Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 115 Is The Championship Stable? Hang Dirk Nowitzki! (3 Updates, Please Subscribe)

On the commentary stage, Barkley was eloquent.

"Zhou Yuan has been playing like crazy, 35 points in the half! He almost showed all his energy. The two teams kept changing their rhythms, playing positional battles for a while, and bombarding each other for a while. It was so exciting, it deserves to be the finals .”

Kenny Smith nodded: "Yes, that's right, the Finals is even more exciting than the game between the Knicks and the Heat. It's interesting. I thought that the Dallas Mavericks would be completely vulnerable to the Knicks and would be instantly defeated. destroy."

"Who would have thought that they would fight so intensely? The Mavericks, the old guys, are too strong in tactics, too experienced, and too hardworking. It is definitely a tough nut to crack."

Olajuwon smiled: "That's true. They can choose the smartest, least labor-saving, and most effective style of play. Except for Zhou Yuan, the Knicks have nothing to do with the Mavericks."

"That's Zhou Yuan. If you change another player, whether it's Kobe or LeBron, to lead this Knicks team, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to win."

O'Neal opened his mouth: "Dirk Nowitzki also played very well. He scored 26 points in the half. I always said he was soft before, but now I would call him the second hardest!"

"If he can lead the team to win the championship ring, then his status among power forwards will surpass Barkley. And Barkley will also kiss the ass of the donkey because he lost the bet, killing two birds with one stone."

On the sidelines, Kobe watched with great joy.

Although the outside media before the game, including spinach companies, were all overwhelmingly optimistic about the Knicks' victory over the Mavericks.

But Bryant knows best how difficult this Mavericks team is.

They had just been swept by the Mavericks in the Western Conference semifinals.

The fear of being dominated still hangs over my heart.

The third quarter started and the Knicks had the ball.

The Knicks still insist on playing, running and bombing, focusing on fast breaks and fast-paced.

The Mavericks are desperately controlling the rhythm and position.

The styles of play of the two teams can be described as completely opposite.

Whoever falls into the rhythm in the end has a high probability of winning the game.

Zhou Yuan runs around the baseline without the ball, like a small motor with unlimited power.

Zhou Yuan can be found in every area.

Whenever Zhou Yuan moves, at least one Maverick will follow.

Marion quickly lost track of Zhou Yuan's footsteps and kept changing defensive players.

The Mavericks' defensive formation was torn apart by Zhou Yuan.

Coming to the left three-point line, Zhou Yuan catches the ball, pulls up and shoots!

Facing him was Jason Terry, who did not interfere with Zhou Yuan's formation at all.

An arrow through the heart!

Zhou Yuan, the absolute ace of the Knicks, went on a killing spree. Of course, the old driver is not far behind.

He hit Stoudemire with his back, turned around and shot an arrow on horseback.

Turning around, Zhou Yuan met Kidd in a dislocation.

Although Kidd is 38 years old, his defense was very good when he was young.

He raised one hand high to interfere with Zhou Yuan's sight, and the other hand was ready to steal the ball at any time.

To deal with this kind of tall ball handler, most of the time, he can directly steal from the front.

But Zhou Yuan controlled the ball very steadily, and Kidd did not dare to act rashly.

Zhou Yuan made an opening on purpose, and Kidd went all out to steal the ball in a gambling style.

But at the moment when Kidd rushed over.

Zhou Yuan changed direction with one crotch, moved laterally to the other side, stepped away from Kidd and came to the basket, and lightly threw a shot.

The arc of this toss was very high, but Tyson Chandler, who was defending next to him, still touched the ball with his fingers and blocked it.

The two jumped at the same time, and Zhou Yuan took control of the ball in the air.

It happened that Chandler bumped Zhou Yuan, and he used his strength to hit Chandler head-on in the air before landing!

The basket is burst!

The ball fell through the net and hit Chandler right on the head.

In the last second, the boxing champion humiliated Zhou Yuan with a block.

Before he beat his chest and roared in celebration, he was immediately revenged.

This is too fast!

Nowitzki used the pick-and-roll to face Trevor Ariza, with four or two moves, a deft turn around, the matchbox bounced and hit the basket.

Zhou Yuan received the ball in the backcourt and directly attacked Tulong.

First, he passed Kidd with a high-speed back change, and then passed the ball at the top of the arc, throwing away Terry and Marion, and dunking Nowitzki and Chandler head-on at the basket!

Zhou Yuan's ball was a standard one-on-five.

And it took less than 8 seconds from receiving the ball in the backcourt to completing the dunk.

With the slow-paced style of the Mavericks, in many cases, 8 seconds has just passed halftime.

In the first half of the third quarter, Zhou Yuan and Nowitzki launched a confrontation battle.

The Mavericks seem to have been assimilated by the Knicks a little bit, and they have completely entered the rhythm of confrontation and can't stop at all.

With 5 minutes and 03 seconds left, Zhou Yuan made 6 of 7 shots in the single quarter and scored 14 points.

Nowitzki made 6 of 8 shots in a single quarter and scored 13 points.

The finals almost became a duo between Zhou Yuan and Nowitzki.

But Carlisle called a timeout just in time.

Although the score has not been opened, it is still maintained at around 5 points.

But this style of play consumes too much physical strength for the Mavericks.

I can survive the third quarter, but I'm afraid I won't be able to run in the fourth quarter.

Carlisle yelled at the players: "Don't follow the Knicks' rhythm, slow down and play positional warfare~!"

"You are all exhausted, we can't outrun them young people!"

Back from the timeout, Kidd slowly dribbled the ball to control the rhythm, and it took only 8 seconds to pass the center line.

He strolled at the top of the arc, and suddenly threw it to Terry in the bottom corner.

Terry took a sudden dribble, attracted the defense, and threw it to the basket.

Chandler catches the ball in the air and smashes it into the basket against Griffin.

Griffin has worked hard to grab the ball, Huihe's height and wingspan are far behind Chandler's.

After Chandler got stuck, the bounce didn't play a big role and could only be crushed.

The Knicks attacked, and the Mavericks desperately returned to the rhythm of defense, forcing the Knicks to play positions.

They sent the zone defense again, and the formation on the field was constantly changing.

It seems to be zone defense and marking, but in fact it is both, unpredictable.

I have to admit that the Mavericks are the team that is best at using zone defense in the entire league.

Zhou Yuan's hand feels hot, he doesn't care how many of you are flanking, he just pulls up and throws.

Marion held up the great ape arm, trying to interfere.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuan made a false fax, and after flying Marion, he strode into the free throw line.

A lob pass to Stoudemire at the basket.

Stoudemire took a dribble with the ball, forced to open Nowitzki, and dunked with one arm.

Nowitzki has defended very hard.

But he remains the weakest defensive link in the Mavs' starting lineup.

But at the same time, Nowitzki is also the strongest point of offensive firepower.

Stoudemire dunked one on his head, turned his head and Nowitzki hit Stoudemire forcefully, turned around and hit a small throw, regaining his face.

D'Antoni called a timeout to make adjustments.

"I'll play inside and defend Dirk Nowitzki," Zhou Yuan suggested.

"You're going to play against Nowitzki? That's a good idea."

D'Antoni agrees with Zhou Yuan's tactics.

The Mavericks' 23-zone defense can greatly weaken the Knicks' outside play.

But this Knicks is not the same as the Heat, the Knicks have a super insider!

And this super insider is Zhou Yuan.

It is completely possible to put Zhou Yuan under the basket, so that it is closer to the opponent's penalty area and easier to destroy.

The inside combination of Zhou Yuan and Stoudemire is extremely powerful.

There is no need to worry about Zhou Yuan being flanked at the basket.

Because if Zhou Yuan plays inside, there are no three people who can't stop him at all.

If the Mavericks really dare to send a few people to add, he can pass the ball (for good money) to Stoudemire for an open dunk.

After finalizing this tactic, D'Antoni temporarily removed Griffin and let Tracy McGrady top the small forward position.

Zhou Yuan can play power forward or center!

He stood under the basket ready to catch the ball, and Nowitzki was dumbfounded.

Call inside?

This is all right?

During the regular season, Zhou Yuan also played center in several games.

The Mavericks certainly know this.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Knicks really dared to use this tactic in the finals!

What about playing?

A tall point guard, marksman.

Even if you are tall, you have plenty of inside skills.

However, he has been playing outside for a long time, and unexpectedly reached the 4th position and even the 5th position in the finals.

Looking for abuse?

Nowitzki didn't think too much about it.

Zhou Yuan plays inside, so he will defend!

Zhou Yuan faced Dirk Nowitzki, received a pass from Billups, and stepped back from outside the penalty area.

Don't look at Nowitzki being criticized all day long, he is also a power forward anyway, and his strength is really not weak.

But Zhou Yuan bumped Nowitzki a few times, and squeezed to the bottom of the basket abruptly, turning around easily and making a throw. .

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