Rachel finished her question, and ESPN continued with sharp questions:

"Then why did you fail to score on the offensive end? You only scored 15 points, 5 rebounds, and 7 assists in this game. Your scoring is too abnormal, right? Is it because Jiang Hao's defense at the beginning made you lose your rhythm?"

The meaning is very clear.

It's normal that you can't defend, because Durant and Sefolosha can't defend.

But it's abnormal that you can't score! !

You are the No. 1 point guard in the Western Conference in the regular season!

Westbrook said directly with frustration:

"As soon as that yellow-skinned man looked at me, I made a mistake. I don't know what happened, and his defense seemed to stick to me. I couldn't break it no matter how hard I hit him."

Brooks directly covered his microphone to signal him not to say anything. The series is not over yet, why is he showing weakness like this?

It's okay to say this after the regular season, but the playoffs can't boost his morale.

But he soon encountered the final problem.

That is:

"Coach Brooks, do you think the team still has a chance to reverse the score 3-1? There are not many teams in history that can do it."


"If there is a chance, I believe in our young people. We will fight back when we return to our home court!"

"The game is not over yet, we still have hope!"

Westbrook touched his head, and his body language betrayed him. Only the players who played on the court knew the powerlessness on the court today.

Because it is normal to encounter a team that explodes them inside, but the Heat may not be able to explode their team outside.

That's why Westbrook is so restless.

Otherwise, he would always jump up and down in the post-match interview, and he would look unconvinced even if he lost.


I can only say that I am waiting for a slow death.

Harden's words outside the bus have become a joke:

"My mistakes are not my fault, but the defensive players' fault."

The defensive players were too brutal, which caused me to make too many mistakes.

As for Kardashian?

True love!

On the other hand, the Spurs were in high spirits, and Duncan was silently wiping tears in the locker room.

Excited tears!

After 5 years, he is finally about to become the Western Conference champion again. This feeling of reunion after a long absence makes him feel that his old legs don’t hurt anymore.

It’s not in vain that I modified those 3 cars for Jiang Hao!

I believe that with pure white, we will cross mountains and seas!

The shining era will come for you!

Before the Spurs broke up tonight, they raised their hands and shouted angrily, only one game away from the Western Conference championship!

Let’s keep cheering after rushing to the away game tomorrow! !

Tony Parker:

"Brothers, it's been 5 years since we tasted the taste of the Western Conference champion. Let's win G5 in one go!!! Let's tell the world that the champion Spurs are back!!"

Manu Ginobili:

"5 years ago, a certain Tim told James that the future was his. Now, the future is still in our hands!"


"No way, we have an emperor father!"

Royal father Danny Green also understands the jokes of the Celestial Empire:

"Hahahaha! I will also lead the army in person!!"

Chapter 186: Scarlett boldly declares her love, Jiang Hao scored 0 points in the first quarter

Chapter 186 185: Scarlett boldly declares her love, Jiang Hao scored 0 points in the first quarter (4 more subscriptions!)

"Although you haven't ascended the throne for so many years, I'm sorry, let Danny Green ascend the throne first this year."

Finally, Jiang Hao, who had just washed up and was wearing a towel, made a shocking statement, which made the locker room burst into laughter.

RC Buford and owner Peart came over to congratulate the players on winning two home games.

And said that everyone doesn't need to rush to pack their luggage.

Because they won't go to Oklahoma City overnight, it's up to the Thunder to return to Oklahoma City overnight. The Spurs will rest for one night and leave tomorrow at noon.

According to the original plan, we will go to Oklahoma City overnight tonight, because G5 is likely to be the decisive game, and the sooner we get to Oklahoma City to adapt, the better.

Now that there are two consecutive such hearty victories, the management is a little relieved to let everyone rest in San Antonio for one more night + one morning.


Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news. He was afraid that he would not take good care of Chen Duoling.

Because Chen Duoling will leave the Holy City and return to the Celestial Empire tomorrow morning, if he goes to Oklahoma City overnight, Chen Duoling will have to go to the airport by herself.


I haven't played enough.

Oh no, I haven't stayed with Miss Dudu enough.

So after the locker room was dismissed, he quickly called Chen Duoling:

"Don't leave yet, wait for me in the underground garage."

"I just bought souvenirs, OK!"

Chen Duoling, who was shopping in the supermarket around the AT\u0026T home stadium, was very sad after paying the bill and watching the crowd gradually thinning out.

Because she had withdrawal symptoms at this time, she was reluctant to leave everything here.

She was most reluctant to leave him.

And a call from Jiang Hao made her eyes brighten up again!!!

Tonight, he is not leaving? ? ?

And Jiang Hao received a call from Ma Fanshu with a sad tone just after hanging up the phone.

"Jiang Hao."

"What's wrong? Are you not happy after winning?"

"I can't celebrate for you, sorry."

Ma Fanshu said that she was ready to go to the airport with the team, because no matter when the Spurs go to Oklahoma City.

The TV staff must rush to the next game venue as soon as possible, not to mention such an important Western Conference Finals G5.

Originally, Ma Fanshu wanted to celebrate with Jiang Hao tonight. Even if they had a midnight snack at K-Cheese, they would be happy, or they could go to the villa to have a good sleep. However, the station's plan made it impossible for her to meet Jiang Hao alone.

"It's okay. After Game 5, come to my villa every day."

"The TV station is tiring. Don't tire yourself too much. I'll treat you to lollipops when you're free in Oklahoma City!"

"I don't want to. I'm not a child."

"Why? It's not good to supplement protein!"


Ma Fanshu, who just realized it, was packing his luggage in the apartment, his face flushed.

Hearing that Ma Fanshu was thinking of him on the phone, Jiang Hao hung up the phone regretfully.

If Ma Fanshu didn't leave tonight, he could introduce her to Chen Duoling.

They are both top students with interesting souls.

Then his tonight would be even more wonderful.

In the underground garage of the stadium, Jiang Hao met Chen Duoling, who was carrying a lot of Spurs souvenirs.

Dudu, wearing a white shirt, black Spurs player and denim shorts, stood obediently beside Jiang Hao's Lamborghini with his bag in both hands. When he saw Jiang Hao coming, he ran over happily.

Jiang Hao took the bag: "If I had known you would buy so much, I would have changed the car."

Chen Duoling pouted: "I was going to go directly to the airport."

"That won't work. I originally asked you to sleep in my villa for one night before leaving."

"It's too big. I'm scared to live alone."

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