"Now I'm here, I won't leave tonight." Jiang Hao fastened his seat belt and stepped on the accelerator.

"Yeah! Let's celebrate for you tonight!"

"Why celebrate?" Jiang Hao tilted his head and rubbed her hair.

"You played so well, I have to celebrate for you!"

"How to celebrate?"

"I'll wash your hair!"

"What hair?"

"Anything is fine!"

"You said it~"

Because Chen Duoling only had a visa for one week, it was impossible for her to come to the finals, so Jiang Hao also cherished this gentle beauty.

This last night of farewell to Chen Duoling was particularly exciting. She went straight to the lawn at the door to fight in the evening breeze, and finally went to the rooftop swimming pool to chase and fight in the water. It was a great time! ! !

2 days later.

Western Conference Finals G5 scene.

The Energy Center was still crowded.

But the heat was much smaller than that of the Eastern Conference.

Because the Eastern Conference was going to play the decisive game!

The Pacers tied the score, and G5 will be the decisive game, which will definitely be much more intense than the Spurs' series.

And the league president David Stern came to the Energy Arena with the Western Conference championship trophy and a custom hat. It seems that the league thinks that the Spurs can win the Western Conference championship away from home! ! !

The biggest heat before the game was that Scarlett Johansson paid for her own plane ticket to come to the away game to support Jiang Hao.

Why do you say she supports Jiang Hao?

Because she appeared at the ticket gate wearing Jiang Hao's No. 8 away gray jersey, and when reporters or fans came to ask, she boldly expressed her love for Jiang Hao.

Wearing a Spurs jersey in the front row of the Thunder away game!

Or is it the movie star Scarlett Johansson?


"Don't let Durant hear it"

"It was so sudden."

"You will never get to drink this foot washing water."

"Durant has been trying his best, but it's a pity that the second and third young masters are too much of a show!"

Durant really heard it, and at this time he happened to be in the locker room while tying his feet and reading the forum.

Suddenly, I saw a beautiful figure, but she was wearing a Spurs jersey.


Durant almost smashed his phone.

Actually, a Thunder player smashed his phone yesterday.

That was Ibaka and Perkins. Perkins played badly in training yesterday because he spent too much energy in Game 4. Ibaka mocked him for not being able to defend against the Spurs' fast break.

Perkins said that when I was in the league, you were still drinking milk powder, so you don't seem to be able to defend anyone.

"I wasn't dunked by JIANG."

This sentence ignited the locker room. Fortunately, the fight was quick. The two sides just threw their phones at each other. Ibaka threw more accurately and hit Perkins' chin, so Perkins had an extra band-aid on his chin today.

And the two directly cut off contact because they didn't have time to buy new phones.

President Pu and owner Bennett sat directly behind the coaching staff, regardless of whether they could turn the tables in the end.

They absolutely would not allow the Spurs to receive the Western Conference championship trophy on the Thunder's field.

This is their final bottom line!

4:2 is much better than 4:1.

So it can be considered as supervising the battle personally.

But it was useless.

Brooks is an old antique, he really won't change much, it's still the four youngsters playing around, and the Spurs have calculated the starting lineup accurately this time.

The four youngsters start + a big inside player.

This big inside player turned out to be the veteran Collison, not the more experienced and more powerful Perkins?

It's just that the Spurs didn't know about the mobile phone throwing incident in the Thunder locker room yesterday, so they were a little surprised that Nick Collison started.

He is actually not a big inside player, he is also a forward, but his movement speed is slow like an inside player.

"It doesn't matter."

Therefore, Messina did not change the formation. In their opinion, Nick Collison is much easier to play than Perkins. Nick Collison is only 2.08 meters tall!

Sure enough, after the first quarter, the Spurs directly gave the ball to the inside player.

This Serge Ibaka is also 2.08 meters tall. How can two short inside players stand still to defend the twin towers? ? ?

Duncan is an old man who is still as wild as a young man. He can conquer the world with one trick.

It is the 45-degree angle on the left. If you don’t defend me, I will shoot a mid-range shot.

If you defend me, I will break through with my right hand and hook the ball to the basket or take off and dunk directly.

With his height and wingspan, the two inside players of the Thunder’s starting lineup can’t defend him.

Even his weight can’t be defended, and he was crushed by Duncan!

And because Brooks didn’t let Perkins and Ibaka play together, the Spurs tried out the Thunder’s defensive changes at the beginning of the game.

That is double-teaming!

The Thunder put Parker 3 steps away. They listened to Pat Riley’s private advice to them. If it doesn’t work, double-team him. People have scored 50 points in a row. What are you still doing? ? ?

It’s better to let Parker shoot than to let this JIANG shoot.

So when Durant was defending, Westbrook completely leaned towards Jiang Hao.

Little did they know that the Spurs came up to play inside, and Jiang Hao had no intention of stealing the limelight. He had already had a good time in the first two games, and since you want to double-team me, then fine.

Jiang Hao simply stood in the farthest left corner, making Westbrook's assist defense position very uncomfortable.

This led to Parker cutting inside many times.

The Spurs led by 9 points in a single quarter with 25:16.

Jiang Hao did not score a single point.

But he also defended Durant so that he only made 1 shot and was called for a shooting foul.

This is the most terrifying part.

The Spurs opened up the score gap when Jiang Hao did not score a single point in the first quarter.

What is going on? ? ?

The fans at the scene were all confused: "Jiang Hao, the Spurs' Western Conference Finals scoring leader, has stopped scoring, and he can't defend against others???"

"Jiang Hao has become a loser, and he doesn't even have a shot!"

"Tsk tsk, Scarlett, is this the player you like? He didn't win the first quarter?"

Scarlett smiled and said to the Oklahoma City tycoon girl next to her: "The Spurs have figured out your Thunder! There is no need for our Jiang Hao to shoot!"

The on-site commentator, Jeff Van Gundy: "The Spurs have the most powerful think tank in the world, there is nothing we can do!"

The San Antonio commentator was watching comfortably, and retired Spurs star Elliott was about to open champagne:

"Climb over this mountain and let the league hear your voice again: San Antonio Spurs!"

"Jiang Hao's defense is really good! ! He works hard, and doesn't play like a superstar at all, he works too hard!"

"Are you hinting at a superstar in the East??"

My fingers are numb, please support and subscribe automatically~

I will try to write more tomorrow!

Chapter 187: Terrifying Wingspan! Leonard, Green and Jiang Hao died

Chapter 187 186: Terrifying wingspan! Leonard + Green + Jiang Hao death trident combination! Iron chain alliance!

"You can no longer have grudges, get excited, Perkins, why do you, a veteran, care about young people?"

"Ibaka, you hot-blooded boy, don't be so emotional, everyone is here to win!"

During the break in the first quarter, President Prosti personally came out to make peace with the two inside players and let them play at the same time in the second quarter.

"This is not played as the last game, but it is already the last game. Let me see your fighting spirit!"

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