In addition to the personal attribute module

"There are other important modules in the"Point Adding System". Li Zhen shifted his attention to the next module,"Challenge Task".

Challenge tasks can be accepted or not. There are rewards after completion and penalties after failure.

There is currently only one challenge task in the task module.

"Get a triple-double in a regular season game. Successful mission rewards 1 copy of [Peak State (Intermediate Edition)]. Failed mission requires completing the Great Adventure Challenge."

"What is the Great Adventure Challenge?" Seeing the rewards, Li Zhen was still very interested.

The peak state of the elementary version had already made him so powerful, so what about the intermediate version? Would it be even more awesome?

"If the mission fails, the host needs to use his or her real account to post on Weibo saying that he or she wants to drink the bath water of"Da Mi Mi""

"Shit, I can't afford it, I'll run away first."

Thinking of the possibility of being ruined by drinking bath water, Li Zhen was a little scared.

Li Zhen wiped his sweat and closed the task system first.

If you can't afford it, don't play it first, and wait until you are stronger. Now there are 2 peak state primary versions, so there is no need to rush.

After closing the task module, Li Zhen turned his attention to the next module.

【Items] are divided into two categories, one is for item purchase, and the other is for space storage.

After clicking on the item purchase button, Li Zhen found that there are two types of items that can be purchased.

【Peak State (Primary)】Requires 10 attribute points.

Li Zhen thinks that if he has 10 attribute points, it is better to add them to his own abilities. He does not like to use so many attribute points to buy such disposable items.

There is also [Injury Potion] 10 attribute points.

You can try to save 1 of this, after all, injuries are difficult to avoid completely. Unfortunately, Li Zhen has no attribute points now, so he can only save attribute points to buy it next time.

There are not many items to buy, currently only these two

"System, there should be a lot of things to buy, right?"

"Yes, after the host reaches A+ strength rating, there will be more items available for purchase."

"OK....I'm still too new."

Li Zhen wanted to improve his strength quickly and earn attribute points.

Attribute points are the universal currency of the system.

In addition to purchasing items, the other thing about [items] is space storage.

At this time, there is only one lonely item in the space storage.

Li Zhen focused his attention on the past.

【Lucky Gift Pack]: After playing against an S-level star, there is a certain chance that this gift pack will drop.

Originally, it was a gift pack dropped by beating the boss.

Tonight, Li Zhen played against James three or four times.

James's strength must be above S-level, so this gift pack should have dropped from him.

"System, what can I get from this gift pack?"

Li Zhen has experience, so he won't act rashly. He will first ask if there is any system prompt.

"In theory, it is an item related to the opposing star or the basic skills that the star is good at, of course, it is also possible that there is nothing."

There is no negative impact, Li Zhen silently said:"Then open it!"

"Ding: Gain 1 attribute point!"

1 point....

Something is better than nothing.

After knowing that there is a chance of dropping items when playing against S-level stars, Li Zhen thought about looking for those stars to practice alone in the future.

However, it is probably difficult to play against S-level players with his current strength.....

Did he come to be abused?

Strength, still strength.

After opening the gift package, Li Zhen also logged out of the system.

After a while, Li Zhen started to check his own news.

《Scoring 23 points in a single quarter, Li Zhen won the trust of coach Carlos with just a smile!》

《Li Zhen made a strong step back three-pointer and told Le Brun, this is my territory!!》

《The brave Li Zhen made the little emperor stunned, and the knights' round-robin battle still couldn't stop Li Zhen's murderous aura!!》

《Li Zhen tried his best but couldn't play. Was it garbage time? No, this was his show time!》......

Li Zhen had to admire the talent of the domestic media.

All the headlines were so funny.

Why did such an awesome performance in a single quarter have such a funny headline?

Did they write too many funny news about Yi Jianlian?

In general, on major forums in China, professional fans were still shocked by Li Zhen's sudden appearance.

More and more people said they would pay attention to Li Zhen's development in the NBA.

The impact of 23 points in a single quarter was huge in China, and now no fans think that Li Zhen is a fake.......

After reading the news about himself, Li Zhen didn't feel much freshness anymore.

It was just the same words, nothing new.

It was quite boring.

Then Li Zhen went to his current life's MSN again. He bragged about himself to his classmates in his memory.

The pretty female classmates also took the initiative to send Li Zhen pop-up messages. They asked Li Zhen intentionally or unintentionally how big the contract was.....

Li Zhen was very patient in chatting with these beautiful female classmates.

They all liked to send smiley faces.

Girls who love to smile will not have bad pregnancy luck.............

After chatting on MSN, Li Zhen called his parents again.

Li Zhen's parents are both working people in the company. The family is not poor, but not particularly rich either. It can only be said that they have a small amount of assets.

Li Zhen is an only child, and his parents dote on him.

This is why Li Zhen has the confidence to pay 30,000 US dollars to play in the NBA through the back door.

His parents are not very concerned about Li Zhen's work, but more concerned about his physical health..........

After hanging up the phone with his parents, a long time passed and the call Li Zhen was waiting for never came.

When Li Zhen was thinking about whether he should take the initiative to call Carlisle to inquire about the next contract, his phone rang.

It was not a call from Mavericks General Manager Nelson, but a strange call from Chicago.

"Hi, Lee, I'm the general manager of the Chicago Bulls.......".....

This call started Li Zhen's crazy mode of answering calls

"Lee, this is Presti from the Thunder......"

"I'm Buford from the Spurs....".......

In the next hour, Li Zhen received calls from the general managers of four NBA teams.

Without exception, these teams wanted to offer Li Zhen a guaranteed contract.

Li Zhen does not have an agent now, so he can only contact these general managers in person for his contract.

The Thunder offered Li Zhen a two-year, $4 million contract, with $1.8 million guaranteed in the first year and only $700,000 guaranteed in the second year.

The Bulls offered Li Zhen a three-year, $5 million contract, with $3 million guaranteed in the first two years and a team option in the third year.

The Bobcats offered Li Zhen a two-year, $3 million contract, with $1.5 million guaranteed in the first year and a team option in the second year. If the team executes it, Li Zhen can still get $1.5 million. The Timberwolves offered Li

Zhen a two-year, $2.8 million guaranteed contract.

Li Zhen did not agree to any of these contracts, and he needed more consideration.

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