These two teachers must always make use of, oh no, communicate and exchange, so before leaving, Jiang Hao followed them on Instagram and Twitter, and they can ask any fitness questions in time in the future.

"The coaching staff should see your potential."

Therefore, Jaylen Williams was relieved. If he had two relatively good performances, he would at least get the attention of the coaching staff.

He has also been with the Heat for 5 years, and he knows that if a player cannot perform well in the summer league, the team will never pay any attention to him.

Not to mention the Heat, a team that is rushing to the championship, the coaching staff spends half of their energy on the eight or nine star players who have the ability to rush to the championship, and half of their energy is spent on studying tactics against opponents.

There is no time and energy to study and train any rookies.

Strong teams don’t have so much patience and so many opportunities to give rookies. They can only give a general direction, and then it depends on themselves how far they can develop. Whether they can join the rotation depends purely on their performance in the only regular season playing time.

Unless they are rookies in the top 10, they are all tools.

Generally, strong teams cannot get top 10 draft picks unless they trade. In the past, draft picks rarely became popular all at once, and weak teams had to train them with unlimited firepower.

In summary, the rookies of strong teams just need to be tools to help the team win the championship in the first few years. Jaylen Williams naturally knew that the team wanted Jiang Hao to be a "meat shield" sparring partner for the main team players, a tool man.

But in his opinion, it's okay to stay, no matter if he is a meat shield or a bird shield. If he can stay in the team, he will have money, opportunities for improvement, and room for improvement!

Of course, this internal decision will definitely be kept secret from all rookies. For example, Bojan will only play garbage time in the new season, but after the summer league, he averaged 24 points per game and is looking forward to shining in the regular season.

The team will not break his expectations now, and will even strengthen their expectations.

What if he really improves to the level where he can play in the rotation or plays well to generate trading value? ?

The team's focus is not on them, but they definitely hope that the rookies they select are all treasures. No team wants to waste their rookies.

Jaylen Williams is right. At the summer league summary meeting after returning to the Heat, Spoelstra really mentioned Jiang Hao:

"Well, JIANG, you performed very well in two games in the summer league, and you also trained diligently. We will train you in the direction of a 3D player. You have the potential to become a defensive stalwart. Come on and practice."

"Got it, Coach Spoelstra, thank you!"

Even though Jiang Hao knew that this was just a big deal, it was hard not to be excited. The team coach gave you a directional training direction in the home team. Who wouldn't be eager to show it to the coaching staff? ?

This kind of "strengthening expectations" only mentioned 4 players out of 12 people.

Other summer league players were directly criticized by Juwan Howard or directly cut on the spot. The words used were simple and unpleasant, such as: You can't play in the NBA, come back and take care of the children.

In contrast, although Jiang Hao was only mentioned by Spoelstra, he was already good enough. He will be done in the next two months.

"This is the last meeting of the offseason. The next window period will be in two months. The team training camp will start. The players who stay will train with the main team players. At that time, it will be clearer whether it is real gold or sand. Dismissed!!"

Spoelstra ended the meeting with his signature smile. Some players ran away in frustration, while others were eager to take the ball and practice the skills flaws pointed out by Spoelstra.

Training camp refers to the only pre-season run-in and tactical drills that all teams will gather about one month before the start of the NBA regular season. At that time, the superstars will also return from fishing. It is a stage for the stars to collect their hearts and the newcomers to show themselves.

Jiang Hao first returned to his dusty small apartment and quickly dried the quilts. It's two months, so there is no rush. He removed the mites and moisture from the quilts so that he can sleep comfortably at night.

As for 3D, there is no need to ask more. He knows very well what type of player this is and what he should focus on.

Moreover, he could hear Spoelstra's opinion of himself in just one sentence. From what he said, it seems that it is not important whether or not to practice three-point shooting?

Strengthening defense in the early stage is the first priority?

It should be like this. There are many players who are crazy about three-point shooting in the summer league, but many of them are veterans who are iron-clad in the NBA, so they may not be used as examples? The positioning of a defensive stalwart can be seen. After all, Jiang Hao seems to be able to defend any perimeter now.

But Jiang Hao actually thinks that if you really want the Heat to play comfortably next season.

My three-point ability is very important!

Jiang Hao, who has watched many Heat games in his previous life, knows very well that the more 3Ds around the Big Three, the better.

So Jiang Hao will definitely practice three-point shooting and defense every day.

"Who cares? I will upgrade myself quickly during the long grass period, and show my sword in front of all the main players in 2 months!!"

(PS: Please read it again, thank you! !)

Please read it again, please read it again~ Today this book is going to be the first recommendation, everyone remember to read it again, thank you all! ! !

Chapter 30: Let's make an appointment! Burn your youth!!!

Chapter 30 30: Let's go! Burn your youth!!!

"Hey, do you know how to practice 3D? I sent you a copy of Battier's training content."

Jaylen Williams called when Jiang Hao was patting the quilt.

"Don't worry, I know, thanks brother."

"That's ok, I'm going to Europe to inspect players. See you at the training camp."


3D (3 Defense), as the name suggests, refers to players whose main tasks are three-point shooting and defense.

Representative players include Klay Thompson, Danny Green, Trevor Ariza, Beverley and Bradley.

This concept was taken to the extreme by the Spurs coaching staff. Danny Green is the most distinctive way of training. In college, the North Carolina captain could fly with the ball and dunk, etc., but in the Spurs, he only did high-level training. Shooting 3-pointers and defense are two things. Organization, assists, rebounds, steals, and blocks don't need to be very strong. No matter how strong you are, you have to be a super giant like Paul George.

To help the Big Three win the championship, or in other words, the winning team needs such a person.

Sean Battier in the current Heat team is actually equivalent to 3D, and so is Ray Allen, who was later recruited. They played a key role in the key games of the Heat's two championships in the previous life. Battier made 7 out of 100 shots in a single game. The three-pointer impressed Jiang Hao deeply.

Needless to say, Ray Allen's corner three-pointer in 2013 is worth billions.

There are others such as James Jones who can only be considered elite shooters, but they also played a major role in the Heat's championship in their previous life. The same goes for Grizzlies marksman veteran Mike Miller, who later came to the Heat. Do they have defense? ? No~

With the Big Three's defense all very good, pure 3-point shooters are completely sufficient.

Therefore, if he had been with the Heat, Jiang Hao would never neglect polishing his shooting.

James, Wade, Bosh, which one can't defend and help?

The subsequent 27-game winning streak relied on defense rather than offense.

Why do they need a little guy like him to set up a line of defense for them? ?

After all, Spoelstra, Jiang Haoke is good, players with overlapping functions will not get playing time.

But as long as Jiang Hao shoots accurately, he will definitely have a chance to play!

From now on, you have to rely on yourself! !

"A date for a date!"

After finishing tidying up the small apartment, Jiang Hao lay on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to charge and play with it all afternoon.

Although the Heat coaching staff will be on vacation for the next two months and will not arrange training, Jiang Hao is not planning to return to China.

It only makes sense to return to your hometown after you become successful. What’s the point of going back now? Are you having a toast with the CBA big guys?

He plans to maintain his condition by participating in some high-end wild ball games from time to time while training on his own.

Because basketball is useless if you train behind closed doors on your own. You have to rely on games to get various feelings. Using games as a substitute for training is the best training method.

Every summer in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other places, some companies and celebrities organize wildball leagues that invite players from major leagues to play wildball. There are also many games initiated by stars, etc.

These are the opportunities Jiang Hao wants to find.

For example, every off-season, Carmelo Anthony would organize games to play 5V5 from time to time, and invite his familiar friends to play games and find their status together, but usually the people he invited were either talented new stars, or people like Janeway. Super giant good brothers, the quality of the game is extremely high, and the attention is even higher than that of Summer League.

And in Los Angeles, although Kobe Bryant rarely played games, his team was All-Star level, with current All-Stars and future All-Stars present. Every player wanted to train and play with Kobe. Everyone wanted to play with him. You know how seriously the Black Mamba plays!

However, Jiang Hao would definitely not be able to match this kind of game.

He can only try to join the games of the rookies, which are all games of rookies who have not played in the NBA for a few years. This kind of game has more players from the Development League and college stars who will participate in the draft in the future. , there are also international players from European leagues and even CBA leagues coming to play from time to time, and the intensity is quite good. After all, in the eyes of international league players, this is the only opportunity for them to "feel" the intensity of NBA games.

So Jiang Hao contacted a group of friends he knew from Xia League, as well as Farid, African Big Brother Biyombo, and James Jones. They should have their own fixed games, and we will see if they can add one.

"Call me during the game! Come anytime!"

If there is a shortage of players in any game, be sure to call him! ! !

If you add this kind of personal wild ball game once, it will be easier to add it in the future.

As long as you play well and buy water frequently, you can become a regular match in the game.

This is common at home and abroad. If you don’t have brothers, you don’t have basketball. No matter whether you know each other before the game, you will know each other after the game. Then in the first few games, pass the ball to the person who organized the game and reserved the court. After that, it will be basically They will all call themselves.

Jiang Hao, who is well versed in this, did not contact Wade or Bosh at a "cross-level" level for this reason. If you go to that kind of star game, you will be a bully and have no rights to the ball when you are playing, and even more so after playing. A cow has no human rights, so he takes the initiative to join in and be tricked.

Then Jiang Hao also tried to sign up for the Drew League, which has a long history in the field. The profile he filled out was that he was a rookie with the Heat this year and an NBA contract player, so he should be able to get a good position.

The Drew League is a professional and amateur mixed basketball league held in Los Angeles where professional players and non-professional players participate. In recent years, it has become famous because Kobe, DeRozan, and Harden played in it.

Later, due to lockouts, oral photos and other incidents, it gradually became the most popular professional and amateur basketball mixed league in the United States, attracting more celebrities to participate.

If Jiang Hao can play in the Drew League, he will most likely meet NBA players.

As for why you are so urgent?

Because he really needs NBA players! ! !

NBA-level opponents quickly come to his arms. High-level NBA athletes can not only help him improve his game ability, but also activate some achievement rewards.

Jiang Hao never activated the system rewards in the subsequent games and trainings of the Summer League.

So he regretted that he didn't meet the rookie traffic teams like the Cavaliers and the Timberwolves in the Summer League.

Otherwise, Jiang Hao would definitely take the initiative to apply to defend Irving, Rubio and others. He was excited to meet such powerful characters, and it would be easier to achieve basketball achievements.

He also found that the rewards for achieving achievements are likely to be rewards dropped from these stars. The bonus rewards of NBA stars are likely to be good things!

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