I thought, could you put the popcorn yourself? The cars filled with popcorn in the news were all put there by the stars who instructed the sophomores and the star agents.

After Mario was the last to leave the locker room, the players in the locker room breathed a sigh of relief and casually ate the popcorn on the ground.

They excitedly talked about the things that happened just now. Wade, James, and Bosh are all their idols. Many players came to the Heat because of them.

How could they not be moved when they saw their idols? Now all kinds of movements and expressions are much more relaxed than before.

Compared to the timidity of others when they saw the superstars, Jiang Hao, who has seen a lot of things, will naturally be much calmer. To put it bluntly, he is older than them in his mind, so what is there to be afraid of? The little emperor is not a real emperor, just a nickname.

We are all human beings, there is no difference between high and low.

Jiang Hao even called Bojan to help him clean up the popcorn.

Forget about the others. Don't expect them to help on their own initiative, but don't mock or cause trouble.

Obviously, no one in the locker room would laugh at this Chinese player who looked easy to talk to but had a tough training and personality. Everyone knew that he was a player who convinced James Jones and was definitely a person with a fire in his heart.

The player who tied Wade's shoelaces also took the initiative to help Jiang Hao clean up.

After all, Jiang Hao was one of the few players in the summer league team who got a home team contract, and his performance on the court was also obvious to all.

As for why Bo Yang, who got a higher-level 3-year rookie contract, didn't say a word to listen to Jiang Hao?

Because Bo Yang had trained with Jiang Hao privately many times recently, he never beat Jiang Hao, and they became familiar with each other and became friends.

Players always respect the strong, and Jiang Hao speaks and acts very maturely. Bo Yang, who also feels unfamiliar with the United States, unconsciously follows Jiang Hao's footsteps in many things.

"Damn, I'm so angry, where did they get so much popcorn, will I be the next one?"

Bo Yang felt very involved, and he had a hunch that the car he just bought in Miami was definitely filled with popcorn.

"What's there to be angry about? It's normal."

Although the greasy popcorn stained Jiang Hao's clothes, there was nothing to be angry about. Bojan might not know much about it because the Internet was not very developed at that time.

Although Jiang Hao met it for the first time today, he felt numb.

I've seen too much! !

In the past life, the traditional NBA culture of pranking rookies was performed every year. Newcomers who just entered the league would always be pranked by old players.

With the development of NBA promotion and the speed of Internet communication, some of these stories from the last century have been known to fans one by one.

In Jiang Hao's opinion, too many stars were "played bad" during their rookie period, which has indeed become a custom in the NBA:

The most common one is the incident of Irving carrying a pink backpack a few days ago. Carrying a bag or a girl's backpack is a must-see program every year. There are so many players carrying girl's backpacks that you can't count them on your hands.

When the three wind dust warriors were in the Dream Team 7, they collectively bullied Paul and made him carry a bunch of bags. Now the Heat has two wind dust warriors. When a prank happened, Jiang Hao could guess who was behind it with his little finger.

Lillard, Griffin, and Curry all attended the media day with small pink bags.

In addition to pink backpacks, there are even rookies who push fake babies out on the street. Although this trick is not very lethal, it is extremely insulting.

Letting a group of tall and strong men carry such cute pink backpacks and push strollers is to make the rookies become sissy. The word sissy is indeed a very unpleasant trash word in the NBA.

Then there are more popcorn pranks. Bojan knows about stuffing in the car. Jeremy Lin later filled Trae Young's car with popcorn during his time with the Hawks, and Booker and Antetokounmpo did the same, and they all "returned" it to their juniors.

There is a best popcorn.

At that time, Gay and Cousins ​​of the Kings carried large bags of popcorn and fell into the rookie's apartment. There was popcorn everywhere on the bed, bathroom, and floor. There was no clean place. It was as if popcorn was free.

There were also many shoelace tying incidents. James, the current face of the league, had to carry shoes for Ricky Davis, the boss of the team at that time, during his rookie period. Yao Ming also tied the shoelaces for Cato, the veteran on the bench when he first entered the league.

The most common and troublesome incident was the errand running incident.

The famous Kobe had a story at 2 a.m.

At that time, Kobe, who entered the league directly as a high school student, had good luck. The big guys of the Lakers saw that he was too young and basically didn't bully him, but there were still errands. After having fun in the nightclub, Kobe went to the convenience store to buy beer for the big guys, and bought coffee and donuts for the big guys at 2 a.m.

Later, after O'Neal made a good performance, he also asked him to buy. He turned against O'Neal and fought with him until his nose and face were swollen.

So much so that after he became the boss of the Lakers, he continued to bully rookies, and Sun Yue also suffered from it a few years ago.

After the Lakers lost a game, Kobe complained that the loss was all Sun Yue's fault. At that time, everyone was hungry, so they asked Sun Yue, a rookie, to buy fast food, but Sun Yue took too long, so the plane had to be delayed, leaving the Lakers team without a good rest.

And Sun Yue only dared to complain in front of the Chinese media: "33 hamburgers, 20 milkshakes, 20 bags of fries, how many trips do you think I have to take?"

The above are just normal pranks, and there are many special ones. Jiang Hao has seen the news on Hupu several times.

When Nick Young was a rookie, he met the team boss, the playful general Arenas. Arenas stole Nick Young's car keys and drove away his car.

Nick Young was extremely poor at the time, and this car was almost all his belongings. Young was so angry that he almost cried. However, a few days later, Arenas returned the car to him, but this precious car was sprayed pink.

Then when Young Young became a star, he began to fight back and ordered the rookies around. During his time with the Lakers, he nicknamed himself "Daddy Swag" (Nick Young has a nickname called Swaggy P), and asked rookie Clarkson to call him that in the new season.

Of course, as the king of pranks, Arenas can write a book about the stories of pranking rookies. The most amazing thing was that he and Blatche "fought" each other, and in the end he directly shit in Blatche's shoes, declaring it the most disgusting incident of a star pranking a rookie in history.

What Jiang Hao remembers most vividly is Curry's experience, which he thinks is more disgusting than pure disgust:

In an interview after winning the championship, Curry dared to tell the media about an incident in which he was bullied by a senior when he was a rookie. That was real bullying:

A senior locked his phone when he was going on a date with his girlfriend and kept saying he didn't know. Anxious Curry finally had to buy a new one to pick up his girlfriend at the airport.

In addition, this senior also asked him to run errands and buy him video games and snacks about 2 hours away by car.

Curry didn't say who this senior was, but everyone probably guessed who it was. It was indeed a more excessive prank.

Of course, there are also rookies who enjoy being teased, such as the old bird asking the rookie to sing and dance in the locker room. For many E people, this is heaven. It is not a prank but an enjoyment.

If Jiang Hao were to come, it would be fine if there were a bunch of girls below, but they were all grown men, so they probably wouldn't want to sing.

Compared to the experiences of these players, Jiang Hao's locker filled with popcorn was even somewhat mediocre. Just like what Bosh said, welcome to the NBA, it was a welcome ceremony for Jiang Hao.

I won't offend others if they don't offend me, as long as they are not too much like the generals and Curry.

"Brother, will you bully rookies in the future?" Bojan asked while pouring popcorn.

"I will bully everyone who dares to bully me."

Chapter 29: 3D targeted training, upgrade during the long grass period

Chapter 29: 3D targeted training, upgrade during the long grass period

Jiang Hao, who poured the popcorn into the trash can, said maturely:

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It's not easy to be a rookie, but you can't let yourself be bullied."

Then when they went back, Chalmers Mario bought Bojan a small pink schoolbag as a "victory gift" and asked him to carry it to take the bus.

Bojan turned his back and pouted, and carried the backpack obediently. Sure enough, he, the only draft pick of the Heat this year, could not escape.

But his performance was better than popcorn, and it was not during the regular season, so few people saw it.

But it was really strange for a 2-meter white man like him to wear a kindergarten backpack. Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing.

"It's understandable for a rookie to be pranked, as long as it's not too much."

"A wife will eventually become a mother-in-law, wait until you become a veteran before you play a prank on a rookie."

Jiang Hao said that he was good at giving chicken soup. Bojan, who took off his schoolbag directly after getting on the bus, was speechless:

"You know how to comfort people. Your mentality is totally unlike that of a 19-year-old. I want to learn from you."

"What are you learning? Don't let me find out who arranged the popcorn for me. I will definitely fill his locker."

"Okay, you said it! Don't be a coward!"

Xiao Hei: "JIANG, I recorded what you said!!"

"Just kidding."

The bus was filled with laughter.

Juwan Howard, an assistant coach who had just retired, did not allow Bojan to throw away the pink schoolbag:

"Hey, if you throw it, I will tell those old birds, you wait to be taught a lesson."

In fact, such pranks can help rookies adapt to the atmosphere of the team faster. As long as they are not too excessive, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, when recalling this time many years later, it is also an interesting and warm experience.

5 days later.

The summer league window period ended.

Jiang Hao flew back to Miami with the team.

The Heat played five games, 3 wins and 2 losses, which was quite satisfactory.

Jiang Hao finally had a small explosion in the last game against the Pistons.

He played for 26 minutes, scored double digits and got 20 points, including 5 of 8 three-pointers, and the player he faced was the golden bomber Singler who was also considered by the Heat during the tryout, and was directly bombed by Jiang Hao.

This means that Jiang Hao played the best in the first game against the Spurs and the last game against the Pistons.

"Okay, cherish the opportunity in the last game." Jaylen Williams, who was sitting next to Jiang Hao on the plane, analyzed to Jiang Hao.

In the last game of the summer league, 3 Heat players were directly rested, so Jiang Hao played a little longer, with 4 assists and rebounds, and 3 steals, which looked very comprehensive.

"Must seize it."

This last game was actually a display of Jiang Hao's summer league experience.

His biggest gain in the summer league was not to make Leonard emo or make the Golden Bomber commit 5 turnovers.

But it was the guidance of two fitness instructors, Faried and Biyombo. In the last game, his ball sense was back after his physical changes, and the lactic acid pain in his muscles gradually disappeared.

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