Before the game started, Su Lang glanced around. He instantly found Scarlett in the second row of the fans' seats.

He didn't expect that she would really come to watch the game.

After Scarlett saw Su Lang's sight, she also smiled and waved to say hello.

Scarlett felt something was wrong just after waving.

But it was too late, some media had already filmed this scene.

Scarlett stuck out her tongue awkwardly.

Su Lang also shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene, and then focused on the game.


As the whistle of the game sounded, the rookie game officially began.

Oden was worthy of being the No. 1 pick in the draft. He gave the second-year rookie a head start at the beginning of the game.

During the jump ball, Scola, a second-year player, had no room to fight back and was grabbed by Oden.

Rose controlled the basketball and passed the half court.

He handed it directly to Su Lang.

Su Lang was the representative of the first-year rookies, so of course, Su Lang started the first round of offense.

Su Lang slowly controlled the basketball, and the other first-year rookies opened up space for Su Lang.

This was the first time Su Lang had met Durant since the last match against the Thunder.

Every time he met him, Su Lang would be amused by his unique temperament.

Su Lang dribbled the ball and smiled as he looked at Durant.

"Hey! Kevin, how about the note I gave you last time?"

Su Lang's words fell into Durant's ears.

Instantly, Durant, who was defending seriously, lost his mind.

Durant didn't know what he was thinking, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

The next second, Su Lang burst out and rushed out in one step.

Damn! No martial ethics!

Durant, who was defending Su Lang, was shocked.

But Su Lang had already taken a big step to shake off his defense.

Coming to the basket and facing the double-team of the second grade, Su Lang threw the basketball directly into the sky.

Oden, who had been waiting for a long time under the basket, grabbed the basketball with both hands and slammed it into the basket.

Alley-oop slam dunk!

The first round of the first grade directly ignited the whole court.

Su Lang nodded with satisfaction, worthy of being a top inside player.

Those guys on his own team have never been able to complete such cooperation with him.

It can be said that as long as Su Lang dares to throw the basketball into the air, the two guys on the Warriors will dare to give Su Lang a five-big embarrassing.

It was the first time for Su Lang to cooperate with a top inside player.

This feeling was very good.

The offensive round of the second grade.

As expected, they chose the same tactics as the first grade.

The team's first offense was also handed over to their representative Durant.

Su Lang smiled and looked at Durant in front of him.

Now Su Lang is very curious, which can be seen from Durant's expression just now.

Because of the note Su Lang gave out, something must have happened to Durant that he didn't know about.

"Hey! Kevin, you haven't told me what happened next."

Durant, who was controlling the ball, looked constipated.

"Su! Please don't ask me anymore! Women are so scary."

Su Lang was stunned for a moment, but he was even more curious.

What happened? Durant became like this.

This is not normal!

Damn! Kim Kardashian didn't force herself on Durant!

Suddenly, an amazing idea popped up in Su Lang's mind.

Just when Su Lang was thinking about it,

Durant imitated Su Lang and accelerated directly to break through to the inside.

However, Durant did not choose to pass the ball, but stopped and jumped directly.


The mid-range shot hit steadily.

The score on the field came to 2:2.

Turning around, Su Lang's curiosity was completely aroused.

Su Lang kept sticking to Durant.

"Hey Kevin, tell me what happened."

"Don't worry! I will never tell anyone!"

"Don't hesitate! Tell me"


Su Lang turned into a torture monster, and Durant became a bad person

【Negative emotion value from Durant +1000]

But Durant seemed to be determined not to tell Su Lang.

This stimulated Su Lang's desire to explore.

Su Lang made up his mind. If Durant didn't tell him, he would never let Durant feel comfortable in this game.

This time, the attack of the first-year player was initiated by Rose.

It must be said that after more than half a year of development in the professional league.

Rose's change of direction without deceleration has become more terrifying. He directly accelerated and shook Brooks away.

Then, under the defense of three people under the basket, he made a terrifying folding action.

After dodging the defense, he pulled up and made a layup. The basketball fell into the net.

Su Lang grinned and felt his old waist twitching.

After a few rounds, the second-year player found some problems.

Good guy! Everyone came here to play, but they didn't expect the first-year rookie to be like taking drugs and beat them to death!

This is different from the plot they imagined!


Howard, the head coach of the second-year player, called a timeout directly.

The second-year rookies finally recovered from the shock of being beaten by the first-year rookies.

After the timeout, the second-year rookies began to show their strength. After all, they had been bullied by the veterans of the league for one year longer than the first-year rookies. They had much more experience than the first-year rookies.

They began to rely on their experience to constantly cause damage to the first-year rookies in the interior.

At the end of the first quarter, the two sides were tied at 33.:33.

However, the first-year players Marc Gasol committed 3 fouls and Oden committed 2 fouls.

In comparison, the first-year players were at a disadvantage. Su

Lang questioned Durant for the entire game, but he didn't get anything out of him. Su Lang and Durant didn't perform well in the first quarter. However, Su Lang did get a lot of negative emotions from Durant.

"Hey! Man! This is a good opportunity to show yourself! What happened to you in the first quarter?"

James looked at Su Lang speechlessly.

After hearing what James said, Su Lang smiled.

""It's okay! I will be serious in the next game,"

Su Lang said.

Su Lang finally put aside his curiosity temporarily.

If he continued like this, the sophomores might win.

Now he really had to be serious!

Other things could only be figured out after the game.

After the intermission, the players from both sides returned to the court.

Westbrook replaced Rose, Beasley replaced Marc Gasol. Gordon replaced OJ Mayo, and Big Luo replaced Oden.

It can be said that except for Su Lang, the first-year players replaced all the remaining positions.

On the contrary, there were not many changes on the second-year side.

Only Jeff Green replaced Horford.

They still kept their starting lineup.

Obviously they didn't want to lose the game.

Otherwise, they would be the laughing stock of the league. They became the first team to lose to the first-year rookies since 2002.

After returning to the court, Su Lang smiled.

Are you ready? I'm afraid of myself when I get serious!


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