Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 98 The Eastern Conference Is Here? 64 Points In A Single Game! Schwarzenegger's Daughte

Far South Coast, Miami.

In the just-concluded Eastern Conference semifinal matchup, the Heat lost 82:103 away to the Bulls in Chicago.

The overwhelming news has already slaughtered the major sports media, all ridiculing and mocking James.

After all, James came to the Heat to hold a group with the infamy of defecting from his hometown.

Followed by the Big Three of the Green Army.

It's just that James' reputation is too great, and the strength of the Big Three is too strong, so he was crazily ridiculed and abused by the entire league, and became a public enemy of the league.

Except for Heat fans.

I am afraid that the entire league does not want James to win the championship.

Now being beaten by the young Rose of the Windy City, James was naturally criticized.

#Baotuan failed, the Big Three were blown away by young Jordan#

#三英战吕布, Ross singled out Huo San Giants#

#Young King! The Bull Sword Points to the Eastern Finals#

#The end of the defector, the big villain is doomed to fail#

News headlines like these are all over the place.

James sitting in the locker room is really depressed.

He only scored 17 points in this game, and made 4 turnovers other than "zero three three", playing like shit

But his feelings with the Heat generals are not that heavy, it's just that these news make him irritable.

What is the strength of the Big Three, but they can't beat the Bulls led by a young Ross?

James naturally doesn't think so.

Just lost one game.

In the eyes of the mighty James, there have always been only Zhou Yuan and the Knicks, and the Bulls are always an appetizer.

When he saw Zhou Yuan scoring 36 points in a single quarter and leading his team to beat the Celtics, James was shocked.

I even want to exclaim gigigigi!

He was just eliminated by the Celtics last year.

Facing the sophistication of the Celtics, although James played amazing data.

But still didn't win the series, was taught to be a man, and all the statistics seemed very pale.

Zhou Yuan is different!

Not only did he hit even more astonishing statistics, but he crushed the Celtics in one quarter.

If this performance can continue.

The Knicks are likely to crush Boston and meet the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals!

One is the invincible orange-red knight army led by the young king Zhou Yuan.

One is the Celtics, the arch-enemy of the Big Four, who eliminated James last season.

In contrast, James wants to play against the Celtics more.

After all, who would want to meet Zhou Yuan, a god of death?

James saw his young self in Zhou Yuan.

But his energy far exceeds that of himself when he was young.

Rather than facing his own nightmare Celtics, James does not want to challenge this New York bully.

Meanwhile, Charlotte lives in a big mansion.

Jordan is planning a trade reinforcement for the new season.

Ever since Jordan took a stake in the Charlotte Bobcats, the team has been underwhelmed.

The small ball market can't attract any stars.

But Jordan was ambitious.

He thought about Xia Tian recruiting stars like Anthony to the Bobcats this year.

Even fantasized about Zhou Yuan.

As long as they are willing to come, Jordan is willing to offer a maximum salary and offer all the conditions they want.

Even if you let your boss be your training partner every day, it's fine.

"Boss, Zhou Yuan scored 36 points in a single quarter, blowing up the Celtics."

An assistant ran over tremblingly and told Jordan the news.

Jordan dropped the cigar and turned on the TV.

Seeing the statistics table of the live broadcast, it shows 5 points for the week!

You know, Jordan's highest score in the playoffs is only 63 points.

Zhou Yuan is only 9 points away from passing his record.

In the regular season, Zhou Yuan has broken Chamberlain's miracle of 100 points in a single game.

If he breaks his record again in the playoffs, is he still human?

In the official first season of his career, he broke the two greatest scoring records in history!

Half human, half ghost!

"This guy is really crazy, I can't believe it. This year Xia Tian must find a way to make him notice Charlotte.

"No matter what method is used, open or dark, the rules allow or the rules don't allow, I will get Zhou Yuan!" Jordan swore.

On the court, the fourth quarter continued.

All members of the Green Army trembled.

Facing a double-digit point difference in the final quarter, the psychological pressure is indeed huge.

If it's an ordinary double-digit lag, that's fine.

The key Green Army still led by 9 points at the end of halftime.

In the third quarter, being beaten alive by Zhou Yuan alone, this is so fucking bad for morale!

To kill is to punish the heart!

Rondo holds the ball to control the rhythm, signaling his teammates to relax.

The old Celtics have seen too many big scenes.

Low morale belongs to low morale, and the ability to adjust is also very strong.

Ray Allen caught the ball from the bottom line and made a mid-range shot from the three-point line.

On the Knicks side, Zhou Yuan still didn't rest.

Rivers has gone crazy and directly sent Ray Allen and Pierce to attack.

Zhou Yuan double-teams whenever he has the ball.

This will lead to a leak on the defensive end!

But Rivers can't control that much.

If he didn't double-team and kill the red-eyed Zhou Yuan, he could kill the Celtics.

Forced him to pass the ball to his teammates, and was beaten to death by the Knicks role player, Rivers recognized it!

Anyway, as long as Zhou Yuan is not allowed to score.

It can be said that the strategy currently used by the Celtics is the "Zhou Yuan Law".

Two people on the outside double-team, not giving the slightest shooting space.

Once you break through, they will interfere with you with various large-scale movements and even foul movements.

If it breaks into the middle of the basket, I'm sorry, but I'll slap you on the ground alive!

Although the Celtics players are not as dirty as the Pistons Bad Boys, they are not cheap.

The Celtics used double teams, so Zhou Yuan played without the ball.

Since Billups has the ball-handling point, Zhou Yuan can play without the ball with confidence.

He sprinted all over the field, making various air cuts and running positions.

Ray Allen and Pierce's old arms and legs are almost broken.

After several consecutive back runs, Zhou Yuan got a chance in the right corner and shot a three-pointer.

Garnett made up the defense in time, but it was still a second late.

The ball spun several times on the basket, but still got into the net language.



Numerous negative emotions enveloped the Green Army.

There are mourners everywhere and no morale.

This disciplined iron army.

Now it is a group of stragglers and mobs, completely devoid of any fighting power.

No matter how disciplined and combat-effective an army is, if you starve it for three days and three nights, it will still lose its combat effectiveness.

This is the situation with the Green Army now.

Their only thought at the moment is to leave New York as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass themselves anymore.

Throughout the fourth quarter, the Celtics played double-teaming Zhou Yuan.

In the situation of securing a huge lead, Zhou Yuan did not continue to take the initiative to attack.

Instead, pass the ball more to teammates who run out of space, and at the same time strengthen the defense.

The point difference has been maintained at more than 15 points.

Zhou Yuan played the entire fourth quarter until the last minute!

In the whole quarter, Zhou Yuan scored 9 points, grabbed 6 rebounds and sent 7 assists.

In the end, the Knicks 138:118, with a 20-point advantage, slaughtered the Celtics at home!

Defended the Big Apple, defended Zhou Yuan's kingdom!

The green army once again became the bones under the feet of Zhou Yuan's coronation crown!

In the game, Zhou Yuan made 21 of 33 shots, including 11 of 17 three-pointers.

Including free throws, Japan has a total of 64 points, 15 rebounds, 15 assists, 5 steals, and 6 blocks!

Barely broke Jordan's record of 63 points in a single game in the playoffs!

And his overall statistics are obviously more terrifying and legendary than Jordan's miracles.

If Zhou Yuan really wants to break the record.

In the fourth quarter, he can easily score 70 points.

It is possible to do 2.5, but it is not necessary.

All the Celtics walked towards the player tunnel in disgrace.

Several players kept looking at the data board in disbelief, without closing their mouths.

This battle will definitely destroy the three views of most players in the Green Army!

Rivers shook D'Antoni's hand awkwardly.

"You guys played really well, Zhou Yuan is too good, I'm so sleepy.

The implication is that you are a hot chicken with a mustache, all by hugging Zhou Yuan's thigh.

D'Antoni smiled and said: "You also played very well and brought us a great threat. See you next time."

The subtext is: I just hugged my thigh, if you have the ability, you can hug one?

The girlfriend group on the sidelines cheered crazily and blew kisses to Zhou Yuan continuously.

After Zhou Yuan waved his hand to greet them, he returned to the dressing room.

After icing, Zhou Yuan was interviewed by Katherine Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger is a super tough guy.

But his eldest daughter, Catherine, is a children's book author.

Now I am here to interview Zhou Yuan as a reporter. .

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