After both parties showed enough sincerity, the achievement of this cooperation was a matter of course!

For the signing of this contract, some people are happy and some are worried!

As the biggest beneficiary of this contract, Dayao must be very excited.

With this endorsement contract, he has earned his first pot of gold in the United States, which can provide a basic economic guarantee for his future life and other aspects!

Moreover, this endorsement contract directly raised Dayao's overall value.

No matter what kind of endorsement there is in the future, this contract will be used as a reference, and the remuneration proposed will definitely not be few!

But the management of the Knicks is getting more and more headaches.

Dayao's contract is more like a pledge of allegiance, a pledge of allegiance that cannot be ignored!

This will put the Knicks in a more passive situation in the negotiations with Dayao, and they must show enough sincerity!

Isaiah Thomas met with Steve again. Obviously, the most important thing for the Knicks is to finalize Dayao's rookie contract!

Prior to this, LeBron James had signed a rookie contract with the Cavaliers. The Cavaliers signed a four-year, 18.6 million yuan contract to completely confirm LeBron James's right to use the player!

This is likely to be the only contract the Knicks can refer to. After all, based on current abilities, the only player who can be compared with Yao Ming is LeBron James.

"I don’t think I care much about the rookie contract. What I want is to play for the Knicks as soon as possible and lead the Knicks to victory!

A New York Times interview video is being played repeatedly in the president’s office!

This is also a reference standard for the two to quote the contract.

"I think we have shown enough sincerity, it is time to sign the contract!"

Thomas looked at Steve seriously and took out the contract he had prepared.

Steve smiled and made an OK gesture.

"Please ask Dayao to come to the office. Oh, and his agent, Bill Duffy!"

Steve said to the secretary with a smile!

The Chinese giant is finally going to officially take over the Knicks!

Soon, Dayao and Bill Duffy came to the president's office.

"Yao, this is our contract. You know, the terms of the rookie contract are there, and there is not much we can do!"

Thomas handed the contract to Yao with an apologetic look on his face.

"It doesn't matter, I can't give you much now!"

Yao Ming took the contract with a smile, his face looked particularly relaxed.

After a quick glance, Yao Ming handed the contract to Bill.

Bill Duffy observed it carefully for a long time, but he could see that the Knicks were really concerned about Yao Ming's contract.

This is a two-way contract in which the player has the right to choose independently.

Normally, the first-round draft pick signs a 4-year contract, and in the fourth year, the team has a team option and can choose to give up the player. The second-round draft picks mostly sign contracts for two years, and have a team option after the second year.

These two contracts have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But in order to show enough sincerity, the Knicks changed the team option of the signing contract to a player option, and changed the 4-year contract into a 3-year contract!

12 million for 3 years, this is the offer made by the New York Knicks!

Of course, if Yao Ming performs well enough, they don’t mind making an appointment in advance and offering a contract with higher value and longer term.

At the same time, this contract also has additional bonus incentives, such as winning personal honors, leading the team into the playoffs, breaking through the first round, breaking through the second round...

In short, the Knicks’ sincerity in this contract is absolutely in place.

It is definitely worthy of Yao Ming’s current worth and performance.

You must know that Yao Ming has only played a few summer league games so far, and he has not played a single real NBA game!

At this moment, the Knicks are able to make such a contract offer, which is definitely powerful enough.

"I think this is indeed a contract full of sincerity and we have no reason to refuse!"

Bill Duffy put down the contract with a smile, and said to Dayao without any hesitation.

Dayao nodded.

In fact, from the fact that Thomas was willing to call the two of them, it can be seen how sincere the contract is.

You must know that the NBA has implemented strict salary regulations for first-round rookies since 1994.

On the one hand, this is because first-round rookies often refused to sign with the team and threatened high contracts.

On the other hand, some old players will feel resentful when they see that rookies with no qualifications can get more generous contracts than them.

It will reduce the competitiveness of the team!

Therefore, as long as the players who participated in the draft and made offers according to the draft order, as long as the team is willing to sign, the players have no right to refuse.

But now, Thomas and Steve still took this step, which showed that they were definitely respectful enough!

This contract was finally finalized under the happy witness of the four people. From this moment on, Dayao became a member of the New York Knicks!

When the news was announced, the Knicks were still very excited.

Everyone understands that the rise of New Yorkers is on the way!

However, the joining of Dayao and Paul made Don Cheney have

The team's starting lineup may need to be re-evaluated.

Especially Chris Paul, no matter what, he was also found by the team as an exception. If you want to convince everyone from the beginning and become the team's starting point guard, I'm afraid no one will agree.

But Thomas's intention is very clear. The purpose of signing Paul is to make Dayao stronger!

Judging from the current configuration, it is really hard to predict how powerful the two of them can be.

After all, no one can predict the illusory chemical reaction!

After thinking about it, Don Cheney decided to let the rookies gather first and give them a month of closed training!

After a month, depending on the players' training results, the starting lineup will be re-determined.

After all, Paul currently only refers to the performance of the high school league. Now he can't guarantee how much strength he can exert by entering the NBA directly!

Moreover, just when he was having a headache, Thomas didn't seem to think about his situation so much. He actually brought Dikembe Mutombo with a one-year contract of 4.8 million!

This obviously found another competitor for Dayao. It seems that Thomas' goal this year is not just to enter the playoffs!

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