The first round of the second quarter.

The sophomore took the lead in attacking.

Brooks handed the basketball to Durant.

Apparently, Howard had re-arranged the tactics for them during the intermission.

Durant was curious to find that Su Lang, who had been chasing him and asking him questions for the entire quarter, did not continue to ask questions at this time. Before he had time to think about it,

Durant found that Su Lang seemed to want to eat him up and pressed him up.

Durant stepped back to distance himself from Su Lang while looking for an offensive opportunity.

But Durant had forgotten the fear of being dominated by Su Lang's defense.

The next second, before Durant could react,

Su Lang waved his arm lightly and the basketball was directly intercepted.

Su Lang accelerated and caught up with the basketball.

Su Lang quickly rushed across the half court.

Just when everyone thought that Su Lang would rush to the line and dunk inside.

Su Lang stopped immediately at the position of the logo and shot a three-pointer.

Durant, who was chasing Su Lang, did not brake in time and rushed out directly.

Then he stepped back and looked at Su Lang in horror.

No way! What kind of offensive choice is this!

Are you kidding me!

But the next second Durant couldn't laugh anymore.

The basketball hit the basket as accurately as a missile.

Su Lang smiled and still kept the posture of shooting the basketball.

The emotions of the fans in the audience were instantly ignited.

Logo three-pointer! An attack more incredible than a dunk

"Oh my god! It's been a long time since I saw Su Lang shoot a three-pointer like this!"

"Hahaha! Logo three-pointers are still fun to watch!"

"The second graders must be confused! They didn't expect Su Lang to choose the logo shot!"


Su Lang's three-pointer not only aroused the emotions of the fans, but also brought a lot of pressure to the second grade.:33.

Grade 1 leads.

Grade 2's offensive attack.

Not surprisingly, they still chose Durant as the attacking point.

Durant was much more cautious this time, he didn't want to be intercepted by Su Lang again.

But the next second Durant almost cursed.

Su Lang pressed on again.

Su Lang's hands were like two chains, tightly locking Durant in front of him.

Under Su Lang's pressure, Durant could only keep retreating.

Jeff Green from the grade 2 also discovered Durant's dilemma.

As a teammate who played with Durant for two seasons.

At this time, their tacit understanding was reflected.

Jeff Green ran directly to Durant and prepared to do a pick-and-roll for Durant.

But before Jeff Green got there.

Durant was intercepted by Su Lang again.

Durant was now collapsed. He seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by Su Lang in the last match.

But this time was much more stressful than the last time.

After Su Lang intercepted the ball, the fans in the stadium stood up one after another, ready to cheer for Su Lang.

Su Lang came to the position of the logo again.

Three-point shot!

This time the basketball hit the front of the basket, but Su Lang was lucky. After rolling twice in the air, the basketball fell into the net again.


The fans in the stadium were boiling.

Two consecutive steals! Two logo three-pointers!

Incredible performance!

"Oh my god! It's so wonderful!"

"Well done!"

"MVP! He is the MVP!"


Gradually, only one voice remained among the fans.

"Su! Su! Su!……"

The fans in the stadium shouted Su Lang's name in unison.

Su Lang smiled and put his palms to his ears, listening to the cheers of the fans.

This made the fans even more excited.

The cheers on the field increased again.

Scarlett in the player's seat listened to the cheers in her ears, and then looked at Su Lang who seemed to be at the center of the world on the field.

Su Lang at this time was so brilliant and moving.

A thread in her heart seemed to be plucked.

Scarlett stood up directly from the chair

"Su! Su! Su!……"

Scarlett also joined the cheering for Su Lang.

Who cares about the paparazzi! Even if she was photographed, so what.

Anyway, at this moment, Scarlett just wanted to cheer for Su Lang.

The reporters on the sidelines naturally did not miss this opportunity.

The shutter kept pressing, recording Scarlett's crazy scene.


When the second grade attacked again.

Durant received the basketball with tears in his eyes.

Looking at the extremely serious Su Lang in front of him, Durant regretted it a little.

Brother! Please keep asking me!

If you ask me, I will definitely tell you what happened!

Don't torture me anymore!

Durant now regrets very much that he didn't tell Su Lang what happened.

If he had known earlier, he would have told Su Lang.

Then he wouldn't have to suffer the inhuman treatment now.

Looking at Su Lang who pressed on again.

Durant felt that his scalp was exploding!

Don't come over!

Durant roared in his heart.

【[Negative emotion value from Durant +4000]

Su Lang looked at the system prompt and a smile appeared on his lips.

You little guy! I told you to pretend to be deep!

I told you not to tell me! I can't kill you!

Looking at Su Lang getting closer and closer, Durant threw the basketball out without thinking.

Can I stop playing?

Facing Su Lang's crazy defense, Durant gave up.

Horford in the interior received the pass with a confused look on his face.

This is inconsistent with their tactics!

The original tactic of the second grade was that Durant would shoot and attack as much as he wanted.

Even if he missed the shot, it didn't matter.

After all, their second grade is the strongest inside.

They can rely on the advantage of the inside to crush the first-year rookies and grab more rebounds.

But what I didn't expect was that Durant lost the ball twice in a row at the beginning.

Then he gave up the third time.

Now Durant on the outside has an expression on his face that says don't pass the ball to me.

Obviously, he was hit hard by Su Lang.

Horford had no choice but to attack by himself.

It has to be said that the second-year inside is indeed strong.

After Oden left the court, the inside players of Los Angeles and Beasley were not good enough.

After Horford missed the shot, Scola grabbed the frontcourt rebound and made a tip-in.

The score on the court was 39.:35.

The sophomores finally relied on Scola's frontcourt rebounds. They got two points.

But this does not mean that they are out of danger.

Because Su Lang's performance is still going on.

Turning around.

After Westbrook controlled the ball and passed half court. , he looked in the direction of Su Lang, hesitating in his heart.

Should he pass the ball to Su Lang?

One is his teammate on the Thunder.

The other is a temporary teammate in the same trench with him.

Westbrook couldn't make a decision for a while.

But in the end, rationality overcame emotion.

Westbrook passed the basketball to Su Lang.

Because Westbrook himself wanted to break history.

Become one of the few people in history who can beat a sophomore rookie.

The basketball fell steadily into Su Lang's hands.

Durant's expression of despair on his face became more intense.

Because he knew what he was going to face next


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