Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 218 Too Strong! Too Strong! Zhou God Is Invincible!

"Oh! This is incredible!"

"Zhou Yuan actually overthrew Cousins ​​all at once, how powerful it must be!"

In the Huaxia Teng X sports live broadcast room, Zhang Lili let out an exclamation immediately after seeing this scene.

"I don't know if Cousins ​​is involved in diving this time, if not, then Zhou Yuan's strength is really terrifying.

Yang Yi was also extremely surprised.

Looking at the entire current league, apart from Zhou Yuan, there is really no one who can overwhelm Cousins.

The Huaxia fans in front of the screen were extremely excited.

"God Zhou, Yuan forever!!"

"Too strong! Too strong! Zhou Shen is invincible!"

"When Kao Shen meets Zhou Shen, he will only be hanged and beaten!"

"Cousins ​​is probably confused now, let's see if he dares to say that he is the number one center in the league.

The camera returns to the field.

In the audience in the front row, the screams of the three Kardashian sisters never stopped.

From the moment Zhou Yuan entered the arena, their eyes have been fixed on him.

"As expected of our man, he is tough!"

On the other side of the auditorium, a black-haired Chinese woman was sitting, and she was taking pictures of Zhou Yuan with her mobile phone.

This woman is Yang Chaoyue, but now she has not officially debuted, she is still a trainee, and she is almost always training in dance and music on weekdays.

Recently, she used her vacation time to come to the United States for vacation, and she can also relax properly.

Her first itinerary is to come to watch Zhou Yuan's game live.

As early as six years ago, when Zhou Yuan led the New York Knicks to win the championship, she had become a fan of Zhou Yuan.

From now on, whenever she has time, she will watch Zhou Yuan's competition.

For a long time, she wanted to watch a game on the spot, but she didn't have a chance.

And now, this wish has finally come true.

When she saw Zhou Yuan's outstanding performance on the field, the excitement was written all over her face!

At the beginning, she was still a little uncomfortable with the on-site environment. After all, this is the country of the United States, and there is still a big difference from China.

However, she was soon overwhelmed by the fans around her, and she would shout Zhou Yuan's name loudly along with those fans.

The game continued.

Cousins ​​was knocked down and autistic at the basket. Fortunately, Davis and Holiday's performances were fairly stable, and they used their personal abilities to help the team score, which did not allow the point difference to be widened too much.

Brother Nongmei is in excellent form in this game, and it is difficult for Griffin to limit him alone.

Another turnaround jumper hit, and Griffin was shot in the face.

Davis has already played out his experience in beating Griffin, which is to bully Griffin's shortness.

In the next round, Davis singled Griffin again.

The same position, the same action, turn over and shoot a jump shot at a 45-degree angle on the left.

Griffin struggled to take off, but was still short...

However, the moment the basketball left the fingertips, it flew upside down towards the auditorium.

It turned out that at the moment Davis turned over, Zhou Yuan on the inside had already rushed over at the fastest speed.

Davis didn't realize it in time, after he made a move, Zhou Yuan seized this opportunity and treated him to a big hot pot meal!

Coincidentally, the fanned basketball just flew in the direction of Yang Chaoyue.

At this time, Yang Chaoyue was still photographing Zhou Yuan, but suddenly a basketball appeared in the lens of her mobile phone.

Because this scene happened so fast, Yang Chaoyue didn't even have time to react, and she was instantly frightened to death.


She let out an exclamation, and before she had time to dodge, she was hit by the basketball.

The mobile phone in my hand was also smashed, and the screen was knocked on the corner of the steps, and it was directly smashed...

Yang Chaoyue was obviously frightened, and stood there in a daze, still thinking about what happened just now.

This scene was also captured by the camera on the sidelines.

Yang Chaoyue's figure immediately appeared on the big screen above the court.

The fans at the scene didn't react much, after all, this is a relatively normal situation.

The Huaxia fans immediately became excited.

"Wow! Who is this girl? So cute!"

"I don't know, maybe it's a local overseas student, but she looks really good!"

"However, she is unlucky. There are so many spectators on the sidelines, but she just hit her!"

"Her expression is so cute, I love it!"

For a moment, the Huaxia fans in front of the screen were all attracted by this close-up shot.

Most of the players who watch football are boys. For men, this is the normal reaction to seeing beautiful women.

It's just that Yang Chaoyue hasn't made her debut yet, and she's not well-known, so everyone doesn't know her yet.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

A voice suddenly rang in Yang Chaoyue's ear, and she was startled before she came back to her senses.

As a result, she took a closer look and was stunned for an instant. The person standing in front of her was Zhou Yuan.

The first time I had close contact with an idol, it happened without warning.

For a young girl in adolescence, this is simply irresistible.

At this time, Zhou Yuan took a closer look at her.

Zhou Yuan was also taken aback when he saw the thick face of this Huaxia woman.

Isn't this Yang Chaoyue?

Zhou Yuan wondered if he was delusional, he blinked quickly to make sure that he was not mistaken, it was definitely Yang Chaoyue.

How did she come here? She should not have debuted at this time, right?

660 was puzzled in Zhou Yuan's heart, but he was still in the game, so he didn't have much time to chat.

Zhou Yuan leaned over to pick up the basketball on the ground, and picked up Yang Chaoyue's dropped phone by the way.

It's just that he felt that something was wrong, and when he looked down, he found that the screen of the phone was broken.

Zhou Yuan handed the phone to Yang Chaoyue, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I broke your phone, don't leave after the game, I'll pay you for a new one.

After saying this, Zhou Yuan returned to the court with the basketball in his hand.

Yang Chaoyue was still in a daze, until the referee blew the whistle, and she gradually recovered.

She glanced at the broken screen of the mobile phone in her hand, subconsciously turned on the screen, but it was completely dark, it was completely broken.

Wouldn't the video I recorded just now be lost?

Thinking of this, Yang Chaoyue's mood is not beautiful in an instant.

But she suddenly remembered something again, did Zhou Yuan talk to herself just now? But she didn't seem to understand what was said, or she heard it clearly, but didn't remember it.

Yang Chaoyue regretted it, she finally had the opportunity to get in touch with Zhou Yuan, but she just missed it...

A few minutes later, the first quarter ended.


The Clippers, playing at home, took a 7-point lead. .

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