Boss Bennett roared at the players!

In the first quarter, he couldn't see any fighting spirit from the Thunder and wished he could go up and score two goals himself.

His mentality is like "an employee who broke away from the previous company went out to work for a few years and became famous. He wanted to prove himself in front of the previous company, but in the end he was suppressed."

It’s so uncomfortable!

Originally, we had defeated the Spurs in the regular season to become first in the Western Conference. We originally dreamed of winning the championship this year and becoming the fastest team to win the championship in NBA history.

But the current disarray makes Bennett want to curse.

I feel like I'm doing a lot of work but accomplishing nothing.

Why not just be a major shareholder in the Spurs? Isn’t it possible to make money while lying down? ?

You don’t have to be as worried as you are now, and you can watch the home team win comfortably.

However, in the second quarter, the Thunder finally woke up a little from the scolding.

Even though the Thunder's four young players did not rotate at all, the Thunder's starting lineup still dominated the Spurs' bench.

Because the Spurs don't mess with the main force like you, they should rotate.

I just didn't expect that Brooks really didn't regard the third young master as a human being and wouldn't let the third young master rotate for one minute.

Wouldn't it be much easier for Westbrook to play Neal, Durant to play Wu Sheng, and Harden to play Ginobili? ? ? ?

Durant made a 2+1 shot in a single with a stick, making Wu Sheng furious.

Westbrook turned his back and beat Neal for a mid-range shot.

Harden made a three-point jumper after facing off Manu from his crotch! ! !

"Wow?? Revived??"

With Durant's signature dribble from a 45-degree angle and a 3-pointer, the Thunder tied the score and forced Messina to call a timeout and quickly replace a few starters.

"They're back! All the tricks they were good at in the regular season are back!"

"Yes, this is how Third Young Master's arsenal must be displayed!"

Some Thunder fans whose faces were dyed blue cried! ! Finally home! ! !

All the cool moves used by the three young masters in the regular season were used!

"Just the last bit of madness."

The pundits fought back on the forum.

"There is nothing to be afraid of if you linger on for a while."

"Starting as a substitute is a natural advantage. Do you have the ability to beat our Spurs starter like this? Do you still have enough physical strength later?"

"You are a bit younger, but you are not physically unlimited."

And indeed, the situation suddenly improved after Duncan and Jiang Hao were replaced.

The Spurs were obviously fully prepared for the Thunder's counterattack, so they used basic skills and outside lock Jiang Hao to slow down the rhythm.

One is to slow down the pace of the offensive position. With Duncan in the Spurs, they won't panic.

One is to reduce defense by three and push fast breaks. With Jiang Hao on the opposite side, one cannot run at all.

Suddenly the rhythm of the game is back in hand.

Duncan grinded Perkins inside, and although he turned around and missed, Splitter grabbed the rebound, faked a move past Ibaka, and easily succeeded in a reverse layup.

As long as they play in position, the Spurs have the advantage.

However, Ginobili, who was guarding Harden, was rolled over by Harden with his back and turned over for a jumper.

The ball that had faded in the first two games became very accurate this time.

After scoring the goal, Harden made a classic salt-sprinkling action to celebrate, while Jiang Hao glanced at Harden's face.

Although it is still so dark, it is obvious that the bags under Harden's eyes have disappeared a lot.

In the next round, European moves tricked Split, scoring 10 points in the second quarter to hold on to the score! !

"Hey, is James Harden going to be the savior of the Thunder in G5?"

"He is a point that every team will miss when playing against the Thunder. The defensive focus is too much on the king combination."

President Pu looked at the high-spirited Harden and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are no Kardashians in Oklahoma City.

Originally, Kardashian was going to come to Oklahoma City with her.

However, President Pu stopped her abruptly and refused to allow her to follow Harden back to Oklahoma City.

This is why Harden performed brilliantly today.

And the fans are indeed right.

The reason why the Thunder seems more terrifying in the playoffs than in the regular season is because the time spent together by the three young players is getting longer and longer, making it impossible for the opponent team to parry.

The Spurs were worried about this at first, so they also used a honey trap.

Because they can't control Harden.

Their defensive leaders only have two top players, Jiang Hao + Danny Green, and at most half of Leonard. Leonard is weak offensively, so putting him up would put too much pressure on Jiang Hao.

Why is there so much pressure on Jiang Hao?

Because Danny Green is also the type who only relies on the point guard to lead the offense half-heartedly.

He has no luck at all. In the Spurs, he was responsible for catching and shooting or driving defenders to break through.

This kind of player is very easy to defend, so if this deadly outside defense combination that fans are looking forward to comes out, Jiang Hao may have to rely on Jiang Hao to dribble the ball for more than half of the game.

It is indeed the best choice for three small forwards to guard the Thunder's three young men, but the Spurs don't need to go to this level yet.

Parker and Manu weren't ready to fall apart at the first touch.

Jiang Hao did not score 0 points in the second quarter, but scored 7 points in the attack. This was the result of the Wang Zha team focusing on guarding him. However, Jiang Hao got 7 assists in the first half, and he felt that he had a good chance to get a big double-double. .

At halftime, the two sides were tied at 45.

"Let's start with defense."

Messina told the players during the halftime break not to be too wild and to reduce the number of wild shots. It was obvious that everyone was thinking about the finals.

Therefore, the offense seems particularly simple, and at this stage, with so much attention, the players are not saints. It is obvious that except for Jiang Hao, who stole the show in the last two games, other players have a desire to perform.

Everyone wants to leave a mark on the Western Conference Finals stage.

Instead, it gave the opponent a lot of counterattack opportunities.

In addition, Harden recovered today, and the Spurs played quite tangled in the first half.

Since it was tangled, Budenholzer also suggested that Messina just defend in the second half! !

Defend the opponent first!

The players' minds cannot be considered. Sometimes they don't want to pass the ball a few more times, and the coaching staff's shouting is useless.

But defense can be shouted, and who doesn't defend can be seen at a glance!

It was also because of this reminder from the defensive assistant coach Budenholzer.

Leading to the middle of the third quarter.

Parker's defense was taught by Harden and Westbrook in turn, and Manu also went back to the locker room for a check-up because of his uncomfortable knee. Messina finally changed to a three-forward combination! !

It's just Wusheng + Green + Jiang Hao!

The Spurs fans got excited all of a sudden! !

I like to watch this scene!

Because in this way, you can see the handsome scenery of Jiang Hao holding the ball throughout the whole process.

This combination depends purely on Jiang Hao's performance on the offensive end!

Only he can control the movement!

Jiang Hao, a 2-meter-tall player, looked really cool when he dribbled across half court. The Thunder couldn't communicate for a while. They couldn't let Durant lead the defense in the front court, right?

So they simply didn't force the defense and let Jiang Hao dribble over alone, and then Durant would go up to him.

Therefore, when Jiang Hao crossed half court, he also had several dribbles to give back to the fans, such as crotch and back combos, which were very smooth!

"He has the temperament of a superstar!"

"Kobe and Pierce were the ones who took the ball and pushed forward at the critical moment."

"The small forward dribbling is also beautiful, and compared to the slow-moving organizing forwards like Turk Drew, Jiang Hao's dribbling speed is much faster, which makes him even more handsome."


In the offensive round, Jiang Hao still played to the inside line at the top of the arc, because Durant was still in front of him.

But he looked handsome on the defensive end.

Iron bucket formation!

Three 2-meter forwards covered the three young players, making their vision dark all of a sudden. However, Danny Green was a little unaccustomed to it because he was defending Harden at the beginning, and suddenly he was defending Westbrook and couldn't keep up with the rhythm, so Westbrook made a quick breakthrough.

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