Yu Jia: "The two defensive teams achieved such a high score! Jiang Hao scored 41 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 blocks and 4 steals!! Among them, he made 7 of 9 three-pointers and 8 of 10 two-pointers!! Super efficient!”

Fans were shocked when they heard this data:

"41 points on 19 shots. Oh my god, if this was Kobe, he would have 41 points on 41 shots!"

"Hush! I don't dare to say that!"


"Walked at the wrong set? Aren't there many fans of Jiang Hao now?"

"Since the Spurs defeated the Lakers in two games, there has been a shadow of Kehei among Jiang Hao's fan base."

"It's like this. The number of fans is increasing, so naturally it's a mixed bag."

"Come on Zhan Hei, hurry up!!"

"Wu Huang, open your eyes and look. You scored 41 points on the bench against the Pacers, and you only played 30 minutes!! You scored 8 points in 48 minutes!!"

"Ahem, I have one thing to say. The playoffs, especially the finals, are still different. The 8-point trick doesn't apply now."

"Whatever, I don't believe Jiang Hao can score 8 points in the playoffs."

"That's not certain. The Pacers haven't defended at the playoff level. Who knows what he will be like in the playoffs. Some rookies can't adapt to the playoffs. They are useless from beginning to end."

"It's coming, it's coming, the classic is coming, from summer league to training camp to regular season garbage time to rotation time to starting. Now there are finally people who are waiting for Jiang Hao's performance in the playoffs to be convinced."

"There is no way. Yellow players are declining. Maybe Jiang Hao has to pick up the championship trophy to really convince these local fans."

"Then win that damn championship!! Accomplish what YAO didn't even do!"

"Take your time with this, it's only the first season, let's level up first!"

"Practice a bit and you've already got 41 points. Let's kill him!!"

ESPN explained Smith:

"The Spurs relied on 41 points scored by new starter Jiang Hao to win one of the strongest teams in eight consecutive visits. Next, they will face the Cleveland Cavaliers in the last game of the Eastern Tour. It will also be the second time Jiang Hao meets the Spurs. knight."

Another commentator interrupted:

"Stop talking, I'm afraid Cavaliers fans will be upset."

Cavaliers fans: "????"

"Meow, meow, meow, kill, don't torture! The knight has been suffering enough lately!"

"The Cavaliers said you'd better give me a full rotation, GDP+J!"

"GDPH sounds nicer."

"This group has a good name. If these four people play a few more games, they will definitely have the name of GDPH, the Big Four!"

Brother Wenzi:

"Please Teacher Jiang, please abuse me lightly. It's hard to get a new top pick. It's not good to be beaten. He's just a child and needs to be taken care of!"

"Trivia: Jiang Hao is also a child!"

"It's so easy for him to score 40 points. It feels like he got such a high score without putting in much effort!"

"Yes, because the Spurs play as a team, he scores more by running, and he scores points quickly with 3-pointers. I don't mean to belittle it. This further illustrates his awesomeness, team basketball and personal hero." I can fight any doctrine!”


"Always be awesome, Teacher Jiang!!"

"Teacher Jiang, we don't call you Master Jiang anymore, because you don't need to do any exercises. You can get 41 points with your own hands!"

"Teacher, can I be your student!!"

The Hupu server exploded again, because Jiang Hao's score tied Dayao's career highest score in a single game! !

Became the second Chinese and Asian player to score 40+ points in a single game in the NBA! ! ! !

In 10 career games, he has scored 41 points in a single game and 20 consecutive points! !

So scary! !

The editor of Hupu was very excited when editing the news, because no one in the Chinese basketball circle expected this moment to come so quickly:

Yao Ming's 41 points were scored on February 23, 2004, which was Yao Ming's second season in the NBA. The time was almost the same, and he scored it in the winter.

At that time, Yao Ming's Rockets played against the Hawks. Yao Ming played 50 minutes and scored a career-high 41 points and a career-high 7 assists. He made 15 of 21 field goals and 11 of 15 free throws.

After three overtimes of the game, Yao Ming forced all three of the opponent's centers to foul out six times.

Even the editor added a subjective sentence at the end: Thank you LeBron! ! !

This post "Jiang Hao's career highest score in a single game ties Dayao" had over a thousand comments instantly after the server was restored.

"Indeed, without James' exclusion, Jiang Hao might still be playing garbage time with the Heat."

"Thank you to the Heat, thank you to Riley, thank you to Rich Paul."

A bunch of fans lined up behind to watch the video.

"Dayao scored 41 points in the last 50 minutes!"

"It's an exaggeration to think about it. A big center played for 50 minutes and was exhausted."

"Haha, compared to Jiang Hao, it's so comfortable. Even the Spurs' starting players are well protected."

“So, who is more valuable?”

"It belongs to Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao was always attacking the opponent's main force in the end. Dayao was punished inside the opponent that time."

"That was also a foul committed by Dayao himself."

"You know Yao made 15 free throws! Free throws are the easiest way to score."

"Wen Wu is the best, martial arts is not the second, if you are both awesome, that's it!"

Even Yao Ming himself smiled when he saw this post being forwarded on Weibo, thinking that there was no point in comparing them since they were not in the same position, and they were all Chinese players, so we should hope to see more and more awesome players like Jiang Hao appear!

So YAO directly posted on Weibo:

"Congratulations to Jiang Hao for winning the game with 41 points in a single game!! I hope he can surpass this score and refresh my record next time, this guy is awesome!"

Hot comments below:

"Ant claws are ant claws and crabs are crabs, 30 years in the east, 30 years in the west, don't bully the poor young people!!"

At this time, American fans were also making fun of it.

U.S. five-star general MacArthur once said:

"Chinese basketball general Jiang Hao does not believe that the long night is coming, because the torch is in his hands!!"

Admiral David Robinson, who settled in the Holy City and is also a small shareholder of the Spurs, is a tough guy who doesn't talk much, or even says nothing.

Directly on Twitter @Riley @Spo @LeBron James @Dwyane Wade @Chris Bosh

He didn't say a word, but it explained everything. The fans below followed @these Heat players, and some even had question marks.

The most exciting thing was that the Pacers' official website released Bojan's statistics after the loss:

"Bojan played 14 minutes in this game and scored 9 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists. His performance was not bad!"

"Shrimp, and I want pig heart!!"

"Bojan's performance is good enough for his second-round pick, but Jiang Hao is too awesome."

"Anyway, the Heat are done!"


The live game is over.

Leonard hugged George Hill on the court first. These two people will always be compared and discussed, even if they are not lifelong enemies. There is no way, this is a real single trade.

In the audience, Jiang Hao, who had put on his training clothes early, also went over to shake hands and hug Bojan.

The "hug of the century" of the Heat's former players! !

The camera was snapping randomly.

Bojan said to Jiang Hao:

"You've become stronger. 41 points, I feel like I'll never get that in my lifetime."

"If you have a chance, you can shoot 15 three-pointers in a single game."

"Then I'll set a record. Keep going. Change your jerseys. You forgot to change your Heat jerseys before."

"Why mention that? It's unlucky!"

The two rookies signed by the Heat this year took off their jerseys and exchanged them in public, but they were not Heat jerseys.

It also made the Heat fans and management sigh. It was really unpleasant.

"We should leave tonight. Let's talk on the phone later."

"OK, then I won't keep you. Come to Indiana in the offseason. I'll take you to have some fun again."

"Okay, you'll have to snipe the Heat in the playoffs." The Eastern Conference record is quite clear now. The Bulls are first, the Heat are second, and the Pacers are third. If nothing unexpected happens, the Heat will have to face the Pacers in the second round, so Bojan may be on the front line against James before Jiang Hao again.

"Haha, I'm always ahead of you. Go for it. You should also try your best. The Western Conference is more difficult."

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