The two patted their shoulders, posed for a photo with their jerseys in front of the camera, and then separated.

This scene also dispelled all rumors that the two were at odds. This is not a good thing for people.

Although George, Granger, and Hibbert were familiar with Jiang Hao as a fan, they were not familiar with Jiang Hao, so they hurriedly yo-yoed after high-fiving with a cold face.

Being used as a backdrop for an undrafted opponent in his first start, he couldn't be happy no matter what.

However, Fensen said something while high-fiving Jiang Hao:

"First grader, you stole my celebration."

Jiang Hao really wanted to say "I know" back to him, because it was only after he saw you that he thought of using this action to celebrate.

But he smiled:

"Yeah, you can use it next time, don't worry, I won't charge royalties."

"Let me innovate again. I won't use what others have used."

"Okay, blow at LeBron from now on. It will work for him, but it won't work for me."


Finsen touched his nose. It must not work. If it works, can he still score 41 points? ? ?

After the polite exchange between the two parties, press officer Tom approached Jiang Hao:

"JIANG, can you come for the post-game interview? The NBA, ESPN, and TNT only want to interview you."

Because this is the Pacers' away game, post-game interviews are unavoidable. Originally, the Spurs decided on a good player before the game, but Jiang Hao was so explosive today that he couldn't justify not interviewing him.

Jiang Hao nodded and walked up to a reporter wearing a floral suit and colorful tie.

This white reporter was the famous reporter Sager in fancy clothes. He was very famous among fans in later generations. Unfortunately, he died of cancer early. Otherwise, he would have been a beautiful sight in the NBA.

So Jiang Hao's face naturally softened a lot when he saw him interviewing him.

"Mr. Sager, do you have anything to ask?"

Just finished.


I only heard the sound of a mineral water bottle being squeezed, followed by the sound of water." . . .





Several bottles of water tilted down from Jiang Hao's head. Jiang Hao was startled and looked back. Wu Sheng, Mills, and Manu poured water for Jiang Hao to celebrate and then ran away. Jiang Hao couldn't catch up in time. Not one of them was caught by Jiang Hao.

Sager and several reporters smiled at the harmonious scene between Jiang Hao and the Spurs players. This scene also made the fans in front of the screen 100% relieved.

Although the Spurs also play pranks on rookies, this is a celebratory prank, and they must be "tricked" to celebrate the rookie's wonderful performance.

The atmosphere in this team is great.

Sage took a towel and threw it to Jiang Hao, who put it over his head:

"Hello, this is your first post-game interview. Your teammates are also very 'friendly' to you!"

"Yeah, they've always been bad, haha."

Jiang Hao wiped his wet hair, feeling very relaxed and happy.

"First of all, congratulations to the Spurs for winning this game, and also congratulations to you for reaching a new career high. How are you feeling at this moment?"

"I'm very excited. Everyone knows what I've been like along the way. I hope I can continue to perform like this."

Jiang Hao choked up slightly and said, in fact, only he knew that his journey was more than just half a year. In his previous life, he did not get anywhere in the NBA, and his entire basketball career was bumpy.

So standing in an NBA game today, scoring 41 points as a starter, and being interviewed by a reporter as awesome as Sager, it's like a dream.

"Yes, what will the ending be like?

To be worthy

You have been wandering all the way! Congratulations again! ! Do you know that you are equal to Yao Ming's career single-game scoring record? "

Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment, is there such a thing? :

"I just found out. This is my honor! Brother Dayao has always been my role model!"

Sager was also ruthless and asked: "Before the game, the Miami media revealed a video of your trial training before the draft. Did it inspire you to make you play so hard and steadily in this game?"

Jiang Hao:

"It's okay. This was mine a long time ago. People always have to make progress, right?"


"You haven't progressed as fast as you. From the 3D that the Heat want to cultivate directly to an all-around forward that can hold the ball, the Spurs take the main credit."

"For sure, the team has helped me a lot, and I will do my best to help the team win every game!"

Sage smiled and said:

"Have ambition! You have done it so far. The Spurs have not lost a game since you joined the Spurs!! Next is the last away game for eight consecutive games, and it will also be the Cavaliers, the opponent you met on the first day you came to the Spurs. You are against What are your expectations?”

Jiang Hao:

"I hope I can perform as steadily as I did today!!"

Ou Shenxian, who was studying the globe in front of the TV screen, was so frightened when he heard this that he almost staggered and dropped the globe:


Here, Jiang Hao walked back to the player tunnel after being interviewed. There were crazy visiting Spurs fans on the sidelines asking for autographs. Even fans wearing Pacers jerseys came to ask for autographs and take photos.

He wouldn't be so crazy at first, but in the post-game interview just now, Jiang Hao looked so handsome when the camera was slapping him in the face at close range! He's good-looking, can talk, and can fight!

He is a handsome young man who attracts countless fans online and offline.

A bunch of female fans screamed for photos.

Bird Bird shook his head helplessly after watching his fans defect in the player tunnel

2 chapters in one~~Good night everyone~

Chapter 125: Reward General Joe's signboard, sour five

Chapter 125 124: Reward General Joe's signboard, sour five, I am a commoner from Huaiyou, what can the world do to me

After Jiang Hao got permission from press officer Tom to sign autographs for more than a dozen fans, he also met Bird Bird, the legendary strongest white player in the United States, in the player tunnel.

Bird came up and patted Jiang Hao's butt:

"I like players like you who are so pretentious. You beat us. Congratulations."

"It's a pity that I was born at the wrong time, otherwise I would be the road in front of you in the early morning." Jiang Hao also joked.

"Haha, yes, if I hadn't retired yet, I would beat your Pi Yan to pieces."

". The boss left, be nice to our Bojan."

"You are welcome to come to Indiana for training and fun during the offseason, I will pay for everything."

Larry Bird and other team presidents had long known through internal information that Jiang Hao's second-year contract with the Spurs was a player option, so they all expected him to opt out of the contract next season.

The first 30 points were fine, so everyone kept their troops on the sidelines.

But now Jiang Hao scored 41 points at his home court with the Pacers, and no one knows the current defense level of the Pacers better than Bird! !

So just extend the olive branch and it's done.

Jiang Hao smiled and left the scene:

"There are the Heat in the East, I dare not come."



"40 points, young man!"

And the moment Jiang Hao entered the visiting team's locker room, he was "drenched" by everyone again! !

But this time Jiang Hao was alert. He felt the rare quiet before entering the door. The Spurs locker room is never noisy, but it is not quiet.

So he took a step back after entering the locker room door, letting the biggest basin of water held by Wu Sheng fall behind, and the mineral water bottles in the hands of other players hiding behind him could not hide.

As a result, Spurs press officer Tom took the basin of water and was soaked.

"JIANG~~ You have to pay for my suit!"

In the United States, people like to celebrate by pouring water, pouring water on the head!

If we are poured water together today, we will be together for the rest of our lives?

But in fact, in Jiang Hao's opinion, only energetic young men can coach in China, and every child loves playing with water since childhood.

But he feels that if he can win the championship, he will also celebrate by splashing water crazily. He should open champagne and spray it everywhere. Just thinking about it relieves stress.

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