
"Kenny, who do you think the Mavericks will get the last chance on? Barkley asked jokingly.

"Charles, there is no doubt about this. Dirk, I know you want to tell Lee, but he is too young."Smith laughed.

"Yes, you are right, I was too impatient, that rookie is just a rookie! Haha, but he gave me the feeling of a superstar in this game."Barkley said

"Yes, look at his stats, triple-double, his organizational skills and ability to fight for the ball are also very good." Smith didn't care about Barkley's bold idea.

"It's mainly his fighting spirit. I like his style. He has injected new vitality into Dallas."Barkley sighed.

The average age of the Mavericks players is very old. They play like experienced players. At the end of the season, they often seem to be tired of the game and will play less. The appearance of Li Zhen has changed the Mavericks' style, at least making their games look more exciting................

"It was an exciting night. Li Zhen got a triple-double. Can he still score the winning goal?"

"Dear readers, please sit down on your stools!"

"This is the first time I have seen such an exciting game"

"Let's give this attack to Nowitzki, Li Zhen is a little inexperienced."

The fans in the live broadcast bar were very excited, refreshing the text broadcast again and again.

On the court.

Although Li Zhen was not the finishing point this time, he took on a heavy task of holding the ball. This was his first time to play such a crucial final moment, so it was inevitable that he was a little stressed.

King Nowitzki saw the pressure on Li Zhen, he pulled Li Zhen over and explained to him:"Li, don't be too nervous, just do it like a normal pick-and-roll, I'll cover for you, you pass it to me, and then don't just stand there, help me open up space and find my own suitable attacking point. If I can't make it the first time, maybe I will pass the ball to you."

""Yeah!" Li Zhen nodded continuously. He felt relieved from the pressure after hearing Nowitzki's instructions.

Nowitzki is the leader of the Mavericks and a superstar.

His strength and big heart have been proven in many games. He is responsible for everything the Mavericks have now.


The referee blew the whistle to start the game.

The fans in the Phillips Arena booed wildly.

The Mavericks were very strong, and Nowitzki was also a superstar in the league. They were still a little worried that the last attack was in the hands of the Mavericks.




The Hawks' five players on the court are Bibby, Crawford, Hawks King Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Horford.

Mavericks Marion served the ball at the midfield sideline.

The players gathered near the free throw line and squeezed each other. Li Zhen and Kidd, the two receiving points, received special attention.

Kidd ran out first. The Hawks defensive players thought Kidd was going to receive the ball, and their attention was diverted. Li Zhen ran straight to his backcourt in one breath.

Haywood helped Li Zhen block Crawford who was chasing him. Marion found Li Zhen, and Li Zhen successfully received the ball in his own backcourt.

Li Zhen did not hesitate and dribbled forward quickly.

Seeing that the serve was not successfully defended, the Hawks immediately returned to defense. They used a zone defense.

Nowitzki kept positioning at the corner.

Li Zhen paused at the top of the arc and immediately gestured.

Nowitzki's positioning was fake, and he immediately raised his body to cover Li Zhen.

"Oh no, that rookie is going to attack!!"Joe Johnson shouted. Carlisle laughed when he heard it. He let Li Zhen hold the ball for this effect. If Kidd held the ball, everyone knew that Kidd would pass the ball to Nowitzki.

Li Zhen rushed forward with the help of Nowitzki's screen and passed Crawford.

Josh and Horford instinctively came to double-team Li Zhen.

Li Zhen was double-teamed. Before he was completely covered, he threw the ball with one hand and passed it directly to Nowitzki who was slightly open.

The defender in front of Nowitzki at this time was Joe Johnson.

This was a mismatch opportunity for King Nowitzki.

Without pausing, King Nowitzki quickly turned around and backed up Joe Johnson!



Joe Johnson didn't dare to foul, he could only resist with his chest!

Nowitzki was on the right side of the free throw line, paused to receive the ball, and turned over!

Golden Rooster Stand!!!

The iconic stunt of the king!!

Joe Johnson's interference had no effect on Nowitzki!

Beautiful arc, anti-aircraft gun!!

Li Zhen rushed in desperately, if King Nowitzki didn't score, then he would fight for the offensive rebound at the first time.

But King Nowitzki is King Nowitzki, and Golden Rooster Stand is Golden Rooster Stand!

""Shua!" The ball went through the net!

111 to 110.

A near buzzer beater!

There were still 12 seconds left!


"Well done!!"

The boss is the boss. Li Zhen was also very excited and went over to high-five Nowitzki.

The Mavericks players had almost no time to celebrate because the Hawks did not call a timeout and they immediately launched an attack.

Crawford was very fierce.

He sprinted immediately after receiving the ball, and Li Zhen intercepted him near the midfield.

Crawford threw the ball directly to Josh who was moving in the middle!!

Josh received the ball and rushed into the three-point line, stepped against Haywood, and threw a high toss!!!

Haywood defended this ball very well, and Josh lost his balance when he shot.

But the ball went to the basket in a very strange way.

""Swish!" Josh threw the ball in.

111 to 112.

While the fans at the Philips Arena were still wondering why they couldn't defend Nowitzki, Josh scored the goal.

The fans cheered loudly.

A buzzer-beater!!!

There are still 5 seconds left.

Josh was lying on the ground and waving his fist

"Quick, quick, defend! The game is not over yet!"��Coach Desen shouted desperately off the court.

The Hawks players also deployed their defense immediately after a brief moment of distraction, but the old demon Kidd saw their distraction.

Kidd was very experienced. He didn't call a timeout, but rushed to serve the ball from the baseline himself, sending a super long pass. Kidd saw a target.

His target was directly to Li Zhen near the midfield.

Li Zhen always occupied a threatening offensive position.

Kidd's pass was very accurate and fast. He fully estimated Li Zhen's jumping height and Crawford's interception range, and the pass was just right.

Li Zhen jumped hard and blocked Crawford to get the ball first.

Li Zhen was also under great pressure. He knew that there would be no better opportunity after another timeout, so he challenged his left hand with a back dribble and immediately dribbled forward.

Crawford kept following Li Zhen and constantly confronted Li Zhen.

Horford also ran up from the back, and he wanted to double-team Li Zhen with Crawford.

On the right three-point line.

Li Zhen blocked Crawford and made a move to rush in.

Horford and Crawford both rushed in.

But Li Zhen did an extreme operation. After taking a step forward, he reversed his forward momentum and made a crotch-pull counter-attack!

Then Li Zhen used a standard step back to instantly reach the three-point line.

Crawford and Horford were stunned when they saw Li Zhen's step.

You can even step back? ? ?

Both of them braked and tried to chase back. Horford was too heavy to brake, but Crawford braked, but he was blocked by Horford when he tried to defend.


An instant car accident occurred in the Phillips Arena!

Horford and Crawford both fell to the ground.

Li Zhen ignored the two people who were knocked down by him. He received the ball and quickly jumped up and shot!!

【[Step back jump shot]

This is a rhythm that Li Zhen is familiar with, and it is also a position that Li Zhen is familiar with!!

The moment the basketball is shot


The electronic buzzer sounded and the backboard light came on, indicating the end of the game!!!

Seeing that Li Zhen still finished the shot within the time limit, the fans at the scene covered their mouths in despair.

Li Zhen's rhythm of this ball was too perfect.

Barkley and Smith both stood up from their seats to watch the result of this ball!!


The camera captured the scene of Li Zhen's jump shot, the backboard light on, and Horford and Crawford lying on the ground!!!

If this buzzer beater hits, it will be one of the most exciting buzzer beaters in history!

Carlisle didn't shout, he knew Kidd and Li Zhen had made the best tactical choice.

Whether they enter the game or not is like this!!

The basketball seemed to slide in the air for a long time!



With a crisp sound, the basketball went through the net!!

114 to 112.

Li Zhen made his first three-pointer in this game, which was also the final buzzer beater of this game!

Seeing the buzzer beater

, Li Zhen raised his hands and cheered. What Li Zhen was waiting for was the crazy celebration from the entire Mavericks team!!!

Marion, Kidd, Nowitzki, and even Terry rushed towards Li Zhen with open arms!!

At this moment, the buzzer beater was counter-killed!

Rookie Li Zhen completed the final shot!!

"The decisive blow!"


"Finally a counter-attack!!"

"The most exciting regular season of the season!"

At the same time, countless fans watching the game in China also roared in front of the screen!!....................

(Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation tickets!)

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