Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 114 Crazy Confrontation! Shoot Through The Calf! (2 Updates, Please Subscribe)

Nowitzki catches the ball under the basket.

This season's superb old driver, the shooting threat is too great, and he can only be double-teamed by Stoudemire and Griffin.

This time the pinching effect was very good, and the Nowitz fund chicken hit the iron independently.

But Chandler, who was open at the basket, caught the rebound and made a dunk.

The Knicks made the final attack.

Zhou Yuan received the ball on the right side, Marion and Terry still defended the zone defense and stepped forward to attack.

Zhou Yuan took a sudden step to take away the defense and threw the ball to Stoudemire at the free throw line. Stoudemire made a steady mid-range shot.

Stoudemire is a relatively accurate mid-range shot among the big men, and has a strong face-to-frame offensive ability.

As long as Stoudemire can keep sending the ball to the basket, the Mavericks' zone defense strategy will fail.

In the last 10 seconds, Terry catches and shoots, very elegant.

However, Zhou Yuan, who had been lying in wait behind him for a long time, slapped his head and face with the side cap.

After receiving the ball, Zhou Yuan rushed forward.

The speed was so fast that the Mavericks didn't have time to settle down and engage in zone defense.

Kidd races against time, desperately trying to catch up.

But Zhou Yuan is faster than him, and his stride is bigger than him.

Two seconds later, Zhou Yuan came to the frontcourt free throw line, Kidd had just passed the midfield, so he had to give up, and watched Zhou Yuan make a simple tomahawk dunk from the free throw line!

The end of the first quarter, the Knicks 28:28 Mavericks, the two sides stand on the same starting line.

In the first half, Zhou Yuan killed the Quartet, and the Mavericks played a zone defense in the back. The Knicks were a little caught off guard, so they had to rely on Zhou Yuan to fight alone.

Now Stoudemire has found the touch.

As long as they can score a few goals in a row, the Mavericks' zone defense will be self-defeating.

But Zhou Yuan knows that zone defense is only the most basic defensive strategy for Xiaosheng.

Once it is broken by the Knicks, there will be an upgraded version.

That is to strengthen defensive rotation and mobility, and constantly switch between marking and zone defense.

Form a continuous flow, but impenetrable line of defense.

In the previous life, the Heat were defeated by the Mavericks' defensive tactics that disrupted their rhythm.

As soon as the second quarter came up, Zhou Yuan took the ball and went to the basket, and Xiaosheng made a zone defense in time.

Stoudemire got to the free throw line and Zhou Yuan shoved the ball into Stoudemire's hands.

Now is the time to test Stoudemire's CIC.


Stoudemire made a steady mid-range shot.

After finding his shooting touch, Stoudemire opened fire, and Zhou Yuan's assists were also very enjoyable.

In the next round, Zhou Yuan broke into the penalty area with the ball, and the five Mavericks quickly shrank to the basket, and the whole team flanked Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan used a pass without looking behind his head, and threw it to Billups in the bottom corner. He fired three shots and made a steady hit.

Stoudemire made three mid-range shots in a row, Billups made a three-pointer, and the Mavericks' zone defense strategy was instantly disintegrated!

Carlisle yells stop!

Back from the timeout, Xiaosheng changed his defensive strategy.

Sure enough, from a simple zone defense, it has been upgraded to a switch between zone and man-to-man.

The defense is very fluid, and various defensive modes can be switched skillfully, ever-changing.

This Mavericks team is definitely the team that uses defense to the extreme in the entire league.

A bunch of defensive champions, coupled with top-level defensive strategies, are simply impenetrable, even more difficult than the Celtics' iron barrel formation.

This is setting up a dragon gate array for Zhou Yuan!

Marion on the left defended Zhou Yuan alone, and after two big changes of direction, he threw Marion aside.

Kidd and Nowitzki made up for the first time, forming a pinch attack.

Zhou Yuan passed the ball to Billups who was open. The Mavericks' defense flowed quickly and formed two human walls in front of Billups in an instant.

No matter how the Knicks passed the ball, the Mavericks never lost their position.

There is a risk of mistakes in continuous passing.

After about six passes, Ariza handed Griffin a turnover on the inside.

The Mavericks fight back!

How can such an army of old men who focus on positional warfare have any counterattacks?

Terry made a quick break and caught the ball at the free throw line, Zhou Yuan was already following him.

Terry is a chicken thief. He came to the basket and pretended to shoot to trick Zhou Yuan.

In fact, he feinted a shot and slowly took off for a layup.

But Terry absolutely ignored how long Zhou Yuan's arms were!

Despite being tricked into flying, he missed his first chance to block.

But the moment Terry made a layup, Zhou Yuan looked back at the moon, stretched out his long arms directly into the sky, and cut the ball off in the air.

Terry got the ball again and made a quick layup.

Zhou Yuan's bullet speed is extremely fast, even fiercer than Bolt's explosive power, and he also sent a nailboard hat!

After getting the ball, Zhou Yuan ran straight to play fast break.

For a whole quarter and a half, the Knicks completely fell into the rhythm of the Mavericks' positional warfare, and were exhausted by their zone defense.

Although there were times when the zone defense was overwhelmed in the middle, the Mavericks' zone defense has been upgraded and the defense intensity is higher.

If you try to crack the Mavericks' defensive strategy, you will only make yourself more passive.

The only way is to play fast and increase the speed!

Just advancing to the three-point line in the frontcourt, before Marion stepped forward to defend, Zhou Yuan pulled up and shot a three-pointer through the net!

Looking back, Kidd quickly passed the ball to Nowitzki at the free throw line, and the Golden Rooster made an independent hit.

Stoudemire served from the baseline, and Zhou Yuan, Ariza, and Griffin formed an arrow attack and quickly pushed forward.

At the same time that Billups got the ball, Zhou Yuan had already arrived at the basket in the frontcourt.

With a high pass across the court, Zhou Yuan collided with Chandler's air muscles and competed for air supremacy!

Chandler is taller, but Zhou Yuan's wingspan, bounce, bounce speed, and strength are all-round crushing.

Zhou Yuan seized the air superiority, pushed Chandler away and held the ball in his arms.

The two landed at the same time, Chandler was still gathering strength to take off, Zhou Yuan was already floating in the air, and he completed the dunk with his bow and arrow!

Kidd got the ball and sluggishly advanced, Zhou Yuan deliberately let Marion take a step, giving him a huge shooting space.

The purpose is to improve the Mavericks' shooting speed.

Sure enough, Kidd passed the ball to Marion immediately, catch and shoot.

In one go, Marion slowly pushed the ball out with an ugly posture that exploded.

Zhou Yuan quickly took a big step forward, used a triple jump, and slapped the ball to the tenth row of audience seats.

Although Zhou Yuan flew high, the height of Marion's shot was really low enough.

Isn't this looking for a hat?

Nowitz catches the ball from the baseline and turns over and hits a jumper.

No matter what offensive and defensive strategies the two teams use, one thing remains the same.

That is, the Knicks can't guard Nowitzki, and the Mavericks can't guard Zhou Yuan!

One and a half quarters later, Dirk Nowitzki scored 16 points on 7-of-8 shooting, and Zhou Yuan scored 23 points on 11-of-11 shooting!

A duel between two superstars!

From the middle of the second quarter to the end of halftime, the two sides fell into the Knicks' offensive rhythm inexplicably.

The two teams did not defend at all, and began to play, run and bomb.

Terry soared into the mid-range shot and was celebrating with a signature Jets move.

Three seconds later, Zhou Yuan had already got the ball in the frontcourt and fired at Huochen from the right three-point line.

Isn't that easy if you want to fight?

Turning around, Nowitzki made another turnaround jumper.

This iconic ultimate move, the golden rooster is independent, and there is no way to defend against it.

Although Stoudemire's offensive efficiency is also good, Nowitzki's shooting is completely crazy, and he can't stand it!

Billups made a quick serve, Zhou Yuan's LOGO was out of position and the ball was lost.

Marion and Zhou Yuan fell into a melee, and the two rolled and fought on the ground.

In the end it was Zhou Yuan who hugged the ball first.

Marion came up to fight for the ball, and Zhou Yuan lay on the floor, throwing his big hand angrily.

The basketball passed over Nowitzki's head and landed precisely in Griffin's hands, with an alley-oop dunk!

Lying on the ground, waiting for Marion to come and grab the ball, and then the ball?

Or call a timeout?


How can you be called a stadium magician without some showy operations?

On the next possession, the Knicks defended, and Zhou Yuan misplaced and directly faced Nowitzki.

The first head-to-head confrontation of the two aces in this game!

Nowitzki has the three tricks, but he can't be efficient.

Under Zhou Yuan's ultra-high-intensity defense, Nowitzki couldn't break through this step at all, and could only resort to Golden Rooster Independent.


Nowitzki dribbled the ball heavily, took off with one foot, leaned his whole body back sharply, and threw the ball with a super high arc.

Nowitzki is already tall, with a high shot point and a large lean back. The arc of his shot is also very high, and basically no one can block it.

But Zhou Yuan is an exception.

Not only does he play fast, he has a long wingspan and explosive power.

The timing of the old driver's shot is also very precise.

The moment he shot, Zhou Yuan had already taken off.

When flying to the highest point, 073 Nowitzki just shot the ball.

At this moment, a sexy "pop" sounded, like the sound of Zhou Yuan hitting his girlfriend.

It is indeed very difficult to block the ball.

Although Zhou Yuan got the block, he couldn't slap him off the court like a volleyball cap, but slapped him near the sideline.

Zhou Yuan quickly went to save the ball back into the court.

Marion defended from the backcourt.

Zhou Yuan dribbled the ball under his crotch continuously, connected a back turn, changed direction and easily threw Marion behind him.

The matchup against Zhou Yuan was Terry.

Terry, Terry, ignore it!

Head-on bukkake three-point shot, the net didn't move!

In Zhou Yuan's eyes, the basket is like a sea of ​​stars, no looser than a nightclub girl.

Since it is so loose, the net must not have moved a bit!

In half a quarter, the two teams fell into a frenzied confrontation mode, and directly played a wave of 20:16 super offensive.

But this kind of confrontation mode is naturally the Knicks' favorite.

The Mavericks can withstand half a quarter, can withstand one or two quarters, can they withstand the whole court?

The Mavericks made the last attack, and Kidd's wide-open three-pointer hit the iron with a bang.

In fact, at the end of his career, Kidd's three-point shooting was relatively stable.

Maybe it was because of the back and forth running back and forth just now, which made the old man a little blushing and his heart beating faster, like a little girl watching a movie. He was too excited and affected his hand feeling, so he didn't go in.

At the end of the halftime game, the Knicks 62:57 the Mavericks, holding a 5-point lead.

Among the 62 points, Zhou Yuan scored 35 points alone!

It was really his own strength, dragging the Knicks forward.

Although Nowitzki also scored 26 points, accounting for nearly half of the Mavericks' points.

But the old driver played very easily and with ease, and his teammates gave him great help.

Except for the running and bombing in the second half of the second quarter, which was a bit tiring, it didn't consume much energy.

Zhou Yuan was different. He didn't rest for a minute at halftime, and he was in a state of accelerating 100 meters all the time.

Even if Bolt comes, he can't stand it!

Bolt's explosiveness, combined with Kipchoge's stamina, epitomizes Zhou Yuan's half-court game. .

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