Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 113 Finals, All-Out Week! Terrible Defense Tactics (1 Update, Please Subscribe)


Zhou Yuan's straight-line acceleration is faster than the supercar's 100-kilometer acceleration.

The fastest first step in the alliance!

Coupled with the super large stride, with a trance effort, the old Marion was thrown behind him to eat the exhaust gas.

The reason why the Mavericks are all-round offensive and defensive is that the offense relies on the invincible Dirk Nowitzki, and the defense relies on Marion and boxing champion Chandler, who are both inside and outside.

After passing the level of Marion, the boxing champion is not easy to mess with.

With a height of 2.16 meters, he poked there like a telegraph pole.

Even if you don't jump, you can scare your opponent.

Chandler jumped up high, planning to reward Zhou Yuan with a hot pot meal.

However, Zhou Yuan owns a hot pot restaurant and often invites others to eat hot pot, which he himself is not interested in.

A small fold in the air, pull the bar to avoid the block of the boxing champion, and change the face buckle of the front of one hand with both hands!

At the moment of dunking, two people had a violent impact in the air.

Chandler's body was hit by Zhou Yuan and almost fell to the ground.

Zhou Yuan's current physical talent is a bug!

Antetokounmpo's height, wingspan, long legs, O'Neill's strength, Chamberlain's jumping, and Chandler's tough front are not in vain.

2:2!"Twenty Zero"

At the beginning, Zhou Yuan showed a strong desire to attack.

If Zhou Yuan has reservations about the first three rounds.

In the finals, Zhou Yuan will definitely exert 100% of his strength!

Lao Tzu's showdown!

Kidd organized the offense at the top of the arc, throwing an angry pass to Terry.

Terry just touched the ball lightly, and immediately threw it to Marion, who quickly lobbed it to Nowitzki under the basket.

The Mavericks, the old ball hooligans, are playing better than the other, smarter than the other, even smarter than the Celtics' old fritters.

They know how to use continuous transfer of the ball, tear the defense, and save energy.

But this style of play requires super shooting ability.

Although Kidd's shooting is not good, Terry and Marion Nowitzki are good shooters.

The old driver easily made a golden rooster independent, and Griffin hit a backward bukkake.

Nowitzki's golden rooster independence is a unique move that can be listed as the league's top killer along with sky hook and dream footsteps.

It's hard for someone to cover it head-on.

Griffin's short arms...

No matter how high you jump, you can't make up for the difference in wingspan.

The ball was switched, and Billups advanced to the frontcourt and handed the ball to Zhou Yuan obediently.

The Mavericks still adopted a single-defense strategy, letting Marion, the defensive elite, block Zhou Yuan, and did not rush to resort to other defensive tactics.

Zhou Yuan dribbled the ball continuously under the crotch, and made a super-large double change of direction, and Marion was a bit confused.

A 0.001-second absence is enough for Zhou Yuan to pass him in one step.

Marion responded to the ball in a timely manner, and quickly made up for it, blocking Zhou Yuan with half of his body.

Zhou Yuan didn't care about that, he rolled hard to the basket and hit a small throw.

Zhou Yuan is a supercar, and he can pass his opponent in an instant by stepping on the accelerator.

If you are blocked in the middle, switch directly to tank mode and crush fiercely!

Marion was already strong enough, but he was a bit overwhelmed by Zhou Yuan's high-speed impact.


The Mavericks attacked, and Kidd took the ball slowly, taking his time.

After all, a bunch of old men need to catch their breath by dribbling.

Nowitzki came out to run, and Griffin followed closely.

But Jason Terry made a screen, the old driver got a little room to shoot, took the ball and threw it, and the long-range shot made a hit!

Nowitzki this season has played a bit beyond normal, and his state is getting hotter and hotter after another.

In the finals, it was even hotter, and Griffin was almost depressed.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who is depressed.

Looking back, Zhou Yuan faced Marion with a three-point bukkake!

Marion's height was much lower than Zhou Yuan's, but his wingspan was very long, like a gibbon, which greatly interfered with Zhou Yuan's shooting sight.

But the ball still accurately destroyed the basket.


In the first 3 minutes, Zhou Yuan and Nowitzki started to bombard each other!

Relying on Zhou Yuan's super personal ability, the Knicks scored consecutive points.

On the Mavericks side, Nowitzki also has a supernatural tendency!

The key players of the Mavericks can help Nowitzki stretch space and take away the defense.

In most cases, Nowitzki is an absolute one-on-one.

Zhou Yuan is different. After passing Marion, there will be Chandler who defends later.

He chose to make strong shots several times, only in this way will he not be flanked.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan felt hot and made all his strong shots.

With 6 minutes and 37 seconds left in the first quarter, the Knicks scored 15:14.

The Knicks had the ball, and the Mavericks directly used the 23 zone defense.

The characteristic of the 23 zone defense is that each player guards his fixed position and will not run all over the field.

This tactic is more focused on position, and it is good for everyone to stick to their positions.

Once someone breaks through, the two immediately attack.

The opponent transfers the ball to another area, and then the two players in the other area will attack again.

This can not only greatly save physical strength, but also prevent opponents from breaking through.

But this kind of defense has absolute dead ends, that is, the free throw line and the two bottom corners.

If the opponent has a top shooter with excellent three-point shooting ability, he can directly smash the zone defense.

However, the Knicks' three-point shooting is still not good!

Needless to say, Zhou Yuan is invincible with three points.

But Zhou Yuan is the main attacker with the ball, and it is impossible to go to the corner. Only Billups and Ariza can do this job.

Ariza is a tough guy. In the playoffs, his three-pointers are as good as the weights that bastards eat.

Billups has a good three-pointer, but he is not a top three-point shooter.

In the previous life, the Heat were killed by the 23rd defense.

James, Wade, Mike Bibby, three-pointers are not allowed.

In this case, if you want to jump in and fail to make a shot, and you can't make a shot if you want to make a shot, then you can only wait for death.

If the Knicks can have a strong ball-handler, Zhou Yuan can switch to playing off the ball and go to the corner by himself, and he can throw the Mavericks into doubtful life.

The key is that Billups' breakthrough ability with the ball is average, which is quite embarrassing.

If Wade is given to Zhou Yuan, and Wade breaks through with the ball, Zhou Yuan will lie in ambush in the corner.

If the Mavericks defended the zone all game, Zhou Yuan estimated that he could make 20 three-pointers!

The Mavericks put up a 23-zone defense formation, Kidd and Marion stood at two points on the left and right of the free throw line......

In fact, Kidd and Terry should stand on both sides of the free throw line, but Zhou Yuan is too tall and his shooting ability is terrible.

These two dwarfs had no effect on Zhou Yuan's zone defense and could only pull Marion up.

As soon as Zhou Yuan took the ball, the two immediately slammed on the goal and surrounded each other.

Zhou Yuan's shooting and breakthrough space were all locked up, and he could only pass the ball to Billups.

Billups made an air cut to the high post, and Chandler in the fifth position immediately put up defense.

Zhou Yuan ran to the corner and was caught by Marion and Terry.

Ariza cut to the other corner, received a pass from Billups, and made a wide-open three-pointer.

This is the price of 23 zone defense, the bottom corner will fail.

As long as there is a three-point shooter, he can shoot flowers.

It's a pity that Tiezha is Tiezha!

With a bang, it makes people feel like they are in a wonderful concert.

Chandler takes the rebound off Stoudemire.

Nowitzki forced Griffin under the basket, and with a feint, directly sent Griffin to the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and missed a small throw.

Chandler at the basket was firmly stuck in his position, and with his wingspan, he got an offensive rebound on Stoudemire's head. The small throw still missed, and he made another hit.

On the next play, Zhou Yuan lobbed the ball to Stoudemire, trying to get him to open the game.

The 23rd side is nothing more than protecting the basket and preventing the opponent's super breakthrough player from entering the penalty area.

Zhou Yuan deliberately wanted Stoudemire to play alone.

It must be very difficult for Stoudemire to eat Chandler alone, so he can only let Griffin and Chandler match up, and Stoudemire beats Nowitzki and hits the rebound.

The inside line can open up the situation, which greatly reduces the pressure on the outside line.

The Mavericks attacked, Terry ran around the bottom line to the bottom corner, received a pass from Kidd, and the Jets fired and scored a three-pointer.

Looking back, Stoudemire is still playing Nowitzki in singles, and the old driver can't stand it at all.

But Chandler stepped forward to defend against the flanking attack, which made Stoudemire uncomfortable, so he had to pass the ball again.

As soon as Zhou Yuan held the ball, the opponent immediately flanked him, and he could only pass the ball to the bottom corner. 1.1 Ariza and Billups hit the iron again and again, which is very uncomfortable.

With 2 minutes and 17 seconds left in the first quarter, the Knicks trailed the Mavericks by 4 points at 21:25.

23 zone defense played a very good effect.

The whole world knows how to break the zone defense.

The key is that you just can't make the shot, how do you break it?

Zhou Yuan took the ball at the top of the arc, and Kidd and Marion immediately stepped forward to pinch.

Zhou Yuan, a butterfly piercing through the flowers, split the human ball, passing through the gap between the two with lightning speed.

When he came to the penalty area, he leaped high and attracted Chandler's defense.

However, Zhou Yuan did not shoot the ball himself, but a clever back pass, throwing the ball to Griffin who was in the open space, and dunked with the basket flat.

Although the goal was scored, the Knicks' offense was very difficult.

The Mavericks are too experienced and have strong tactical literacy.

Except for Zhou Yuan, the other Knicks players were all caught off guard and caught off guard.

On the side of the Mavericks, the Nowitz Fund Chicken was independently missed.

Zhou Yuan made a strong shot against the Mavericks three!

The Mavericks' zone defense played a very good role.

The Knicks can only rely on Zhou Yuan's personal ability to forcibly open the situation.

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