Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 217 This Guy Is So Powerful...

In the first collision between the two sides, Zhou Yuan used 70% of his strength.

For the second collision that followed, he increased his force by 20% again.

This time, Cousins ​​was pushed back a step!

"Zhou Yuan's strength is really terrifying. He was able to push Cousins ​​back even though his weight was not dominant!"

"There are not many players in today's league who can stand up to Cousins!"

Seeing this scene, the commentator at the scene immediately called out.

"This guy is so powerful..."

Cousins ​​felt a bit of pain in his chest, and he was forcibly enduring the force.

If you don't hold on, it's not as simple as taking a step back.

Before Cousins' center of gravity had fully adjusted, Zhou Yuan suddenly turned around and hooked, and easily put the ball into the basket.

Cousins ​​was stunned, he was going to resist Zhou Yuan's third impact, but the opponent changed the way "HEE"

"This is what you call dominance in the penalty area? The reaction speed is so slow?"

As a time traveler, Zhou Yuan is of course very aware of this guy's temper, he just wants to piss off Cousins.

But what he didn't expect was that Cousins ​​ran towards the frontcourt without saying a word.

Damn! Did this guy take the wrong medicine today?

Zhou Yuan never expected that Cousins ​​could control his emotions.

On the sidelines, Pelicans coach Gentry breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Cousins ​​​​would be dazzled by anger.

"Strike! It's a strike!"

"Zhou Yuan cleverly used the gap time to form a small dislocation at the moment when he pushed the test, and scored the ball!"

"It's a fair shot!"

The smile on Zhang Lili's face became brighter.

Holiday continued to organize outside, and Cousins ​​fell into position early.

Facing Zhou Yuan's provocation just now, he looked calm on the surface, but in fact he was already very upset, so he had to teach Zhou Yuan a lesson.

"Give me the ball."

Cousins ​​reached out for the ball directly.

Holiday saw the opportunity, used a ground pass, and gave it to him accurately.

The players on both sides once again pulled aside tacitly.

Just now Zhou Yuan singled out Cousins, but now the roles of the two have been reversed, and it is Kaoshen's turn to attack.

The two are about the same height, but Cousins ​​is heavier than Zhou Yuan.

Relying on his own tonnage, Cousins ​​directly used his big butt to clear the way!

He pushed his back hard, but Zhou Yuan stood there without moving at all.

Cousins ​​was shocked again, but he didn't think much about it, and then continued to push up.

He pushed three times in a row, and his strength became stronger each time. When he pushed the third time, he exhausted all his strength.

Finally, Zhou Yuan's footsteps moved, but only half a step back.

"After DeMarcus's continuous thrusts, Zhou Yuan was finally pushed back!"

On the sidelines, after seeing this scene, the Pelicans players waved the towels in their hands, as if Cousins ​​had already scored the goal.

In fact, Zhou Yuan didn't need to retreat, if it wasn't for the embarrassing position of Cousins, who just hit his vital point, he could have stood up!

It seems that the bigger the better, sometimes too big is inconvenient!

Zhou Yuan made some adjustments, and took another small step forward, directly making up for the distance he had retreated just now.

Cousins's heart suddenly felt like a mess, I worked hard for a long time, but it was useless...

There was not much time left in the attack, and Cousins ​​​​had to choose a new method.

He feinted twice in a row, and Zhou Yuan deliberately gave him an opening.

Seeing that Zhou Yuan's center of gravity shifted, Cousins ​​seized the opportunity and shot immediately.



A crisp sound resounded above Kaoshen's head, and the basketball flew upside down.

"Nice hat!"

"Cousins' shot was caught by Zhou Yuan!"

"Zhou Yuan's defensive sense is so good, Kaoshen probably didn't expect that Zhou Yuan had already been swayed, but he was blocked in the end.

The basketball flew out of the sideline, leaving only a second for the Pelicans.

After they sent a sideline kick, Holiday could only get one on the outside.

The basketball bounced out of the frame.

Under the basket, four inside players huddled together to fight for the rebound.

When the basketball fell, the four of them saw the timing and took off almost at the same time.

Zhou Yuan's terrifying jumping ability crushed the crowd in an instant "rebounding in chaos!

"It has to be Zhou Yuan!"

"Tsk tsk! This wingspan, this bounce!"

"If you don't have an absolute height advantage, don't even think about grabbing a rebound in front of him."

The game continued to attack, and the Clippers pushed back.

During the march, Paul connected Zhou Yuan to complete the first alley-oop between them in this competition!

In the next round, Paul completed a steal on the outside, and the alley-oop 2.0 was staged!


Less than two minutes into the game, the Clippers took a 6-point lead.

Cousins ​​couldn't score on the offensive end, and was suppressed by Zhou Yuan on the defensive end. His anger value was rising rapidly.

At the beginning of the scene, Kaoshen's expression was relatively calm, but now the anger on his face can be clearly seen.

On the sidelines, Coach Gentry was hesitating whether to call a timeout. After all, it was only two minutes into the game, so it was too early to call a timeout.

At this moment, All-Star point guard Holiday stepped forward, faced Paul's defense, and directly scored a long-range three-pointer.

The counter flashes.


The point difference was narrowed to three points, which temporarily solved the urgent problem of the Pelicans.

But the next attack by Zhou Yuan directly exploded Kao Shen's anger value!

At the basket, Zhou Yuan once again held the ball and tried his best.

The angry Kao Shen said that he didn't want Zhou Yuan to score again.

After he stabilized his footsteps, he firmly pressed his elbow on Zhou Yuan's waist.

And his knee is still pressing on Zhou Yuan's calf, restricting his movements as much as possible.

Cousins ​​almost made the best defense he could do, and he couldn't believe that Zhou Yuan could still score in front of him.

But the reality is often cruel. He thinks he has achieved the ultimate defense of 3.2, but in Zhou Yuan's eyes, it is just a little bit of a hindrance.

Zhou Yuan no longer kept it, and launched an attack with all his strength.

When he hit Cousins ​​with 100% of his strength, the latter was knocked to the ground on the spot!



"Zhou Yuan overturned DeMarcus!"

The on-site commentator exclaimed as if he saw a ghost at the same time!

They couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes!

The fans in the auditorium also screamed again and again, which will definitely be the best shot tonight.


There was a huge explosion sound.

Cousins ​​was lying on the floor, just forming an angle of looking up, like a scene where a loser is looking up at a winner.

This scene was captured by the big cameraman on the sidelines, and today's hot news material is decided to be this one!.

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