These salaries seemed about the same to Li Zhen.

Of course, Li Zhen was also very clear that his ideal contract was not about salary, but about the length of time.

The length of time offered by these teams all started at two years, which was too long.

Li Zhen hoped for a one-year contract, and then he could get a high salary in the second year after he showed his strength.

Because he had not yet decided which team to go to, Li Zhen was still receiving and comparing the offers and future prospects of various teams.

After the final decision on which team to go to, Li Zhen would negotiate again. As for the Thunder, they had the three young players there, and Li Zhen did not consider it at all. There was no way he could make a breakthrough there, and competing directly with three future MVPs for the ball was a bit choking even with the system.

As for the Bulls, it was very likely that Rose would be a substitute. Rose had been at his peak in the past two years, and he was going to win the youngest MVP in the next season in his previous life. No matter how awesome Li Zhen was, he could not kick the MVP off in the short term......

The Bobcats and Timberwolves are perennially bad teams. In those places, the team management is chaotic, playing time is not guaranteed, and it is difficult to guarantee winning. It is difficult to earn attribute points!!

When Li Zhen was in a dilemma, he received a long-awaited call.

General Manager Nelson called Li Zhen.

After a simple courtesy, Nelson said straight to the point:"Li, you have performed very well during the short contract period. Your teammates and coaches agree with you. Coach Carlisle and I hope you can renew your contract with us."

Hearing this invitation, Li Zhen calmed down a lot.

After all, Li Zhen is now a player with four invitations.

"What's the price?"Li Zhen felt like he was talking about selling himself....

"Two years, $5 million, fully guaranteed!!"The price offered by Nelson Jr. is more generous than the four contracts Li Zhen has.

"I won’t sign for two years, I only need 3 million US dollars a year, and I hope to get a higher contract price in the second year." Li Zhen also said directly

"Haha, Li, I admire your confidence. OK, I promise you, but you have to choose us first next year."

"No problem, I also hope to grow with the team"

"OK, then come to the office tomorrow to sign the contract."....

Knowing Nelson, Li Zhen agreed to the offer.

Compared to other teams, staying in the Mavericks is a good choice.

Kidd is so old, and they only have one No. 2 player, Caron Butler.

Li Zhen can compete for the No. 1 and No. 2 positions!!

The most important thing is that they have always been a championship team, and Li Zhen has a chance to win a championship together.....

After reaching an agreement with Nelson, Li Zhen was so excited that he did n't fall asleep until 3 a.m..................

The next day, Li Zhen went to the Mavericks' training hall.

Along the way, the staff and teammates greeted Li Zhen.

"Lee, welcome back!"

"Congratulations on signing the big contract"

"Man, I knew you could".....

Li Zhen could clearly feel the change in the attitude of the staff and teammates towards him.

The players with guaranteed contracts have a high status in the team.

All the staff serve them.

Now, Li Zhen is also going to join this group.

Nelson Jr. is waiting for Li Zhen in the office.

Nelson Jr. is an excellent manager. He is the current general manager and president of basketball operations of the Dallas Mavericks.

Li Zhen is also full of admiration for this NBA general manager in front of him.

In 1998, Nelson Jr. reunited with his father. The latter served as the head coach and general manager of the Mavericks, and Nelson Jr. served as the deputy general manager.

In the 1998 NBA draft, under Nelson's arrangement, they selected the then unknown German tank Dirk Nowitzki, and obtained Nash, who had limited playing time in the Suns, through a three-way trade.

Both of them later won the MVP.

In addition, in order to open up the closed traditional market of 1.3 billion people, Nelson Jr. selected the first domestic player in the history of the NBA, Wang Zhizhi, at the 1999 draft.

Although Dazhi did not succeed in the NBA, it also laid some foundations for Dayao to come out.

Nelson played a big role in the Mavericks' rise from a bottom-feeder team that missed the playoffs for a decade to an NBA championship team. During his tenure, the Mavericks had a winning percentage of 66%, including five 50+ win seasons, two 60+ win seasons, and a franchise-record 67 wins in 2007.

The Mavericks are also one of six teams to win 60 or more games three times in a five-year period.

Overall, the Mavericks have won more than 50 games for ten consecutive years. In addition, under Nelson's leadership, the Mavericks have made the playoffs for ten consecutive seasons, reached the Western Conference Finals three times, advanced to the Finals twice, and won the championship in 2011......

Nelson has always been the core player of the team through trades and draft picks.

For example, last season's best sixth man Jason Terry, future Hall of Fame member Jason Kidd, four-time All-Star Shawn Marion, two-time All-Star Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood were all acquired through trades planned by Nelson.

This is a qualified general manager of an NBA team! He is much more awesome than Morey of the Mosaic team who is stingy and unsuccessful.

Today, Li Zhen believes that Nelson will execute another major signing in his life.

Signing him means that his strength is definitely more than 3 million. It's just that the pearl is temporarily covered in dust. The Mavericks will make a big profit....

The contract went smoothly. Nelson Jr. did not make the rules too complicated. He said 3 million was 3 million, and did not set too many conditions.

This made Li Zhen feel very comfortable.

You know, NBA players' contracts have many details. Some require guaranteed appearances, some require weight control, and some even require guaranteed shooting percentages.....

Not everyone signs a contract as easily as Li Zhen.

After signing his name, Li Zhen said,"I need to apply for an advance on my salary."

"How much do you want?"


"OK, no problem, just go to the finance department, I'll call them later"

"Thank you!"

After signing the contract, Li Zhen took another photo with Nelson holding the contract.

Because Li Zhen was not completely new, there was no press conference to welcome Li Zhen.

Nelson just gave the photo to the public relations department and asked the public relations department to find the media to publish some news as Li Zhen's official announcement.

Li Zhen didn't care about that, he was very excited now.

He is an NBA player with an annual salary of 3 million US dollars!.......................

(Please support me with flowers, monthly tickets, and comment tickets. These are the author's unlimited motivation!!)

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