeks!

LeBron is now a backbiter!

What should I do?

Anthony instantly fell into a dilemma.

Just when Anthony hesitated, he saw Su Lang's mouth shape.

Anthony easily recognized what Su Lang wanted to say.

What kind

of backup?

Damn! The backup of the small video

! Your uncle's Su Lang! You actually have a backup!

As a last resort, Anthony had no choice but to get on Su Lang's thief ship.

"How do you know!" Anthony

looked at Wade in surprise.

Wade shook his head helplessly.

"Su told me everything!" Anthony

first looked at Su Lang, and then his gaze fell on Wade.

In the end, he sighed heavily!

Su Lang, who watched this scene, secretly snickered.

Anthony's acting skills are not bad!

Sure enough,

after Wade saw Anthony's appearance.

He was even more convinced of his previous guesses and Su Lang's words.

"Don't worry! We're going to be able to get a wave of LeBron today!!Let

him know we're not easy to mess with!" Wade

patted Anthony on the shoulder, then said in a huff.

Alas~ You have been fooled and lame by others

! I really doubt your IQ!

Looking at Wade in front of him, Anthony couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At the same time, I was more afraid of Su Lang.

To be able to fool Wade like this

! There really is no one!

Wade then began to excitedly introduce their plan.

Anthony could only keep nodding his head.

More than an hour later, the doorbell rang again outside the room.

"LeBron should be here!" Wade's

eyes became firm.

"It's up to you to make or break it!" Wade

continued, then looked at Anthony and Su Lang.

Su Lang and Anthony nodded.

Wade got up and walked in the direction of the door.

Wait until Wade leaves.

Anthony got up directly and sat next to Su Lang.

Then he hugged Su Lang's shoulders behind him.

"What about backups?" asked

Anthony through gritted teeth.

"I'll give it to you later!" Su

Lang said lightly.

"You're going a little too far this time!" Anthony


"I can't help it! Things have developed step by step to the present, what can I do,"

Su Lang said with a wry smile.


! I really owe you!

Anthony rolled his eyes.

Now that he is on Su Lang's thief ship, even if there is no Su Lang.

Anthony's own side also has to ensure the implementation of the plan.

Otherwise, Wade is estimated to kill him

!It's all to blame on this guy!

【Negative sentiment from Carmelo Anthony +5000】

Anthony now regrets coming here to party.

Soon Wade walked in with James and Paul.

It is clear that James and Paul came together.

Wade came in and glanced at Su Lang.

A consensus was reached in an instant.

There was no need for Paul to know about the plan this time.

Since Paul and James were so close.

Maybe Paul would have betrayed them to James.

James, who didn't know anything yet, walked to Su Lang's side with a grin, and

Anthony's eyes showed a trace of speechlessness.

And in the mood to laugh!

Su Lang, this guy has prepared a big black pot for you!!

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