Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 201 Zhou Yuan, The Hope Of The Championship (Kneeling To Subscribe)

United States, Los Angeles, in a box of a luxury hotel.

"Zhou, you know, we need you very much right now, I promise that as long as you can return to the Lakers, I will do my best to give you all the help you need!"

Lakers owner Jeanie Buss had a look of eagerness in her eyes.

Many years ago, Zhou Yuan scored the winning goal in the tiebreaker between the Lakers and the Celtics to help the Lakers win the championship.

However, in the offseason of that year, the Lakers did not intend to renew Zhou Yuan's contract.

Zhou Yuan has always been brooding over this matter.

Although this is a business alliance that can be free from any emotions, Zhou Yuan still finds it hard to let go of this incident.

What's more, the current Zhou Yuan doesn't need to rely on others at all, as long as he wants, he can join any team.

To put it bluntly, the Lakers are just one of his choices, and most importantly, Zhou Yuan values ​​the city of Los Angeles.

"Do you think you are qualified to say such things to me now?"

"The reason why I agreed to meet you is not because of anyone's face, but because this is Los Angeles, otherwise you wouldn't even have the chance to meet me."

Zhou Yuan's voice is very cold, he will not have feelings for any team now, he only cares about the interests.

If joining the Lakers can bring him benefits, he will still consider it, but if not, it doesn't make any sense.

"Then...then how can you agree?"

Jenny Bass, who lowered her figure in order to get Zhou Yuan, now looks like a poor supplicant.

"What can you give me?"

"I don't lack luxury houses, luxury cars, and women."

"By the way, maybe the only thing that can attract me is this team, are you willing?"

Jenny Buss' complexion was ashen. Although she really wanted to get Zhou Yuan, she couldn't afford this offer.

Meanwhile, the Clippers.

"How is the de Andre deal going?"

"What? The Cavaliers have the will? That would be great!"

"Get rid of this transaction as soon as possible, let them pay some leftovers and cash, in short, free up salary space as much as possible!"

"Also, I'm going to have dinner with Zhou Yuan tonight, please find someone to arrange it."

Team owner Ballmer couldn't bear the excitement in his heart.

Just an hour ago, he had a phone call with Zhou Yuan, and to his surprise, Zhou Yuan accepted his invitation!

Today's Zhou Yuan is a piece of meat and potatoes. Any team that gets him will definitely thrive next season, and even a championship is possible.

Of course, Ballmer also wants to get Zhou Yuan, but the Clippers currently have very limited salary space.

After forming the Big Three of Paul, Griffin and Jr. Jordan, it is almost impossible to accept Zhou Yuan again.

So Ballmer is urging the general manager of the team to get rid of Jordan as soon as possible. Only in this way, the team has a chance to win Zhou Yuan.

In the last two seasons, the Golden State Warriors set off a small ball storm in the league and achieved great success.

Many teams are now beginning to want to transform. Traditional centers like Jordan are gradually being eliminated, which is why Ballmer wants to clean him up.

Taking advantage of the fact that Jordan still has the value of trading, it is definitely a wise choice to make a move as soon as possible.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yuan arrived as promised, and the agreed place was not a hotel, but Ballmer's home.

In the United States, only relatives and friends who attach great importance to them will bring them home as guests.

Ballmer's approach is definitely full of sincerity.

From the moment Zhou Yuan entered the door, Ballmer took his hand and greeted him warmly.

This feeling is like how Liu Bei subdued Zhao Zilong during the Three Kingdoms period, even sleeping on the same bed, and finally won Zhao Zilong's heart!

But Zhou Yuan doesn't have such a heavy taste. If Ballmer is a young and beautiful woman, he can think about it!

Ballmer even played the emotional card. In order to increase the success rate of Zhou Yuan, he also invited Boo Rake Griffin.

Griffin used to be teammates with Zhou Yuan in the Knicks, and they won championships together. The relationship between the two is pretty good. Today, he also came here as a lobbyist.

Zhou Yuan has no feelings for the team, but he still has a deep friendship with the teammates who fought side by side.

"Zhou! I won't go around the bush. In order to get you, we are doing our best to deal with De Andre's contract. It won't take long for us to have a lot of salary space."

"I know that for you, maybe there is nothing lacking, but our sincerity in wanting you is certain.

"As long as you can join, no matter what the conditions are, I will agree. M

……ask for flowers…

Ballmer looked at Zhou Yuan sincerely.

"Brother, I need you."

"I was young and energetic back then, and wanted to make a career out of myself, but now I regret it."

"I hope we can start all over again!"

Griffin also expressed his desire for Zhou Yuan.

But Zhou Yuan was not moved, and just savored the tea in his cup.

Ballmer and Griffin looked at each other, and started a new round of persuasion.

Zhou Yuan put down his cup and finally said, "I'm a more realistic person, so if you want to impress me, do something practical."

Three days later, a blockbuster swept across the entire United States!

Zhou Yuan updated his social account, but the content is only five words: Los Angeles Clippers!

Those five short words shocked countless people, because this was Zhou Yuan's final decision.

Almost at the same time, the Clippers' official website also confirmed the news.

And published a long article to welcome Zhou Yuan to join!

"I am very happy to play with Zhou Yuan, this will be the luckiest moment of my career!"

The head of the Clippers, Chris Paul, once the league's number one point guard, made a speech immediately.

"God! Thank you for reuniting me with my best brother in this place!"

Boo Rake Griffin also expressed his thoughts.

Although Zhou Yuan has retired for three years, he is actually only 26 years old now, and this is the beginning of a player's golden age.

Clippers players are already fantasizing about playing alongside Zhou Yuan.

Compared with the Lakers next door, the Clippers' current lineup is more attractive.

And after several seasons of running-in, there is no need to worry about the tacit understanding. The only thing they lack is a leader who leads them to win the championship.

Now, Zhou Yuan is here!

At this moment, Zhou Yuan was lying comfortably on the sofa, flipping through the contract in his hand.

On the additional page of the contract is a share transfer agreement.

The current owner of the Clippers, Ballmer, agreed to transfer 60% of the shares after Zhou Yuan retired, provided that he must bring the Clippers a championship.

This is the real reason why Zhou Yuan chose the Clippers!

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