Nba: The Opening Sign To The Finals Tiebreaker

Chapter 255: The Great Demon King Of The Alliance

Chapter 255

"Zhou Shen is really amazing, he has achieved so many achievements in his first season back.

"Compared to three years ago, his dominance has not declined at all!"

"Needless to say, the regular season MVP and the best defensive player must also be Zhou Shen."

"That is necessary. Who is the God of Zhou in my family? Is it comparable to others?"

"The only suspense now is to see if the Clippers can reach the Finals and win the O'Brian Cup this season."

"It must be obtained. There is no surprise for Zhou Shen. May I ask which team in the league can compete with the current Clippers? The Warriors can't do it either!"

After hearing the news, Huaxia's fans immediately set off a wave of discussion.

The NBA playoffs are in full swing, but the Clippers have entered the second round early, waiting for the arrival of their opponents.

A few days later, the Houston Rockets and Utah Jazz started the sixth game of the first round.

In the previous five games, the Houston Rockets led the Utah Jazz 3:2 and took the lead in getting the match point.

Tonight's game is very important for both sides, especially for the Utah Jazz 900, once they lose, they will be eliminated.

Therefore, the game was played very intensely from the very beginning.

The two sides trembled throughout the entire game, and it was not until the last moment that the winner was decided.

In the critical last minute, James Harden stepped forward and penetrated the opponent with a ruthless three-pointer, helping the team win the game.

In the end, the Houston Rockets eliminated the Utah Jazz 4:2 and successfully advanced to the second round.

However, after winning the game, the Rockets players did not show how happy they were, because their next opponent was the Los Angeles Clippers.

This is a stronger opponent than the Golden State Warriors, so they felt tremendous pressure the moment they won the game.

At the post-match press conference, reporters asked a series of questions.

"Coach D'Antoni, what does advancing to the second round mean to you guys?"

Mike D'Antoni touched his mustache, and then said seriously: "It means that we will face a more difficult challenge, perhaps the most difficult challenge."

"The strength of the current Clippers team is very strong, even comparable to the New York Knicks three years ago."

"So, when you face such an opponent, you only have to go all out to have a chance.

Subsequently, the reporter turned the camera to James Harden.

"James, what kind of performance do you think you need to play in the next round to lead the team to win?"

Harden took a deep breath, then shook his head: "To be honest, I'm not sure what kind of performance I will play, but I believe that as long as each of us plays well, we still have a chance to win."

"I admit that Zhou Yuan is very strong, and when combined with Chris Paul and Rake Griffin, the combination of these three people is very unsolvable.

"But we are not vegetarian, I also have a group of great teammates."

As Harden spoke, he turned his gaze to Capela and Anderson.

These two are the inside pillars of the Rockets, especially Capela, nicknamed the "Cake King". Although the ability to attack independently is not strong, there is absolutely no problem with the skill of eating cakes.

"That's right, we have the confidence to beat Zhou Yuan!"

Capella immediately echoed. In fact, he was still quite flustered.

On the other hand, Ryan Anderson seemed calmer. He said: "There are no weak teams in the playoffs. Maybe many insiders are afraid of Zhou Yuan, but I have never been afraid."

"In the next round, I'll kill him with a shot."

Anderson's words were very confident, which surprised everyone at the scene, including the reporters.

But if you think about it carefully, this is not impossible. This season Anderson's shooting rate is very impressive, with a three-point shooting rate of 42 (badg)%, making him the most accurate shooter in the Rockets.

More importantly, he has the height of an inside player, so it is more difficult to be disturbed when shooting from the outside. In other words, he is a big threat as long as he stands on the outside.

As we all know, the Rockets this season are a team that pays great attention to three-point shots. Their average number of three-point shots per game is even more than that of the Warriors, and most of them have a considerable shooting percentage.

In contrast, the Los Angeles Clippers' offense is more inclined to the inside, so the duel between them is still worth looking forward to.

"Ryan said it very well "We will use our own way to take down this big devil!"

It was Eric Gordon who was speaking at this time. He was the league's best sixth man this season and the super killer on the Rockets' bench.

Gordon compared the Clippers to the big devil of the league. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is very vivid.

During the regular season, when many teams talk about the Clippers, their expressions have changed drastically. No one wants to play against them, because the end is often very miserable, so it is not too much to call them the "big devil" .

The United States, Los Angeles, Zhou Yuan's Villa C.

"Honey! Wake up! Don't sleep!"

Kristen Stewart kept shaking Zhou Yuan who was still sleeping soundly.

"What's wrong? An earthquake?"

Zhou Yuan, who was doing it in his sleep, looked dazed. He just felt his body shake and thought it was an earthquake.

"What earthquake?"

"It's your second-round opponent who came out."

"It's the Houston Rockets."

Kristen Stewart held the phone in front of Zhou Yuan and shook it.


Zhou Yuan responded, and immediately fell asleep.

Seeing this scene, Stewart was speechless for a while, this is the opponent of the Clippers in the second round, is this guy not worried at all?

She thought about it, and decided to wake Zhou Yuan up again: "Don't sleep, the second round will be played in a few days, the Rockets are still very good, you don't hurry to prepare, and then you will lose what to do?"

Stuart kept chattering in Zhou Yuan's ear, making it difficult for him to sleep.

In anger, he got up directly, and rubbed Stewart under his body.

There were voices begging for mercy in the room, but the fire in Zhou Yuan's heart was still hard to dissipate, and it took her a whole morning before she would give up.

After finishing, the radiant Zhou Yuan went to rinse briefly, and he remembered what Kristen Stewart said.

Their opponent in the next round is the Houston Rockets, and James Harden is on Zhou Yuan's mind.

Since he left the Thunder, he has gradually grown into a superstar in the league. His Pingci skills are quite good, he can be called the ceiling of the Pingci world, and he is even called the number one player in the league today.

But in Zhou Yuan's opinion, this guy is nothing!.

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