Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 202 The Man Who Disappeared For Three Seasons Is Finally Back! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

"Zhou Yuan..."

In the conference room of the Lakers management, Jenny Buss almost exploded when she saw the news of Zhou Yuan joining the Clippers.

In her opinion, Zhou Yuan is Chi Guoguo against herself.

The Clippers and the Lakers are both in Los Angeles, but the Lakers have always been recognized as the king of Los Angeles.

Jenny Buss never expected that Zhou Yuan rejected her, turned around and fell into the arms of the Clippers. Isn't this clearly trying to squeeze out the Lakers' position as the King of Los Angeles?

In fact, Zhou Yuan gave her a chance when they met a few days ago, but she didn't cherish it herself.

Of course, she will not know what price the Clippers paid for Zhou Yuan, the team owner Ballmer.

Now, the news of Zhou Yuan's return to join the Los Angeles Clippers has become a fact.

No matter how angry Jenny Buss is, it will not help. The next most important thing is how to keep the position of the "537" Lakers in Los Angeles.

The news of Zhou Yuan's comeback shocked the entire league. This man who disappeared for a season is finally back!

For a while, many players expressed their opinions.

Stephen Curry, Stoudemire and others all expressed their congratulations.

The current NBA president Adam Xiaohua even published a long article in person, welcoming Zhou Yuan's return.

"Welcome back! The most incredible player in NBA history!"

"With you, the new season will be even more exciting!"

Of course, Zhou Yuan's comeback also means that the league may once again enter the stage of being ruled by him.

The former Zhou Yuan led the New York Knicks to create a dynasty. During those three years, the Knicks were the absolute masters in the league. No team was their opponent. Even the Big Five of the Lakers were broken up .

Now, Zhou Yuan parachuted into the Los Angeles Clippers, which immediately caused a heated discussion across the Internet.

"Zhou God! Eternal Yuan! The City of Air Pickup is about to take off!"

"It's back! Zhou Shen is really back!"

"Zhou Shen returns to his place, let the whole alliance tremble!"

"My brother Pao finally ushered in the strongest partner, and the championship is waving to him!"

It can be clearly seen that the fans of the Clippers are extremely excited. In their eyes, Zhou Yuan is equal to the championship.

The management personnel of the Clippers can't believe that all this is true until now, and the general manager of the team is so excited that he can't sleep at night.

They were still worrying about next season, after all, the Clippers have not been able to make a breakthrough for so many years.

But with the sudden arrival of Zhou Yuan, all the problems will no longer exist.

Their lineup is already very competitive, plus Zhou Yuan, it's perfect!

The start of the new NBA season is less than two months away.

Zhou Yuan's comeback completely plunged the league into a turbulent situation, and many powerful teams had to re-plan their transactions.

Especially the Warriors, as the defending champions, of course they still want to win the championship in the new season.

Originally, they only needed to retain their current strength, but now they must further strengthen the lineup.

"I have played beside Zhou Yuan, and I know him too well. With our current lineup, we absolutely cannot fight against him. We must seek more helpers."

This is what Stephen Curry, the head of the Warriors, said in person.

Back then, he and Klay Thompson won two consecutive championships with Zhou Yuan in the Knicks. Those were the two easiest seasons they played. With a little effort, they successfully realized their championship dream.

"Stephen is right, against Zhou Yuan, we alone are not enough."

Thompson also echoed.

As a result, the Warriors management set their sights on the Thunder's head star, Kevin Durant.

After Durant returned to the Thunder, he wanted to bring a championship to his old club, but he was always suppressed by the Warriors.

In addition, there have been some rifts between him and Westbrook, and the idea of ​​leaving the team once again came up.

It just so happened that the Warriors offered him an olive branch, and the two hit it off, and Durant agreed without hesitation.

In the past few days, there have been rumors of blockbuster deals in the league, and those teams that are expected to compete for the championship are all racking their brains and frantically carrying out reinforcement plans.

The same is true for the Cavaliers. James directly threatened the team's management to quickly reinforce it, and the management dared not refuse.

However, the Cavaliers now have very little room for manipulation. After the introduction of Jordan from the Clippers, there is almost no room for manipulation.

Now the management of the Cavaliers is like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry.

Not long ago, they were still happy to trade for Jordan, and they were even hailed by the media as the best deal of the off-season.

But now it seems that this is more stupid than a transaction...

The Clippers cleared Jordan just to welcome Zhou Yuan. If the Cavaliers didn't agree to the deal at the time, there wouldn't be so many things.

Even if Zhou Yuan joins another team, they still have room to operate, but now they are almost doomed.

In the past few days, Zhou Yuan has also been paying attention to the dynamics of the various teams in the league. When he saw these transactions, he was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the league for three seasons, he still has such a strong deterrent effect.

As soon as he came back, each of these teams panicked.

Zhou Yuan couldn't help recalling those days when he fought in the alliance, the corners of his mouth gradually raised a curve, that feeling was very good!

Immediately, he suddenly thought of something. He didn't know whether his various attributes would be affected if he didn't play for three seasons.

"View full properties panel."

With a thought in Zhou Yuan's mind, the long-lost voice sounded again in his mind!

【Ding! The full attribute panel is loading...】

Zhou Yuan is a little confused, what the hell is it loading?

But when he thought about it, maybe it was because he hadn't used the system for too long.

【Loading complete!】

In the next second, rows of data are displayed immediately.

Host: Zhou Yuan

Age: 26


Armspan: 238

Weight: 118kg


Restricted area: 90


Three-pointers: 91


Inside Footsteps: 88

Back hit 0.3:86

Rebounds: 92

Cover: 90

Steals: 88


Looking at the string of values, Zhou Yuan couldn't help frowning.

He remembered that in his last season with the Knicks, almost all the values ​​were close to full, even if they were not full, they were all above 95.

Now that he has retired for three years, these values ​​​​regressed a lot.

The only thing that has increased is his weight...

But it's normal to think about it carefully. After all, if you haven't played a game for three years, no matter how good you are, you will decline.

But even if it has dropped, his values ​​are not bad, and he is still a top existence in the league.

If nothing goes wrong, once Zhou Yuan starts playing, it won't take long for him to return to his peak level. .

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