When talking about Mutombo, we have to mention his unstoppable defense. His signature finger-shaking action is almost the nightmare of all inside players!

Who would have thought that this year, Isaiah Thomas, after having already signed Yao Ming, would be traded for him!

This is bound to imitate the Spurs of that year and form a pair of unstoppable inside defenses!

"Hey Paul, I know you'll get used to this pace quickly, and we need your guidance!"

"Yes, that's what you should do. Your height is not a problem. Your passing will make it difficult for your opponents to defend!"

"Paul, you know, every time you play, I feel at ease. I know you will have a hundred ways to pass the ball to me. We will be the strongest duo in the new century!"

One month of closed training is boring and tedious for all rookies.

But during this period, Paul felt unprecedented care and warmth.

Dayao was like an older brother every day, giving him endless care and encouragement.���

From the initial discomfort, to now gradually finding the way, mastering the intensity of NBA-level confrontation, and being able to take the responsibility of organizing the offense on the court.

This is the change of Paul in this month.

Among them, Dayao played a crucial role in his change.

"I am willing to be teammates with Yao Ming, not only for basketball reasons, but also because of his character. We have become good brothers who can talk about anything!"

Paul said this in an interview after a month of closed training.

Don Cheney was very pleased to see the changes in the rookies in this month.

Now he is getting closer and closer to the goal he hopes to see!

As time goes by, the new season is getting closer and closer!

It's time for all the players to return and establish the starting lineup!

Don Cheney recalled all the players as planned.

Including the newly joined Mutombo and the current Knicks boss Alan Houston!

"Guys, I'm very happy that in the new season, our team has been injected with new vitality and welcomed new teammates."

"New York has always been a metropolis, and our team has never had to worry about exposure, but our results don't seem to match that exposure."

"To be honest, this is a fact that is difficult to accept, so I hope that in the new year, we can make changes and become a team that amazes everyone and become a team that New Yorkers can truly be proud of!"

"Starting means recognition of a player's strength and his own responsibility and commitment"

"For the new season, I haven't planned who will start the game, and I don't have the right to make such an arrangement, so I hope our team can have a real team training match, and the five players with good performances will become the team's starting lineup for the new season!"

"Of course, this will not be the final starting lineup. As long as there are unstable performances and ineffective players, they will also return to the bench until the most ideal lineup is found!"

Don Cheney said a lot in one breath, but in the end, he only meant one thing, that is, the players' strength won the starting position!

To put it simply, it is what people often call competition for positions!

Whoever can better perform the current role will be the team's starter in the new season!

Everyone also expressed unanimous approval of such an arrangement!

In competitive sports, the strong are respected.

No matter who it is, only by playing a convincing game can you win more respect.

Therefore, in the face of the current situation, this way of speaking by strength is indeed the fairest.

Only those who perform better are qualified to stand in the starting position. As for the others, they can only be inferior to others in skills and cannot blame anyone!

"In terms of lineup allocation, I will allocate them according to those who have just joined and those who have played here for several seasons. Although this does not seem fair, this is the NBA, and there is no such thing as fairness!"

"Look at the Lakers' lineup. When they have top stars like Kobe and O'Neal, they also got Malone and Payton, but we still have to continue to fight against them. Do you think this is fair?"

"Don't question my arrangement. Before the game starts, everyone has equal opportunities, unless you think that you are born weaker than them!"

"If you have such an idea, then I can congratulate you, you have been eliminated, and the identity of the water dispenser manager may be more suitable for you!"

Don Cheney continued with his plan, without any intention of negotiating.

"Yao, it sounds like this game is going to be exciting!"

"That's right, let's show those old guys some color, I don't want to be anyone's substitute!"

Yao touched Paul's head and responded seriously.

As the best basketball player in China, with the system added to him, Yao Ming certainly cannot accept the status of a substitute.

This is not arrogance, but the real situation. He has the ability to become the team's starter, no matter which team he is in!

Moreover, the league emphasizes strength first, and there are many people who want to laugh at him now.

Even though he has won a sky-high endorsement contract from Reebok and has received enough respect from the Knicks.

The natural psychological advantage of the native Americans still makes them look at Yao Ming with a superior attitude.

Even in the current team, there are many veterans who are dissatisfied with his treatment.

In the face of this situation, it is obviously unrealistic to wag your tail and beg for recognition in front of others!

Only by speaking with strength and proving with competition can you truly get your own glory!

"I have been thinking about this day for a long time. This rookie class really needs a lesson!"

Alan Houston patted his arm excitedly.

As the current boss of the team, the best way to consolidate his position is to show his power.

Use a crushing game to completely consume his arrogant faces and let them know who is the dominant one in this team!

"Although it is cruel, it sounds really good. I don't want to show mercy!"

Mutombo shook his finger and looked at his teammates with a playful look.

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