Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 99 Assets Of $400 Million! Opponent In The Finals! (3 Updates, Please Subscribe)

Catherine put the microphone to Zhou Yuan's mouth.

Almost stuffed it in his mouth.

In fact, Zhou Yuan has always been curious about how Scarlett and the others feel.

Probably the feeling of stuffing the whole microphone into your mouth?

Catherine: "May I ask Zhou Yuan, what inspired you to explode in this match?"

Zhou Yuan smiled: "Because you are watching the game from the sidelines, I must perform well."

Catherine covered her mouth and was instantly blown away.

These words not only answered the question perfectly, but also rubbed her a wave by the way, it was also humorous, it was perfect.

Catherine: "Since I am the driving force for your explosion, can I be your girlfriend?"

Zhou Yuan thought for a while: "Yes, but you have to queue."

Catherine: "Do you have many girlfriends?"

Zhou Yuan spread his hands: "Not too many, but I have forgotten the names of many of them.

Catherine laughed loudly: "That's not much? You have to remember, my name is Katherine Schwarzenegger, and I am also one of your girlfriends."

Having said that, she hastily put away the microphone.

Zhou Yuan had already seen it.

Where is this woman interviewing him?

The difference is that in the name of an interview, the teaser is here!

Zhou Yuan did not know how many interviews she had received, and she had already seen her tricks.

Catherine high-fives Zhou Yuan.

"Then it's settled. I will be your girlfriend from now on. If we have time, let's make an appointment for dinner."

While clapping hands, Catherine noticed that Zhou Yuan's was very big.

It could almost cover her entire face, and her heart was pounding with fright.

With such a big hand, I'm afraid that 26 can hold my waist directly, right?

Since the hand is so big.

other aspects.………

The scale must be quite scary, right?

For some reason, Catherine became even more excited.

"You're stronger and more manly than my dad."

Sending off Catherine, Zhou Yuan celebrated with his teammates.

It was nothing more than a few glasses of champagne.

Just winning a game is not enough to have a big carnival.

The day after tomorrow, we will face the Celtics at Madison Square Garden, so we still cannot relax in the slightest.

Once the score is equalized by the Celtics, the home court advantage will be lost.

"Zhou Yuan, don't worry! We will use all our energy for the next game, so we won't make you so tired." Billups gritted his teeth and said.

In this game, the performance of other Knicks players is indeed a bit worrying.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yuan's forced carry, setting a god-level record, he would have changed the team to victory.

I am afraid that today, it will be pierced by the Celtics.

"That's right, you can play more relaxed in the next game. Organize more, defend more, and leave the offense to us." Stoudemire smiled.

Defense wins the game!

Once Zhou Yuan puts all his energy into the defensive end.

The entire Knicks' defensive system is airtight and quite terrifying.

The game scenes may not be so highly ornamental and a bit dull.

But that's another way to win.

Zhou Yuan laughed loudly: "Then in my next game, I will do my best to defend. On offense, I will play organization and get assists."

Office of the Celtics General Manager.

After Anji saw Zhou Yuan's data sheet of 60+15+15+6+6, he was completely dumbfounded.

He originally thought that he had resorted to black means and made some off-site news.

It can interfere with Zhou Yuan's emotions and make him play abnormally.

Unexpectedly, I threw the flame into the oil barrel.

Instead, it inspired the strongest Zhou Yuan!

It can be said that it is a standard cocoon.

"Did I do something wrong? Look, let that damned woman disappear as soon as possible!"

Angie took a sharp puff on his cigar and exhaled heavily on the smoke ring.

Once the existence of this woman is exposed, Anji will stink instantly.

Although he is sure to cover it up, this woman is really useless.

She can only arouse Zhou Yuan's hatred and anger, make him stronger and stronger, and fuck the Celtics harder.

So sad!

The key is.

Anji believed that Zhou Yuan had guessed that this woman was arranged by him.

If you let this farce continue.

Then Zhou Yuan's favorability towards the Celtics will become negative.

How did Xia Tian get him to Boston this year?

For a while, Anji really regretted his behavior.

He wished he could reset the time to a few days ago and cancel his damn idea.

Now everything is messed up!

Although Boston won't fire Zhou Yuan just because he can't get him.

But once Zhou Yuan stays in New York, or joins other strong teams.

The Celtics won't be able to win a championship within ten years.

From now on, Angie must do everything possible to please Zhou Yuan.

Boston was one of the contenders for Zhou Yuan before.

Now that this kind of thing happened, Zhou Yuan lost all goodwill.

If you don't want to remedy it, it will be too cold!

In the room, Zhou Yuan checked his assets from the system while drinking tea.

Some time ago, the system opened the asset query function.

Zhou Yuan can observe the changes of his assets anytime and anywhere.

The system counts every asset of Zhou Yuan on the data board.

Even his toilet paper, nail clippers and other small things are all included in the asset list.

He knew exactly how much money Zhou Yuan had.

Since there are investment skills and financial master skills.

Zhou Yuan expanded the size of his financial assistant.

Some people are responsible for helping him buy stocks.

There are also some people who are responsible for helping him invest and so on.

Now, Zhou Yuan's personal assets have reached US$390 million.

Who makes the most money in the NBA?

Not James, not Kobe, but Zhou Yuan!

As far as playing salary is concerned, Zhou Yuan's middle-class contract with an annual salary of 5 million is far inferior to these two superstars.

But his endorsement fee is not less than theirs at all, and even a little bit more.

The key is.

From the All-Star period to the present, Zhou Yuan has been crazily making money in the financial stock market for a few months.

Shengsheng earned more than 100 million US dollars!

This is much faster than playing ball and commercial endorsements.

In terms of earning speed, even superstars like James and Kobe cannot compare with Zhou Yuan.

Financial investment is always the fastest way to make money.

During this offseason, Zhou Yuan will definitely start his own company.

Like Buffett, make money like crazy in the financial market.

At the same time, Zhou Yuan still has 400,000 bitcoins, full of confidence.

The value of these bitcoins will skyrocket in the future.

Each one is more than 20,000 US dollars, or even more than 50,000 US dollars.

At that time, Zhou Yuan will be able to cash out a lot of money again.

The richest man in the world is just around the corner!

After the two matchups in the East, the results of the two semifinals in the West were finally released.

The Grizzlies beat the Thunder 114:101 away.

The young Thunder Four made the black and white duo record terrifying statistics.

Zach Randolph scored 34 points and 10 rebounds, while Gasol had 20 points and 13 rebounds.

The Grizzlies are a team that is good at defense, playing positional battles crazily, and basically has no scoring ability.

Facing the Thunder to score such a high score, it proves how young the Thunder are!

The youth army is too raw and inexperienced on a stage like the semi-finals.

Although the potential is endless, some tuition fees must be paid.

However, it does not mean that the Grizzlies will win the Thunder.

Thunder must have to pay tuition.

It's just that a team like the Grizzlies hasn't gone bankrupt yet for the Thunder to pay tuition.

Thunder has a chance to complete the counter-kill!

Durant scored 33 points, 11 rebounds, Westbrook had 29 points, 8 rebounds, and 6 assists, and Ibaka had 16 points, 11 rebounds, and 5 blocks.

San Shao's performance is still very stable.

As long as such a stable performance can be sustained, it is not impossible to pass the mountain of the Grizzlies.

This year's Spurs are fully capable of beating the Thunder.

If the Spurs play against the Thunder in the Western Conference semifinals, the Thunder probably have no chance at all.

But the Spurs were unlucky. They ran into the Grizzlies, who were playing against each other. They were defeated by 947 in the first round, which was miserable.

In another game, it was also an upset, and it was also the next game.

The old driver Nowitzki led the Mavericks, defeated the defending champion Lakers 96:94 in an away game, and blew up the Staples Center Arena!

Dirk Nowitzki scored 28 points and 14 rebounds. Six players from the team scored in double figures and dominated Los Angeles.

On the Lakers side, Kobe was still steady, scoring 36 points.

Gasol's 25+11+7 data is not bad.

But the young Shark Bynum played poorly.

Other players such as Artest and Fisher played poorly.

Only Odom on the bench contributed 15 points and 12 rebounds in a double-double.

They didn't support Kobe enough to help the Lakers win the game.

For Dirk Nowitzki in his previous life, 2011 was definitely the year he became a god.

He led the Mavericks, who were the least favored by others, to kill the Thunder first, and then the Lakers.

In the end, they extinguished the Heat and won the championship in the finals.

Many people believe that this year is a rare year in the history of the NBA to win the championship with an absolute single core, and the gold content is super high!

Jordan won the championship with Pippen and Rodman, Kobe won the championship with Gasol, Duncan won the championship with Parker and Ginobili.

As long as the old driver is a standard single-core win!

Zhou Yuan didn't think so.

Nowitzki led the team to win the championship, really strong.

He is also the absolute core of the Mavericks.

But there are players like Tyson Chandler, Sean Marion, Jason Kidd, Jason Terry, and Peja Stojakovic on the team.

All are a bunch of top-notch assistants.

Around Nowitzki, there are indeed no top helpers like Pippen, Gasol, Tony Parker, and Ginobili.

But he is surrounded by a bunch of top-notch helpers!

If Nowitzki can be like James in 2007.

Winning the championship with a group of ragged players is undoubtedly a single core.

But with a bunch of top supporting actors around him, it is hard to convince people that it is absolutely single-core.

No matter how you judge it, the Mavericks will be a huge threat to the Knicks. .

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