After the timeout, the Hawks continued to attack.

Josh was out, and they completely let Joe John and Crawford become the main attackers, not letting Josh get in the way.

Crawford made a change of direction and passed Li Zhen, then jumped and passed to Joe John, who was cutting in the air. Joe John received the ball and licked the basket and scored!!

30 to 31.

The cheers in the Phillips Arena rose again.

The Mavericks made a quick serve, and Haywood passed it directly to Li Zhen, who quickly attacked with the ball.

Although the Hawks' defenders were all in place, they did not find their positions well, and it was a bit chaotic. The one defending Li Zhen was Horford.

This was a mismatch, and Horford's position was not very good. He was afraid of Li Zhen's outside shooting, so he stood very close to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen had various ways to play mismatches.

Li Zhen first chose to dribble on the right, and then suddenly hit the ball to the left, and suddenly accelerated! He changed direction in front of his body and passed Horford in seconds.

It was very easy, and Li Zhen rushed to the basket with the ball.

At this time, Joe John was in the three-second zone in the interior.

Facing Joe John, Li Zhen leaped into the air in front of the left three-second zone!! He dodged Joe John's double-handed block in mid-air! Extreme pull-up shot!!

Li Zhen floated from the left side of the three-second zone to the right side. He turned his head and scored a reverse layup!!


Qiao Yuehan hit Li Zhen's arm while he was still defending.

"Beep beep!!"

32 to 31, overtaking again.

The ball went in and the whistle blew, 2+1.

This ball was a rare display of physical talent, and Li Zhen also fell to the ground. Professional players have the ability to resist falling, as long as they fall according to the force, there will be no problem.

Li Zhen sat on the ground and waited for his teammates to come and pull him up.

The NBA has a hidden rule. After it falls, if the game is not yet on, you can wait for teammates to come to pull you up. The super large tie rods made the cheers of the Philip Store completely disappear. Ford , Josh

, and Crowford. 3 to 31


"The Hawks are in trouble at home, they have encountered a tough rookie."Barkley laughed

"Yes, this undrafted player has a mature offensive ability, a bit like an upgraded version of No. 3 pick James Harden."Kenny Smith said

"Based on these few games, I think the general managers of the other 29 teams should be fired. Fake, this guy only needed a second-round pick in the draft, but he was not selected."Barkley shook his head

"Who knows? It's better for Lee now, they have to spend more money to pursue him this summer."Smith laughed.....

Both commentators admired Li Zhen's attitude and ability.

The game on the court fell into a tense situation.

Li Zhen encountered double-teaming, and his teammates did not always finish the ball well when he passed it.

The Hawks' offense often took advantage of the mismatch, and both Terry and Haywood were targeted.

Carlisle also began to gradually replace the starters.

Li Zhen was also replaced halfway through the second quarter.

When Li Zhen came on the court again, it was already the third quarter. Li Zhen replaced Kidd and teamed up with the starters to fight against the Hawks' full main lineup.

Li Zhen's organizational ability was demonstrated to the greatest extent.

Both Nowitzki and Terry could benefit from Li Zhen's [King of Passing]!

In addition, Li Zhen also repeatedly returned to the inside to help the inside guard the rebounds. His activeness and active fighting relieved the Mavericks' inside pressure.

But this is the Hawks' home court after all. The Hawks are in great shape. They can always find the Mavericks' gaps through passing the ball, and then hit key scores again and again.

Neither side could pull away from the score, and the score remained tense until the last moment of the game......

109 to 110.

There were 21 seconds left in the final moments, the ball was in the Mavericks' side, and the Mavericks were still 1 point behind.

Li Zhen scored 24 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds, which was also his first triple-double in his career.

Nowitzki scored 33 points and 7 rebounds. Nowitzki was still the main scorer of the Mavericks. Many of Li Zhen's assists were for him. Terry scored 20 points and 3 assists.

Mavericks timeout.

The noise in Phillips Arena had permeated the entire arena.

All the Mavericks players gathered around Carlisle, with the starters in the innermost layer.

"Lee, Jason, Dirk, Sean, Brandon, the five of you go in!"Carlisle first determined the first five players to go on the court.

"Lee, you catch the ball, pick and roll with Dirk....."

Carlisle arranged for Kidd to ambush outside the three-point line, and Li Zhen, who has stronger offensive ability with the ball, used the pick-and-roll tactics with Nowitzki to complete the final attack. The final attack point was Nowitzki.

No matter how amazing Li Zhen was, he was just a rookie. When Nowitzki was on the court, the tactics would be carried out around King Nowitzki.

Li Zhen did not seem discouraged because he was not the last attack. He listened to Carlisle's arrangement very seriously. He was still upgrading and indeed had not yet���The old driver is steady, and all these tactical arrangements are very reasonable. He believes that in the future, he will have the opportunity to become the first choice for the final attack.

On the Hawks side.

Coach Woodson has a headache.

Although he knows very well that the Mavericks' final attack is likely to be in Nowitzki's hands, he is not sure whether Carlisle will still give the ball to Li Zhen.

After Li Zhen's continuous mid-range hits throughout the game, he has been scared by Li Zhen's offense.

Today, Li Zhen only shot two points, and he missed two three-point shots, which made Coach Woodson feel tricky.

How to defend? This is a difficult problem!!.......

Today, domestic fans once again witnessed Li Zhen's offensive ability.

He didn't need a three-pointer or a foul, but he still had the ability to score 20+.

These shocks were also phenomenal. Fans didn't expect Li Zhen to have offensive skills comparable to Kobe.

When seeing the fadeaway, fans thought of the current player, Kobe....

Can Li Zhen become another Kobe Bryant?

Or can he approach Kobe's footsteps?

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